Published at 9th of February 2024 06:38:53 AM

Chapter 25

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After a time, Jogid arrived, ready to report on his progress. Kaito excused himself, allowing Zenith to bask in the children’s happy laughter at her more elaborate woven art taking shape through the branches. Most kids had finished their braided flower crowns and leaf shapes, and were proudly showing them off to have them praised, but Zenith continued helping one particular girl, who seemed to struggle more than the others. Meanwhile, Portia and Angelina had gone off to Josey’s shop to get more supplies for the next activity.

Jogid led Kaito along the main path, while townsfolk darted about, adding the finishing touches.

The most captivating area of the village square was the stage, for it incorporated the large ancient tree at its center. Its leaves hadn’t fallen, since the calmo tree was filled with so much mana that it never experienced abscission. In addition, its enchanted branches would keep the stage warm and well-lit.

“These over here are elven-made,” Jogid said. “As crowds gather, they will glow brighter, welcoming our guests. They’ll also be placed between each vendor stall. Keeps the streets warm and illuminated. And thanks to the vouchers we sold to Eastscar, we were able to buy a few extra.”

“You’ve outdone yourself, Jogid.”

And sure enough, today was probably the coldest day of fall, yet Kaito had to remove his cloak due to the heat he felt while walking around the plaza amidst all those lanterns. The normally modest village square was decked out with vibrant red, green and gold banners strung everywhere.

They came to a booth with emerald curtains. Under the smell of sawdust and fresh paint, a sugary scent spilled out.

Jogid pulled the cloth aside. “Here’s where the baking competition will be held.”

“Enchanted countertops?” Kaito asked, feeling the warmth coming off the magical surface. “Very convenient to keep the pastries warm. Ingenious, but are there any concerns about fire hazards with these enchantments?”

“Ah, a valid concern, Great Master,” Jogid admitted, “but we've taken care of that. These countertops are enchanted with both warmth and safety spells. They maintain a consistent temperature that's just enough to keep the pastries warm without any risk of igniting anything”

“Excellent! I've been perfecting a special pastry for the festival. I'm quite excited to see how it fares in the contest.” He paused. “Actually, I'm especially looking forward to Mayor Zenith trying it. I've incorporated a flavor I think she'll particularly enjoy.”

Jogid nodded. “That sounds wonderful, Master. I'm sure Mayor Zenith will be delighted to taste your creation.”

“A special pastry for me, is it now, Kaito?” Zenith asked. She was suddenly standing behind them with a playful smirk.

“Oh. Hey Zee. I was just, well, eager for some constructive feedback before the baking competition…”

“Master Jogid, I left the children working on a new activity. Can you see if they need any help, while Kaito and I ensure this booth is ready for the contest?” she asked politely.

“Of course, my lady.” With a respectful nod, Jogid turned and walked away.

Zenith glanced around before letting the booth's curtains fall closed behind her. Throwing her arms around Kaito’s shoulders, she pressed her lips to his.

He didn’t know if it was because of the nearby baking ingredients, but her kiss was sweeter than usual. With a flick of his finger he injected a drop of mana onto the countertop and placed her delicately on the magical surface.

The enchanted countertop responded to her presence, maintaining a comfortable warmth beneath her.

When they finally parted, flushed and unsteady, her voice had dropped an octave lower. “You’ll have to let me try those pastries later... to make sure they’re ready for the festival, of course.”

“Of course,” Kaito laughed, nodding eagerly through flushed cheeks at the indirect suggestion.

The mayor opened the booth’s curtain with a smile and marched away.


Zenith leaned back in satisfaction, sitting on a bench at the edge of the plaza. She would have fallen asleep right there, if she hadn’t promised the kids that she would play with them again.

Her lunch had been pleasant, delicious, and exactly what she was looking for. Just last week, Finn had desperately needed assistance with filing a mountain of paperwork for an upcoming culinary conference. With the deadline fast approaching, he had come begging Zenith to bail him out. After an hour of sorting through his disaster of an office, she'd helped the beloved chef get all the documentation submitted properly and on time. And today, she was collecting on that debt: one serving of golden basilisk pudding. Zenith cherished the opportunity to treat the kids in the village square to the exotic pudding. Thanks to Finn repaying his favor, they were all enjoying an extra special taste of luxury.

Which of course, disappeared swifter than an invisibility potion taking effect.

And now the mayor was startled out of her reverie when two of the boys began shouting and shoving each other. There was only one spoonful of pudding left and both kids felt entitled to it.

She dipped her finger in the custard and booped each boy on the nose, eliciting a pair of giggles.

With the crisis averted and bellies full of sugar, Zenith and kids continued decorating their assigned section of the square. The little tykes laughed and dashed about, using their crafty skills to liven up the place.

They strung up flower garlands on the lampposts and painted bright, fun murals on long canvas banners to hang around.

Before dusk settled in, folks gradually showed up to take most of the tuckered out kids home. The young ones begged Zenith to come play again tomorrow before their grateful parents shuffled them off to bed.

Soon just a few remained, snoozing curled up on benches or slumped against the flowery trees. Zenith gazed affectionately at their sweet sleeping faces, all rosy and peaceful.

She placed a few of Jogid’s lanterns near the three remaining kids. These were actually a good investment, they really work. Even she wanted to curl up and snooze it out until tomorrow.

As the last children left, one small elf girl remained tucked on a bench, knees curled to her chest.

“Zinnia, are you waiting for your Aunt Mae still?” Zenith asked gently.

The girl nodded, eyes downcast. “Yeah, but she won't finish work until very late…”

She took a seat beside the young elf. “Well, we shall keep each other company then.” She bumped the girl playfully with her shoulder. “So, did you have fun today?”

