Published at 21st of May 2024 01:10:23 PM

Chapter 314: Better than disney princess

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Chapter 314 Better than disney princess

?"Can he be any more late? We're the girls, and we get ready faster than him." Rebecca said, looking at the watch on her hand and the empty corridor.

"Maybe something came up, you know." Amelia spoke in her brother's defense, but ended up getting a fierce glare from her room partner and bestie, so she changed her words instantly. "You shouldn't have let go of that monk. We could've sent him to call him again." she said pointing about how when she wanted to stop Rio's roommate, but Rebecca insisted on letting him go.

"What stop him? Have you seen that poor monk, he's got dark circles around his eyes and monks don't even sleep that much. I bet he's bullying the poor guy." Rebecca said already angry at Rio for making her wait.

'I'm a princess and I'm waiting for a Duke's son.' Rebecca thought and couldn't help but chuckle at this unusual thing.

Currently both of them are standing near the dorm's gate, waiting for Rio, who's apparently as always running late.

"Sorry, did I make you wait?" Rio said as he suddenly appeared behind her and tapped her shoulder, nearly causing her to scream in fright before she heard his familiar voice.

"You have the nerve to say that huh," Rebecca said as she turned around and punched him on the shoulder.

And it was not at all a light punch. She literally put all her strength into it.

Though instead of the smile she expected to have after hearing him scream or fall back a little, her face frowned as she felt like she just hit an iron wall.

"What happened princess, didn't eat this morning?" Rio joked as he patted his shoulder clothes lightly, and thought - 'Gotta say those 20000 points are well worth it.'

"Idiot." Rebecca said as she pulled her hand back and massaged her red knuckles with a frowning face, it still stings. New novel chapters are published on

"Where's Ayla and Rubina?" Rio asked, noticing only these two girls standing there.

"Ayla went with her elven princess, and Rubina is God knows where. She said she's not interested in these parties so she'll join us when it's time to eat." Amelia spoke to answer him, as she shook her head in displeasure when talking about her muscle brain roompartner.

"We should've just dragged her with us." Rebecca added.

"Yeah, and just like a solution to every problem in her dictionary she'd ask for a spar first. No thanks. I'm just planning to enjoy today, no studying, no training, and no sparring either." Amelia made her stance clear with this declaration.

Turning his attention to the girl asking for it, Rio saw her dressed in a golden gown that matched seamlessly with her golden hair. Her earrings, the same color as her sapphire eyes. As she moved her face they moved along with their color changing depending on the light's reflection. She had a rose color diamond necklace around her neck, matched by the ruby rings she wore on her fingers, which were tied with the golden chain around her wrist. Becca looked every bit a princess that she was.

Rio was sure she'd beat every Disney Princess or any other princess he ever saw on earth's shows or movies by a mile. No, there wasn't even any need for comparison, as she looked even prettier up close.

'Is she using some blessing like me to increase her charm, or is she always this pretty?' Rio thought in his heart, as his eyes wandered on her perfect figure.

[You're the only one who does that host. She doesn't even need it. Hehehe] hearing his doubt, the system happily interjected and answered him, albeit it failed to control its laughter after saying that.


-humm hmmm

Amelia coughed to break the silent staring contest this duo started, and hid behind Rio as Rebecca tried to slap her after seeing her cheeky smile.

"Come on, brother. Frozen so soon." Amelia said as she placed her hand over his shoulder and added "And here I boasted so much to the girls that you don't care about the beauty but look at others' hearts, alas how wrong I was... ahhh"

Amy who was laughing as she started teasing her brother next, suddenly screamed in pain as Rio pinched her ear and brought her forward.

"Brother,.. Sorry _ I_ I was just joking. I won't do it anymore. Promise."

"You're getting quite gutsy, aren't you?" Rio said as he exerted a little bit more force, as Amelia tried to slap his hand away.

"Becca, Becca _ help me. You_I was just helping you, you know." Hearing her brother wasn't planning to let go, she pleaded with her best friend instead, who in turn just laughed at her pleading cries.

"You deserve it. Who told you to joke around." Rebecca said, as she too moved forward and grabbed Amy's other ear before twisting it even more than what Rio was doing.

"Tell me, will you do it again?"

"Hey, we_ we're getting late, right, let's go. Eeeee , okay,okay promise _ I won't do it again." Amelia finally promised and ran away as both of them let go of her ears.

Stopping a little far from them, she turned around with ears blood red in color and glared at them with misty eyes. "I'll teach you both a lesson, traitors." She said as she touched both her ears, which felt hot to the touch with how painful it felt earlier.


Seeing that Rebecca was about to say something or catch her, she directly turned around and ran away, leaving both of them behind.

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