Published at 24th of January 2024 11:36:53 AM

Chapter 269

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Mi Xiaojing had been teased by this woman several times already, and it wasn't even directed at him. This time, Wei Zhen directly cooed at Mi Xiaojing, watching him with an awkward and helpless expression. Yong Ji finally couldn't hold back and burst into laughter.

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"Haha, my dear girl, don't flirt so carelessly, he's still just a big kid."

Wei Zhen couldn't help but laugh as well. She was deliberately teasing him; firstly, because she had made a good profit and was in a good mood, and secondly, she had noticed that Mi Xiaojing was a little tycoon. With the mindset of not missing any opportunity that comes her way, she decided to flirt with him first.

Mi Xiaojing said, "Since we've rented the small Flying Boat, let's go!"

If they stayed any longer, who knew what else this woman would do? Encountering such a female Cultivator for the first time in his life, Mi Xiaojing felt very uncomfortable.


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