Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:26:58 AM

Chapter 90

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"If you keep stressing around like that you'll be getting wrinkles before you reach your late twenties." Emyri said, watching her daughter pace back and forth around the bedroom. She made herself comfortable perched atop a Queen-sized white bed, with Na'Vi leaning beside the circular window gazing out. "And Na'Vi dear, try not to lean too close. Someone can spot you and if you press any harder you'll slip right through and hit the ground on your bottom. Trust me, I've been there before. Those embarrassing memories don't leave you any time soon."

"It's not right." Dimyri muttered in a low voice, continuously walking in circles with the tip of her tail scratching under her chin. 

Emyri blinked and waved her paw dismissively. "I don't make the rules darling, they told us to stay put."

"It's not right that we don't tell them everything because we don't know everything." Dimyri explained, turning toward her mother. "Why are those men coming after us, Mom?" 

"What do you mean?" 

"That jay woman questioned us before and I didn't have a clear answer. She asked me why those men are after us, and it's been on my mind since. I tried to ask you before but you keep brushing it aside." 

"What does it matter what I say? It doesn't change the fact that they're hunting us, and that my daughters lives are in danger." Emyri responded. 

Dimyri scowled defiantly, finding her mothers retort to be dissatisfactory. "But it does matter, mother. There wasn't just a hunter who attacked us, there was a large group of men too! And it all happened so fast-"

Na'Vi groaned loudly and leaned her head against the window. "Dee, maybe Mom doesn't know either. It's not like there has to be a reason, those nasty humans look for any reason to be despicable and blood thirsty."

"Well that Felix and Janette sure don't act like it. You should get to know him, he's rather very sweet and super gentle with her."

"He is cute." Emyri grinned, glancing back at Na'Vi. "Sweet pea, you haven't been around Nityri since we've found her."

"Not for lack of trying." She complained, sulking into bed with her tails curled up around her legs protectively. "I've tried to approach her but she keeps away every time! And I'm tired of hearing that name, KuliKuli KuliKuli! Her name is Nityri, why are we playing this game with her when we should be honest and remind her of her real name." 

"Yea, we should all be honest." Dimyri agreed, glaring at her mother. 

Emyri stood up with a frown. "This isn't easy for me either, girls. Na'Vi this memory loss issue wounds me as well, but when I look in her eyes I see the same beautiful girl I raised all of her life since she was born. I admit that it is difficult to adapt to, but it would be unfair to force her to change her ways when she can't even remember them. You're forgetting the most important thing here, it may benefit her to not remember."

She turned to face Na'Vi with her paws on her waist. "You remember what happened that day at the clutter. We were searching for her for weeks, and when she returned everything was different about her. I was so terrified, it's a miracle that she can move on with a new life. No, it's a blessing!"

Then she turned around to confront Dimryi. "And you! Some things are better left not known, I'm sorry but that's all you'll hear from me. You will have to trust me dear, this hurts me as much as it bothers you." 

"But you said we need to be honest with each other, you scolded us before about telling lies-"

"I know what I said!" Emyri snapped, raising her paws and pausing before breathing in before exhaling. She reached out and held her daughters paws. "Listen, there's just too much to explain and I don't want you to be hurt. Let me worry about that, let me protect you." 

Dimryi hesitated, reluctantly pulling back. "It's not something I can ignore though, what am I suppose to say if we get more help? I want this to end-"

"Me too, but they chose to fight-"

"I think we should!" Dimyri answered back, shocking both Emyri and Na'Vi. "I thought about it and I think it's best if we fight back. I don't want to run, Mother. I want to rescue my friends, I want to make sure our clutter is safe. It's what Cyri would do!"

"Your grandmother was a brave woman, but she was careful and cautious as well. She wouldn't just take up arms without a plan in mind."

"Then let's do that, maybe we can take down this hunter and-"

"No!" Emyri raised her tone, causing Dimyri to go quiet. She sighed before double checking the door to make sure it was locked. "No, no we should not get anywhere near that man."

Dimyri looked to her adopted sister for support, only for Na'Vi to look away. "It's... you know what they did to my first mother."

Dimyri growled and walked up to the window, pushing it open much to Emyri's surprise. 

