Published at 6th of February 2024 11:20:38 AM

Chapter 445: 445

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Chapter 445 Chapter 445

It became a point of contention even in the chambers of his thoughts. "I truly Dracula is the one behind this, then this, I cannot allow. Despite our tumultuous history, my daughter should be spared the burden of my sins."

So Reaves takes it upon himself to visit Nexus at the Russell family home, as he's heard that Nexus has been close to Dracula lately. As Reaves made his way to the Russell family home, the grandeur of the mansion loomed before him. The ornate architecture spoke of wealth and prestige, a stark contrast to the shadows that clouded the city. Madeline, the matriarch of the Russell family, welcomed him with a grace befitting her station.

In the hallway, Reaves and Madeline exchanged pleasantries, "Reaves, what a pleasant surprise," Madeline exclaims, her eyes brightening with a genuine warmth. "To what do we owe the honor of your visit?"

Reaves offers a courteous smile, acknowledging the opulence around him. "Madeline, always a pleasure to be in the presence of the Russell family. I've heard Nexus has been around, and I thought it's about time we catch up, given the recent events in the city."

The weight of recent events casting a somber undercurrent to their conversation. The specter of danger that loomed over the city was a topic that needed no introduction.

Madeline gestures for Reaves to follow her into the tastefully adorned foyer. "Certainly, Reaves. We can use the sitting room for our conversation. It's been too long since we've had a chance to discuss matters."

As they settle into the plush chairs of the sitting room, Madeline inquires, "How has Tiffany been? I heard about the recent incident. I hope she's recovering well."

Reaves leans back, a solemn expression on his face. "She's shaken, Madeline, but resilient. Thanks to Nexus and others, we managed to avert a tragedy. But it's a stark reminder of the dangers lurking in our city."

Madeline nods in understanding, her eyes reflecting a shared concern for the safety of their loved ones. "Indeed, these are trying times. Nora is still in recovery as well. The city has become a precarious place, and our families seem to be entangled in the web of events."

Reaves took in the intricate details of the room, his gaze wandering over the ancient paintings that seemed to hold secrets of their own. The artifacts, carefully displayed, whispered tales of history and mystique. It was a room that bore witness to the passage of time, and Reaves found himself immersed in the beauty of the surroundings.

The door creaked open, and Nexus, adorned in robes that hinted at his mastery of the arcane, stepped into the room. His eyes met Reaves's, the air carries the faint scent of exotic ingredients, a testament to Nexus's proficiency in the arcane arts.

"Reaves," Nexus greets him with a nod, his eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and acknowledgment. "What brings you to the Russell mansion?"

Reaves, ever composed, rises from his seat. "Nexus, we need to talk. Recent events have brought about concerns, and I believe that every information is crucial for the safety of the city."

Nexus, sensing the gravity of Reaves's words, takes a seat. "What's on your mind, Reaves?"

Before Reaves can respond, Madeline reenters the room, her presence commanding attention. "Nexus, I'll leave you two to your discussion. Remember, Reaves, keep in mind what we discussed."

Reaves nods, acknowledging Madeline's reminder. "I understand, Madeline. Our conversation will be prudent and respectful."

Madeline smiles, a motherly warmth in her eyes. "Good. I'll be in the garden if you need anything, Nexus." With that, she leaves the room, leaving Reaves and Nexus to their important discussion.

Reaves, devoid of any circumlocution, dives straight into the heart of the matter. "Nexus, I'm aware of your visits to Dracula's house, even before the recent incident." Nexus meets Reaves's gaze, his expression a canvas of intrigue and curiosity.

Without preamble, Reaves delves into the crux of his inquiry. "Have you noticed anything unusual during your visits? Any strange behavior or recent changes in Dracula's demeanor?" Reaves's eyes bear the weight of anticipation, searching for any inkling that might unravel the mysteries veiled within Dracula's residence.

Nexus, thoughtful in his response, shakes his head.

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