Published at 7th of November 2022 01:00:41 PM

Chapter 67

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“I am investing my money in you, Miss Lariette, to solve the food shortage crisis of the Eastern Lands.”

Amber directly revealed her objective.

“S-Solve the food shortage?”Lariette was so surprised that she couldn’t even answer properly and sat there with her mouth open.

“I called you here separately because I wanted to say this. What I am about to tell you is top secret, the less people know, the better.”

The citizens of the Eastern Lands would be happy at the food crisis disappearing, but those outside the territory would be greatly angered. From the exorbitantly priced merchants of the nearby Count Nasto, to the far away Emperor as well.

‘It would be especially problematic if the emperor learns of this.’

Though Count Nasto hated the Eastern Lands purely based on economic competition, the emperor’s hatred was a deeply personal hatred etched within his bones. The news would eventually be leaked, but it was better to keep it contained until the farming rate increased to a proficient, regular level.

“I wish to show off your proficiency and develop a crop that will save the land from starvation. To that end, I am willing to support you in every avenue.”

“But the Eastern Lands…” Lariette’s expression was quite troubled.

“I know. It’s not only the famine, but everything else that the Eastern Land has to deal with.”

50 years ago, when the rivers suddenly dried up and monsters started attacking like a curse was activated, the Eastern Lands slowly started to show its toxicity. Not a single stalk survived when the people did their best to bring and grow famine resistant crops.

“But this land is still a home to the people who live here. I am sure there exists a plant that grows well in the Eastern Lands.”

Amber turned her head to the tables and pointed at a pot smaller and darker than the ones around it.In it was a flowering plant filled with dense and thick leaves.

“For example, how about that plant over there?” The flowering plant that Amber pointed at was called ‘Rodan’ by the people of the Eastern Lands.

Rodan was a mutated plant that was discovered around 50 years ago in the Eastern Lands.

“While I was traveling to the Eastern Lands by carriage, I saw that flower growing down every path we took. It seems to me that that plant grows well, regardless of the toxicity of the land.”

“Its flowers are definitely edible, but it’s too little to value it as food for people to eat.” Lariette spoke carefully, hoping Amber wouldn’t be hurt by her words. Though she did consider Amber’s suggestion foolish, she didn’t want to hurt her. “On top of that, Rodan is a poisonous and cursed flower…”

The people of the Eastern Lands considered the Rodan flower to be cursed and terrible as it appeared at the same time as the sudden drought. There were even people who called it the ‘Devil’s Flower’.

“I’m not saying we should eat Rodan.” Amber spoke as she shook her head.

Amber knew very well that Rodan became poisonous by absorbing the toxicity running through the Eastern Lands soil.

“I am simply wondering what it would be like if we could take that characteristic which allows it to thrive here and apply it to other crops. Hmm, for example, transplanting the Rodan’s stems into wheat.”

“Ah!” Lariette’s eyes widened as she yelped in surprise. “To make use of Rodan’s characteristic for other crops, I’ve never thought of that before. But…” Lariette’s eyes started to sparkle. “But there definitely is a possibility!”

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