"Dimyri, Dimyri what are you doing?" She rushed toward her, only for her daughter to ignore her. Na'Vi stood up when Dimyri shot her a nasty look, startling her. She transformed as a swirl of white light shrouded her before she jumped out the window and ran from one balcony to the next in her cat form. Emyri leaned out the window out of shock, looking back and clutching her chest. 

Na'Vi stepped forward and reached out the window when Emyri held out her arm. She paused and looked unsure of herself, contemplating before pulling away and nodding her head for Na'Vi to continue. "I'll go talk to her. You... try to find KuliKuli."

Na'Vi gave her a puzzled look when Emyri continued. "You need to talk to her sooner because there may not be a later time. Please. Just tell them to hurry back, I'll... think of something." 

From the outside, the round window flashed with a glow of white, and a moment later two cats slipped from under the parted glass and split up, running in opposite directions.

"So what do you think?" Janette asked, pulling out a chair. "It's a pretty view, right?" 

"It's okay." Syri answered honestly, planting her butt down and squealing lightly once Janette pushed her toward the table. The view up in the rooftop allowed them to look out the rails to catch the hordes of people walking through the city streets, spotting a number of horse carriages and caravans struggling to make a turn at an intersection. She leaned over the rail, her green eyes following along every individual she would find. "So many new faces, and everyone looks so different."

"Just wait until the lights go on." Janette chuckled, watching as a human waitress placed a rectangular lantern on the center of their table. 

Syri's eyes lit up, staring in awe at number of yellow lights bouncing around from inside the lantern, watching the worker place a paper blue cover over it. When she looked around, it became apparent that numerous other workers were doing the same, placing lanterns to illuminate the restaurant for their dining customers. A family stood by and watched as the yellow light from the lantern illuminated into a blue tone once the paper cover was added, reflecting over the interior surface of the umbrellas hanging over each table. Their kids laughed and clapped their hands in joy, with the father picking up his toddler son while he pointed at the lantern light. 

"Wow." Syri smiled wide, looking back at their own lantern before raising her hand. 

Janette was smiling back, enjoying her reaction. She reached out and carefully lifted the paper cover just a bit for them to peek at the lantern underneath. "You see those yellow lights?"

"Like little stars." She cooed, leaning in close as her cat ears wiggle beneath her hood. "I hear them buzzing though, like bugs."

"They are bugs, Glitterbugs. Very abundant species around here, they make for a great source of light if you remember to feed them properly."

"What do they eat?" She asked. 

"Mostly grass. But that's not even the fun part, look." She directed her attention out onto the city streets, just as each street corner began to light up in similar blue lamp posts. "This is why it is called the Blue Section over here. Makes traversing around a lot easier." 

The waitress returned, catching the woman as she leaned over the rail and turned her head left and right. 

"Look Jay, everything looks so pretty! Have you ever seen someone with horns? That other guy looks pretty strong, and hey! Hey you, I love your hair!"

The waitress laughed and shook her head, placing two wooden bowls down for them. "Your meals, miss." 

She dismissed herself as Syri inspected her bowl of food, poking and sniffing it. 

"Something wrong?" Janette asked. 

Her nose wrinkled and wiggled a bit until her green eyes grew wide. "I smell meats!"

"Well you should, it's beef red wine stew. It has almonds, butter, spices-"

"Beef?" Syri licked her lips delightfully while Janette laughed. 

"Yes haha! Beef. Now remember, you need to learn to use a spoon for this." 

Syri made a weird face. "But Jay, my..." She leaned in and whispered. "I have paws." 

"I know that." She scooted her chair around to be closer, grabbing her bowl and stirring the stew lightly before blowing on it. "That is why I will be your hands."

Syri looked on with wide eyes and a shy face as Janette raised a spoonful of stew to her. She opened her mouth, waiting until she savored that juicy meaty flavor as she was fed her first bite. Chewing lightly, she hummed gleefully while Janette continued stirring her food. 

"It's not too hot, is it?" She asked. 

"Shhow gud!" She mumbled, swallowing and sighing blissfully. "Ahhh, I can die happily after tonight."

"Try not to die just yet, this food was expensive." She joked back, helping her with a second bite. 

The waitress climbed up the stairs when she bumped into someone, nearly dropping the two glasses of wine when he caught them for her. 

"Terribly sorry, Madame." The stranger apologized, watching her pick up her tray as she laughed in return. 

