Published at 4th of March 2024 06:21:14 AM

Chapter 107

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Chapter 107: A Month Later (2)

The Senju Pirates' tour around the Calm Belt took more than the planned 20 days, just a few more days. However, they were now finished with their adventure.

Sadly, as one may expect, there had been no development in their search for the legendary Emerald City. At least they were certain it wasn't located on either side of the Calm Belts that are located in Paradise. That left the two belts located in the New World, which were sure to house the city.

Whatever the case, the Senju Pirates were now ready to leave for the New World. It was honestly sudden, but Hashirama could only waste so much time here – given it wasn't very enjoyable on this side of the sea with his power level. Plus, the sudden tournament thing.

So, whatever little regrets he had left on this side of the sea had to wait for the future. Now, the larger world awaited him.

Or at least that was what Hashirama thought at first.

"Sorry, but there isn't much time left. We need to hurry, and going through the usual Fishman Island route will take days. So I suggest we use the official, Marine pathway to cross to the other side. As a Warlord, I can use that route. Sadly, that means we can't take your ship, you'll have to sail on the Kuja Pirate ship." was what Hancock said.

Which meant they would be leaving their reliable Sail of Ohara behind. Which in turn meant, after the tournament would finish, they would have to return to Paradise, and from there they could always take the usual route.

Meaning, their journey will continue in the classical way. Hashirama couldn't say he minded. So, he maneuvered the ship to Amazon Lily at top speed, reaching the island in mere hours from hundreds of kilometers away.

"So the plan is, we crash into Doffy's little tournament, mess it up badly, and then we return back here?"

"Sounds fine to me."

The girls agreed too, as the ship stopped at the dock of Amazon Lily. Islanders had already begun to gather at the scene, peeking to have a look at their Empress, and Hashirama too for some reason.

The crew waited, as did Hancock, until the main members of the Kuja Pirates were seen running here.


Two voices resonated in the air and all of them blinked, staring at the scene ahead.

"Sister, you're back!"

The Kuja Pirates were led by two tall women who ran at the front, and at their tail was an old lady, walking fast but not running. She wore a mad scowl, glaring at Hancock and Hashirama.

However, both Hashirama and Hancock didn't pay her any attention. All four of their eyes were locked on two women yelling 'sister!' as they ran towards the ship.

One with green hair, and another with ginger, wearing bikinis with overcoats on their shoulders. Their beauty far surpassed the average Amazonian, their faces a lot prettier beautiful than anyone else outside this ship.

Still, Hashirama and Hancock recognized them. And that was what caused the shock. Their curvy bodies, ready to put any supermodel to shame, were not what they were expecting to see attached to their identity.

Boa Sandersonia and Boa Marigold had gone through a massive glow-up.

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