“Yes Miss Zenith!” the girl nodded. “Um, could you tell me more…about elf customs? I don’t know much about them.”

“Certainly, I'd be happy to teach you if you're interested!” she said enthusiastically. “I could tell you about the Gift of the Forest tradition. Do you know that one?”

“Um, no. What’s that?”

“It’s a beautiful custom,” Zenith explained. “Each year, every family in the elf community crafts a natural gift, something made from what the forest provides us. It could be wood carvings, woven baskets, or even herbal mixtures. We then exchange these gifts in a special ceremony that celebrates our craftsmanship and the forest’s generosity.”

“That sounds amazing. Do you think…could we make gifts too? I mean…we are the only elves in the village,” Zinnia said shyly.

“I think that’s a wonderful idea. How about we make gifts for each other this year?”

“Really?” Zennia's face lit up, “Yes, please! Let’s do it!” Her shyness vanished.

Zenith reached out, gently ruffling Zennia’s hair. “Then it’s settled. We’ll gather some materials tomorrow and start creating our gifts. It’ll be our little project for the festival.”


Kaito was on his way to his office to balance financial sheets when he spotted a small group gathered across from the village hall building. Squinting, he recognized the elderly Lotho leading them through a series of familiar sharp steps and sudden ground touches.

Combat training?

Yes! That’s exactly it. It’s an ancient tradition that…dates back to Calmo village first settlers.

A few more seconds shook his memory. Years ago, during his travels, he had come across practitioners of an obscure but highly effective martial art known as the dancing ember style. Its explosive power and evasiveness intrigued him enough to seek out a master and learn the basics.

I remember these moves—the ‘ember assault style’—I studied them under the tutelage of the great sensei Hirotomo.

Here comes the nostalgia train, choo choo!

Now seeing these familiar patterns, Kaito changed direction and headed over. “Good morning, Mister Lotho! I see you have some students today."

Lotho paused and smiled, mopping sweat from his wrinkled brow. “Ah, Master Kaito! Just showing some of the young folk a thing or two about the ember step. We always show it during the festival.”

If they’re so eager to learn, I’m sure they would benefit from Precision Strikes.

I got you.

[Special Technique: Precision Strikes - Tier 10 Level 5, NCV 100] - An elite combat technique that showcases the pinnacle of targeted magical assaults. This technique utilizes an advanced form of Air IDM, allowing the user to strike with pinpoint accuracy and devastating effect.

Kaito nodded slowly, his hunch confirmed. “The ember step? I am familiar with its style.” He gestured politely to the group. “May I demonstrate an advanced variation? I learned an interesting technique long ago that I believe will augment your art.”

“By the gods! I would be honored," Lotho said, eyes wide. He turned eagerly to his pupils. "Make room, everyone. Master Kaito will show us something extraordinary!”

As the group shuffled back, Kaito flowed through the foundational steps of the ember style. “Observe the positioning of the feet,” he instructed. “The move relies on lightning fast pivots and drags for elegant motion.” He then launched himself into the air, his body corkscrewing as his leg lashed out in a devastating whip kick. He landed lightly as a feather.

[Special Technique: Whirlwind Lash - Tier 10 Level 5, NCV 100] - A formidable technique that unleashes a tempestuous onslaught of wind and energy. It combines Air and Energy IDM to create a vortex of destructive power.

“Incredible!” Lotho exclaimed as the onlookers broke into awed murmurs. “You must teach me that move at once!”

He gave a short bow and gestured to the cleared space. “It would be my pleasure. Join me…”

Kaito sank into a fighting stance across from Lotho, balancing lightly on the balls of his feet.

At an unseen signal, Kaito exploded into motion. He targeted Lotho with precise knife-hand chops at the neck and temple, following up with spinning heel kicks aimed for the knee and solar plexus.

Maybe I’m pushing Lotho too hard. I should dial back.

No need! I'll start calculating the medical expenses now.

Lotho's eyes grew wide in surprise at Kaito's ferocity. Gnarled hands wove an intricate defense, deflecting each blow by a hair's width.

“Take it easy on this old man. We’re just practicing!” Lotho admonished with a wheezing breath after barely ducking under a vicious elbow strike.

May I suggest [Special Technique: Death Touch - Tier 15 Level 10, NCV 500] - An extraordinary and forbidden technique that transcends conventional magical limits. It employs a blend of Shadow and Forbidden IDM, allowing the user to extinguish life with a mere touch.

Kaito suddenly stepped apart. You’re right, Karen. I got carried away.

Wait, you’re not using the good ol' Death Touch technique? Just a quick two-fingered jab

I'm not actually trying to kill my friend here, Karen!

Oh fine, take all the fun out of it. It's not like the geezer would feel much anyway with those cataracts he's rocking. I'm just saying, offer's on the table if you change your mind.


“What are they doing? A woman asked. “Weren’t they practicing the ember step dance?”

“It must be new,” said a man. “And look at those moves! Kaito's like a gust of wind, and Lotho, well... he's surprisingly agile for his age.”

Brena cut in. “Ah, you two are witnessing something quite rare. If I had to guess, I'd say it's an elaborate courtship dance. I’ve only seen it once in my youth.”

The man and the woman turned to Brena in disbelief. “Courtship? Between Master Kaito and Mister Lotho?”

Brena nodded sagely. “Love knows no bounds, and certainly no age. Perhaps it's their way of expressing mutual admiration. Kaito is in the prime of his youth, and Lotho, at 106 years old, has the wisdom of the ages.”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!