"The apology is mine, I should have watched where I was going." She brushed her dark hair back, fixing her skirt while the young man sprinkled something over the second glass. He passed them back to her, excusing himself as he took a seat at a corner table, watching the waitress serve Janette and Syri their drinks.

"Thank you sir!" KuliKuli waved goodbye as she joined Felix out of the shop with a large bag in his hand. They walked back around toward the carriage, stuffing the bag inside. KuliKuli skipped around to the front, joining the two horses with an apple in each paw. She smiled and rubbed their snout, cooing to their ears as she fed them an apple each. "Their we go, eat up you two! This is me saying thanks for taking us here this far." 

Felix closed the passenger door, looking at her funny. "You can't understand them, can you?"

She made a face and shook her head. "What gave you that weird idea?"

"Seeing you talk to them sometimes. Just a silly question." 

"Super silly, nothing wrong with showing a bit of appreciation to the people around us. Just because I am what I am doesn't make me any different then you." She hummed to herself, brushing the horses necks and giving them loving pats. She looked ahead and froze, the blood leaving her face as it went pale. 

Something itched Felix at the back of his neck, like a sharp feeling that something was wrong. He glanced over and saw her trembling in fear, moving in to hold her. "Hey, what's wrong?"

She didn't reply, staring fearfully as her breathing began to pick up as if she were out of breathe. Soon she was panting, feeling drops of sweat over her forehead. Felix felt helpless, wiping her head and whispering to her ears, asking her what's wrong? But his voice grew faint, and soon he stopped asking as he followed her sight and saw what she was staring at. A pair of soldiers stood guarding the entrance to Nyitzcha's tavern, both of them carrying flag poles over their shoulders. The image on their white flag, that was the image she was fixated on. 

Judging by the terrified look on her face, he knew without a doubt that danger was here.

"Sometimes we get hurt by the ones we love the most. I myself have come to learn that lesson through my behalf. It is no easy feat, and it leaves one struggling to let others in. You barricade yourself in this shallow barrier, hoping that you have learned from before and won't drop your guard. Because the pain was too much and to repeat that wound would leave a deeper scar than the first time." 

Reta sighed and looked defeated, swallowing her glass of wine before setting it down beside an empty wine bottle. The old man convinced her to share her story, and through some altered details she gave him a similar recap to what happened before. 

"This disease of yours is a grave matter that should be respected as a priority, it is both ignorant and a betrayal of your friends not to help you first. You've been through enough pain, enough grief, it would bring even a Giant to tears. Why they choose to push you aside is beyond me."

"It's not like that." Reta hiccupped, leaning her head in her hand as the old man served her another glass. "I trust them, devoted to them..."

"Yes, you swore to protect them after they came to your aid. How could you not? It is natural to devote yourself in the servitude of a greater cause. But perhaps you may have been too eager, and they saw your loyalty as a weakness." 

Reta shot a fierce glare back. "My loyalty is not a weakness." 

"Quite so." He continued, unfazed by her anger as he took a sip of his drink before putting it aside. "Loyalty is a privilege, a gift bestowed onto those we hold closest to our hearts. Friends, Family, loved ones. That is why it wounds me to hear your woes child, that is why it is no coincidence that I am here. I believe that we are meant to cross paths, that I was sent here for a reason. It was not by chance that we sit here beside one another, nay."

Reta rubbed her eyes before looking at him, waving around rather tipsy on her stool. "What are you -hic! Getting at?"

He smiled and held her shoulder to keep her from falling. "You see now, you find yourself struggling to remain firm. I am here to be your strength. I make it no secret to what I think about your friends, forgiveness is a lifelong teaching that my faith pursues now and forever after. Do you believe that some people are born for a greater purpose? That some have the strength to do what others cannot? We live in a world blessed with magic given to us by the gods above, yet we struggle everyday to survive from the monsters that corrupt it."

He leaned back, polishing off his drink and asking for another serving when the waitress poured him from their pitcher. Reta blinked repeatedly and hiccupped, noticing he was drinking water instead. "What monsters? Rival clans?"

