Published at 21st of May 2024 01:10:21 PM

Chapter 315: Flowers and stars

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Chapter 315 Flowers and stars

?[Aaaand there she goes, leaving you two behind. Just like I said she would.] System said, reminding Rio of their earlier talk, when system said not to worry about any attacks and just enjoy his date.

To which he replied confidently that "It's not a date. It's just some friends going to a party. And besides Amy and Ayla would be there too."

Of course system knew better, so it warned him of what would happen, and that's exactly what happened now.

'... .. Stop laughing please.' Rio thought in his heart, as the cheeky laughter of system echoed in his head.

"I'll see how long you can run away." Rebecca said, as she watched Amy's figure getting smaller and smaller in the distance until she turned a corner and disappeared from her view.

"Don't bully her too much." Rio said as he moved forward and pinched her ear for a second before letting go and moving out of her reach. "That's for her."

Rebecca glared at him for a second before stomping her feet on the ground and moving away. This pair of siblings were just around her to make her more and more angry every day.

"You're looking pretty by the way." Rio said the long overdue compliment as he ran and caught up to her, smiling as he watched her stumble a step.

"Tsk, you're okay too." Rebecca said and increased her speed, trying to hide the blush that crept on her cheeks.

[Going good, host.]

[Keep it up and you might lose your virginity faster than I thought possible.]

System spoke in a teasing tone, and it was Rio's time to stumble a step and lose his balance.


Rebecca waved her hand through the hair and removed the white petals from her head, "What're you doing?" She asked, as she saw him doing the same thing to the opposite vine.

"Just wait." He said and looked around carefully, watching as the rain of flowers filled the air.

Under her confused eyes, he waved his hand and grabbed a flower petal and closed his fist. Placing his hand over Becca's head, he smiled and stepped back, "There you go. It suits you."

Rebecca raised her hand, trying to find what this guy was upto, when her fingers touched something pointy and metallic on her hairs.

She created a mirror of water with a wave of her hand and looked at herself curiously, until she found a golden star fixed on her hair.

"How, those are just illusions?" she said surprised as she raised her hand to touch another star and frowning as she found it unreal too.

"Secret." Rio said and moved away with his hands in his pockets, leaving behind Rebecca who just curiously glanced at the vines Rio shook earlier and then at the ground which was now empty of any fallen flowers.

Shaking her head as she didn't understand anything, she just touched the star on her hair and smiled. 'Idiot.'

"If you don't get out of that pathway fast, that star will disappear just like those falling petals."

Rio's words came to her ears and Rebecca directly rushed out in a hurry, her hand still holding the star, afraid it would really disappear next second. Her face bearing another charming smile as she caught up with him, and kept looking at him walking with a serious expression.

'I really was an idiot kid at that time.' Unaware of her gaze, Rio just thought and shook his head in embarrassment, remembering the same thing he did for Lisa three years ago.

[It's not overly dramatic if it works. And looking at how Lisa still remembered it, I'd say it works quite well.]

'Please shut up.'


Author note - Yes, Rio arranged this funny little thing to leave an impression on Lisa three years ago. (Why she made the same arrangements here this time again, don't ask me, only she knows.)

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!