Published at 14th of August 2023 06:56:38 AM

Chapter 6

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At about 10:02 I made it to the calligraphy classroom and nabbed myself a seat that was located towards the back of the room.

A couple students acknowledged my presence the moment I got there but then almost immediately went back to what they were doing prior to my arrival.

Not that I really minded though, I kinda enjoyed being somewhat invisible in my calligraphy class. 

As that meant that I didn’t have to answer any awkward questions or listen to people drone on about stuff that I couldn't care less about.

And it wasn’t like I was popular or anything in my other life either.

Come to think of it, right now my social status was basically the same as it had been in my previous life.

A few seconds later the teacher arrived with a cheap cup of coffee in one hand and a worn out clipboard in the other.

He seemed to be a tad sleepier than usual. 

Which was a pretty good sign, as while he already barely hands out any work whatsoever, he tends to give out even less work when he’s tired.

“Alright class today we’re just going to go over what we did on Monday.”

He said in a bit of a lethargic voice, before setting down his things and getting on with today’s lecture.

A wave of relief washed over me.

All we really did on Monday was practice forging the signatures of some dead rich guys. Which was basically just tracing with extra steps.

And since the teacher didn’t pass out any worksheets to supplement his lecture, this meant that I could just check out for the rest of the class period without any consequences at all.

After I had realized that, I cracked open the novel I had picked up from the library a week ago and got a bit more comfortable in my seat.

The book was titled Jar of Memories and had a brightly illustrated cover, unlike most of the other novels that were in the library.

It had been recommended to me by Lucia, on the grounds that it had well fleshed out characters and took place in an interesting setting.

Of course I took her review with a grain of salt, considering that her track record when it comes to finding good romance novels wasn’t the best.

Though this didn't mean that I had gone into the novel with low expectations. 

If Lucia could enjoy the novel, even with her subpar deduction skills, lack of common sense and poor understanding of cliches, why wouldn’t I enjoy it?

And for the first few pages, I was right. 

The characters’ personalities were pretty well written and the atmosphere was engaging.

However, halfway through, my interest in the novel as a whole waned.

Don’t get me wrong, I definitely still wanted to finish the novel, but the amount of drive I had was diminished.

Perhaps it was because the stakes kept growing to outlandish proportions as time went on or maybe it was something else entirely?

Before I could finish these thoughts, the school’s bells tolled once more and indicated that the lunch break had begun. 

Which caught me a bit off guard as I could’ve sworn that the class period had only just started a few minutes ago. 

Guess I was mistaken.

A few seconds after the bells had rung, I packed up my things and skittered out of the classroom.

If it hadn’t been for a certain someone, I would probably be headed towards the library right now.

But since that wasn’t the case, currently I was instead walking toward the path that Lucia and I usually took to get our lunches.

As by now I had realized that there was no point in me going to the library during the lunch period if I was just gonna be dragged out moments later.

Due to the school being more crowded than usual, it took a while for me to get to the rendezvous point.

Well at least the groundskeeper was finally starting to get good at doing their job, as I didn’t encounter much mud at all on my way there.

The second I arrived, I came face to face with a slightly annoyed Lucia.

“Would it kill you to be punctual for once Otto?”

Lucia said with a bit of annoyance in her voice.

“No one’s forcing you to have lunch with me everyday you know?”

I replied.

“If I didn’t have lunch with you everyday, you’d probably just skip out on lunch everyday and then die of malnutrition.”

“…Aren’t you exaggerating a little?”


She remarked before grabbing me by the wrist and leading me to the lunch line.

It was slightly longer than usual, as a vendor had quit recently and the school still hadn’t gotten around to replacing them yet. 

After standing idly by for about 5 seconds, Lucia and I got a bit bored.

So we decided to just start talking about the novels we had recently read to pass the time.

It didn’t take that long for the conversation to get heated. 

“The fuck do you mean Charlotte should’ve ended up with Mateo?”

“What’s wrong with liking Charlotte?”

“She’s literally the only person in the book that I can’t stand.”

“Yeah that checks out.”

I said flatly.

In response, Lucia tilted her head a little to the left.

“I mean she was the only sane person in the novel after all.”

“Oh go to hell!”

She said, with a bit of vexation in her voice before tugging on my collar. 

“Gladly, at least then I wouldn’t have to deal with you anymore.”

I said, derisively. 

“Why you-“

Before Lucia was able to finish her response, another voice entered the fray. 

“It’s nice that y’all are close and all but you’re holding up the line.”

Its source was the person who was currently working at the food booth...that was directly in front of us.

...Why is it that lines only seem to move when I’m not paying attention?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!