Leanna by Miu - Chapter 47

Published at 6th of December 2019 10:05:57 AM

Chapter 47

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"Brother!! My God, I've been contacting you for ages!! Where are you?!! Whatever you do, don't come home! Mother and Father are throwing a fit right now!! Why didn't you tell me that you'll break your engagement?! This is like the helm of the gossip news!!! Ooooohhh~ wait when I tell Uncle Hardin about this! It will be another boost to our Platinum entertai--!"

"Estela." Cain softly interrupted his little sister.

"Tell Uncle Hardin not to spread the news yet. Not until the day after tomorrow."

"Why?"! This is a big scoop!! What if others beat us to it?!"

"I've already asked Zhane to take care of any leak. Wait for my signal to break the news. I don't want any paparazzi disturbing me tomorrow."

Estela was quiet for a moment. Then she suddenly screamed.

Expected that this would happen, Cain instantly pulled the phone away from his ears.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! The reason why you broke your engagement is that, it has something to do with you tomorrow, right?!!! You have to tell me!! I'm dying from suspense here!! Tell me who she is!! Spit it out! NOW!"

He smiled.

No less from his little sister.

Ever since their father became sickly, he was trained to take over the family business at a young age. His naturally born cold personality became even more frozen to the point that almost all people became afraid of him, even his parents.

Only this girl, his little sister would annoy him when others cowered into hiding from his presence.

Growing up together, she developed some kind of ability to accurately guess his actions and gestures since he didn't like to speak much.

"I'm nearing home, tell mother and father to wait for me in the study."

"Wait! Brother! Don't--!"

Estela didn't finish speaking when he ended the call.

He leaned on the couch and stared at the Fay's family mansion ahead.

It had been months since he had last returned home.


The study room at the Fay's family mansion was eerily quiet like a century old hunted place. Even though the air-conditioning was off, the temperature was chilly cold, like any moment, it would drop below freezing point.

Estela Fay was sweating profusely, looking at the two men staring at each other in silence. They seemed to be talking with their mouth closed.

Jin Li, their family psychiatrist, was also present.

Estela was a little lost as to why his brother called for their psychiatrist to attend a private family confrontation.

Finally, Lily Fay couldn't stand the silence anymore.

"Cain, why did you suddenly broke the engagement without saying a word? You were fine with it for five years. To suddenly break it now--"

"I found someone I like." Cain cut her off.

With just his short sentence, all the whys have been answered.

Hynes and Lily were taken aback. They couldn't believe that their asexual son had fallen for someone.

Five years ago, when they consulted for their only son's issue in lack of interest for women and sexual desires, they had been worried and anxious to know that their only son was diagnosed as asexual.

Determined not to end the bloodline and worried for their son's future, especially their future grandchildren, they set an engagement to their longtime business partner's daughter. However, since Holley Goldwood was still a minor at that time, they waited for her to turn eighteen.

Just one more year.

Hynes Fay curiosity won and finally spoke.

"It's a woman, right?"

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