Published at 21st of May 2024 01:10:20 PM

Chapter 316: No rest for the wicked

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Chapter 316 No rest for the wicked

?"So where are we going?" Rebecca said as she followed him, touching her hair from time to time to see if the star was an illusion which would disappear after she crossed a certain range.

Rio turned to answer her but seeing her actions he just smiled and clarified. "That's not magic, that one's real. It's probably made from some gems or dungeon metals, so it's yours until you break it."

"Humph." Hearing the answer Rebecca didn't reply but just scoffed at him, like trying to show she didn't care, but failing miserably at it as her face literally brightened 2° more afterwards.

'Sometimes I really doubt if she's the same cold girl who's supposed to be at the forefront of her army of millions, leading them to commit massacres on her command. She's so ... easy to fool.' Rio thought in his mind and didn't point her out.

"I heard every chef of the academy would present a new dish they mastered or made in the last year, so let's go and try them out." Rio said, as he could hear the murmurs of crowd from forward.

"Amy would be there too?" Rebecca said and started cursing herself for suggesting anything about food. 'Fool, I should've dragged him the opposite direction.'

"Y_ you know, I'm not hungry, so why don't we..."

"Nah, where we're going is a.. little special. Amy won't be there."

Seeing her downcast eyes as she stopped in place and tried to form out any excuse, Rio who wanted to explain something else, set it aside and cleared up the details for their breakfast first so she could stop being so soury.

"Oh, okay then." Rebecca said and breathed a sigh of relief and started following him again.

"So what's special about this place that that foodie won't go there?" Rebecca asked, seriously curious to know where her best friend couldn't go. Maybe it's something she doesn't like to eat, that's why.

But as soon as this thought came to her mind, her curiosity doubled, why. - Just so she can force Amy to eat that dish when she teases her again.

Seeing her face filled with a cheeky smile as she probably imagined the scene of Amy's wronged or bullied face, Rio raised his hand and tapped her forehead with a finger, squealing a light scream from her lips. "I told you to stop thinking about bullying her." He said.

All around the large garden were stalls and shops set up, with just golems and puppets managing everything. A soothing music was playing in one corner, while the other side had students flying through the air sitting on magical brooms and playing their games. A calm restaurant and a beach formed on one side, while the other side had a loud bar and haunted houses.

Normal games that mortals enjoys, like those shooting or racing games, to karaoke and dancing on the beat games were set up on one side, while the other had magical games like treasure hunt or mystery Machine or flying football and race on rainbows.

There were so many things listed on the digital screens displaying all the content they could visit, surprising anyone about how so many things could be done in a small space of this one large ground and the two empty buildings nearby.

And the answer to that question was one thing - magic.

With a bit of spatial magic, coupled with illusion magic anything could be done here.

"It's .. Beautiful." Rebecca couldn't help but mutter as she watched a holographic dragon pass through in front of her, with an excited student's figure exclaiming loudly behind, flying on the broom.

"What's he doing?" She asked Rio as she felt curious about why a dozen student were chasing a fake flying dragon.

"Probably a game to catch monsters or something. There should be some reward for doing so." Rio said, taking a blind guess.

"What're the rewards?"

"It can be anything. Just as small as some tickets or points to access some other games or some other reward like an egg or an artifact, bought or donated by the seniors." Rio answered.

"But aren't all the games and facilities free for the day, what good are the points?" Rebecca doubted.

"There are probably some secret games or clues or something, just to make this party more interesting and not like any shallow fair set up by others." Rio replied.

"Okay, once you're done with your little escapades, you are to follow my orders the whole day left." Rebecca said, guessing this guy was up to something and he'd agree to her request, which he did quite easily.

"Fine, as you command, Milady. Now can we go?" Rio said in a dramatic tone.

"Urgh Mi'lady, who taught you that? So cringy." Becca said and followed him.

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