Published at 31st of January 2024 06:01:53 AM

Chapter 37

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Live Stream Kidnapping of a Female Celebrity Chapter 37

The flight attendants were incredulous at first.

Then they looked at Wan Hanyu with eyes of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Are you kidding me? Even if this woman was sold, she wouldn't be worth that much money!

Who is this rich dude?

He's only met her once, and he's giving her a watch worth over a million dollars just like that?

Wan Hanyu was also stunned. She didn't expect this surprise to come so suddenly. For a moment her mind went blank, both shocked and delighted.

She was at a loss for a moment, then looked back at Yang Jingxuan standing behind her.

Everything about this woman exuded an aura of nobility and aloofness. Just looking at her, you could tell she was no ordinary person.

Wan Hanyu instantly felt ashamed of herself. "Um, aren't you going to give it to her?"

Xu Mo didn't hesitate. "She's not worthy."

The flight attendants were taken aback.

Is this guy blind?

Although Wan Hanyu was pretty good looking, compared to Yang Jingxuan she still fell short by a lot.

A watch worth over a million given to Wan Hanyu.

But he said the goddess standing behind wasn't worthy??

Even as women, they felt their hearts flutter when they saw Yang Jingxuan.

Although Yang Jingxuan had only revealed her eyes and eyebrows, her every move and exquisite figure made people's hearts stir.

Yet this man said she wasn't worthy.

The flight attendants didn't know what to say.

Yang Jingxuan was instantly furious. Those three words nearly broke her composure. In her heart she cursed, this Xu Mo bastard is simply despicable, using her million dollar watch to pick up girls, and saying she's not worthy?

But for the greater good, she gritted her teeth and endured it.

The audience watching the livestream saw this scene and felt it was simply outrageous.

"This is so damn outrageous! When it comes to blindly speaking nonsense, no one can beat the master."

"My goddess is furious, look at her clenching her fists."

"Xu Mo is really infuriating. That watch belonged to Yang Jingxuan in the first place, but now he's using it to pick up flight attendants, and saying she's not worthy. Anyone would be angry!"

"Xu Mo is so flirtatious..."

Xu Mo held up the watch halfway. "What do you think, do you like it?"

Of course she liked it.

Who wouldn't?

Wan Hanyu looked at the watch, her heart was about to jump out. This watch was expensive for a reason, it really was beautiful.

She felt extremely tempted, but was undecided.

Xu Mo naturally saw her expression. A gold-digging woman still cared a bit about face. Very naturally, he made a gesture as if to put the watch away. "Looks like this watch isn't worth enough."

Wan Hanyu took a small step forward. "No, not at all. It's just too valuable. We've only met a few times, it wouldn't be right to just take it like this."

She still had to put on an act of modesty.

Xu Mo saw through every expression on Wan Hanyu's face.

He was very clear that if not for so many people around, this flight attendant would have taken it long ago.

So Xu Mo tentatively took a step forward. "Let's find a place to chat?"


The surrounding flight attendants immediately started hooting.

"Go on, he's sincere about this!"

"That's right, a million dollar watch he's willing to give to you just like that, he's sincere. Don't miss this chance!"

"If you pass up this village, there won't be this shop again. He's handsome, rich, sincere... If you don't go for it, I will!"

Under the flight attendants' hoots and cheers, Wan Hanyu stopped pretending. She nodded and said, "Okay."

"Haha Wan Wan, this is so fun!"

"We're going."

"Be safe!"

The flight attendants tactfully walked away. One of them even winked flirtatiously at Xu Mo.

But Xu Mo completely ignored it.

His goal had been achieved.

He walked ahead with Wan Hanyu naturally following behind. "Where are we going?"

Xu Mo walked a distance to a hotel below the commercial district.

"Here, let's get a presidential suite and talk."

"I forgot my ID."

"You book it, then I'll transfer you money."

When Wan Hanyu heard presidential suite, she knew he really was a rich dude.

She glanced back at Yang Jingxuan. "What about her?"

Xu Mo laughed. "What objections could she have?"

"Let me tell you a secret."

"What is it?"

"She's a budding female celebrity I plan to promote."


Wan Hanyu was surprised. She looked Yang Jingxuan up and down again.

Now she understood.

She had thought Yang Jingxuan was Xu Mo's kept woman.

Xu Mo was her sponsor.

She didn't really care about that.

In any case, she now had a million dollar watch in hand. She had specifically checked the Patek Philippe anti-counterfeiting code, which was 4 Arabic numerals and one English letter indicating the material.

Counterfeits rarely had codes that matched the rules.

Discovering it was real, she felt relieved!

Befriending someone who could casually give a million dollar watch was definitely not a bad thing. Even getting a tiny benefit from him would be enough for her.

It was better than the small fry her friends were keeping by at least a hundred times.

Later she could show off the watch on her friend circle and Xiaohongshu, gaining a lot more fans for sure.

How wonderful!

"I see, you're really amazing." Wan Hanyu smiled and went to book the presidential suite.

Yang Jingxuan witnessed the whole thing.

Seeing Wan Hanyu go book a room, she cursed in her heart, "There are so many shameless women nowadays. Just a million dollar watch, and she's so open about this?"

"Going to get a room just like that?"

The livestream audience was also shocked. "Damn, she's going to get a room just like that?"

"This is so freaking outrageous."

"Looks like it's not that I can't get a goddess, it's that I don't have money!"

"The pleasures of the rich are beyond our imagination."

"Beauties are really tolerant towards the rich."

"Money makes the devil push the mill, and makes beauties open hotel rooms."

"Isn't this a bit too easy? As I look at my hundred pages of chat history, I fall into contemplation."

"I've said a hundred sentences to the goddess, and she's replied to me once. But Xu Mo has only said ten sentences and she's going to get a room with him!"

"So the reason I can't get girls is because I don't have a million dollar watch."

"Lesson learned. Next time I'll just rent a sports car to pick up girls."


Ten minutes later.

In the presidential suite of the hotel.

"Pair of Aces."

"Can't beat it."

Xu Mo sat on the bed holding some cards.

Yang Jingxuan played a pair of Aces, her hand now empty of cards.

Wan Hanyu had been dumbfoundedly pinching her cards the whole time.

This was not what she had imagined at all!

She had thought there would be some thrilling activities tonight.

Weren't rich men usually perverts?

With one man and two women together in a room, something was bound to happen right?

She had guessed half right.

Something did happen, just not anything perverted.

Xu Mo was literally just playing Landlord...

The livestream audience saw Wan Hanyu's expression and laughed their asses off.

"Hahaha I'm laughing to death, look at that flight attendant's expression, she's completely lost!"

"She's barely played any cards the whole round."

"I think I just saw her pinching two Kings!"

"Damn, she actually kept two Kings till the very end. She must be feeling completely confused right now."

"She probably thought she'd have to pay for that watch tonight. Didn't expect she'd just be accompanying him to play Landlord hahaha!"

"She must be wondering if Xu Mo can't get it up..."

"Look at the investigation team over there, still desperately searching."

"I see it, searched half the night while this side is playing Landlord."


Han Fei held a cigarette with a deep look in his eyes as he watched the police constantly searching the streets.

His mind kept going over various details.

"Something's not right. This is not right."

"How could it just not be there?"

"Where could he have run off to?"

"I came over right away, he shouldn't have been able to escape!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!