"Nay, child. Monsters, it's that simple. In our books of faith, there have been tales of a history long gone, of a life where we once thrived and crafted miracles by our own hand, when we were closest to the gods above. We were greater folk until the Monsters came. Beastkin, Demons, Monsters, they have different names but share the same tainted soul and essence that corrupts whatever prey they get their hands on. Vile creatures to be certain. I have come to realize that it will take more than a lifetime of prayers and holy water to undo the horrors we have befallen unto ourselves. There are tales that one day, a hero shall rise from the darkness and lead the world into a new era devoid of any monsters amongst us, where the blessed path shall rise and where we are invited to tread the path toward a greater journey! Nay, I am here to help you child, as I am here to help all. I offer you a better life, help me find this greater path, be my guide to this holy journey and we can cleanse this world of all impurities! There will be no more monsters, no more dark magic, no more curses or diseases."

Reta raised her eyes at the mention of the word 'curse'. She licked her lips and averted her gaze, only for the man to turn her gaze back to him by holding her chin. 

"I see the pain in your eyes, I see that there is more to you that you wish not to tell. I am offering you a road to redemption, a once in a lifetime opportunity." He spoke in an eloquent way beneath his inviting smile. "I am a man of faith, and you will be amongst many who share in your troubles. My men are all guilty of their own sins of the past, weighing them down. Even my son is no innocent. Whatever you have, I promise you that I can help with."

"When do priests have so many bodyguards?" Felix interrupted as he stepped in between them, helping Reta keep her balance as she seemed surprised to see him. 

The old man leaned back, his eyes dancing between him and Reta as an eerie smile expanded from his aged face. "Not bodyguards no, I am on route so to speak, but the specifics of such is matter that shall remain private, yes? It's a matter of good faith, that is all."

"Never seen a church with that kind of... sun picture, thingy." Felix muttered, helping Reta stand up as her face had this drunken blush to it. he looked around cautiously, seeing the tavern was full of men dressed in the same armor and wearing the same insignia as the two guards outside. 

The strange man raised his brow once he locked eyes with Felix. 

"Yes well, it is a rather common misinterpretation. This is no sun, it is meant to be a golden flower. An ancient one at that, an extinct specimen we unfortunately no longer have in our time. Worth of great importance to our ancestors, according to my father, the red chalice is meant to symbolize the purity of man coated in the blood of our sins, of our corrupted. Filthy degenerates who succumbed to the arms of monsters, falling from grace and driven by lust under a false pretense of a cursed romance. In fact, plenty of those who do fornicate with these demons would inherit the devil gene from their captors and share characteristics such as their strength, their agility, and a common one being a mutation within their eyes." He explained, staring directly as he finished. Felix stared back, refusing to back down but feeling uneasy within his presence. There was a hint of malice in his description which deeply bothered him. 

"Reta, I think maybe we should go upstairs."

"Wha?" She asked, waving her empty cup before it was snatched away by Nyitzcha as she scurried off behind the bar.

"Gimme that, that blush be tellin' me a different story. Nu more drinks fer you."

"Ah, my... apologies." She mumbled, bowing her head and nearly falling forward. Felix hooked an arm under her knees and another on her back, lifting her up rather easily as the strange man looked on in amusement.

"Felix, yes?" He grinned, his words causing Felix to look at him with wide eyes. "Your friend had so much to say about you. A pleasure to have met your acquaintance, Felix."

"Did she now? How strange that she's drunk, did you pay for her drinks? What business do you have here with so many men?"

He smiled a rather creepy smile, sending a cold feeling through him. "That is a private matter, but rest assured I am here to help. Might I say, you have the most peculiar eyes I have ever seen on a human before. No elf nor dwarf nor gnome or any other species has such narrow pupils like yours. It resembles close to a Saurian or... a beastkin of a feline species perhaps?"

Felix looked away, cursing himself for forgetting about his mutation after mating with KuliKuli. He meant to walk away when the man reached out to stop him. "Are you staying at the inn above? I was beckoned here after learning of a most tragic incident where some beastkin were spotted. Are you by chance a local?"

"No." He answered shortly. 

"That's fine, it is of no concern of mine. Your eyes doth remind me of why I am here, they strike me as most familiar indeed." 

"Yea? And why are you here, mister?" Felix asked again, narrowing his eyes in a scowl. 

He chuckled lightly, turning his bald head to him with a knowing smirk. 

"I've come to collect something that was lost to me. But I shouldn't keep you from taking your friend away, she has had too much red wine to even stand."

"Yea, shame about that."

"Oh don't fret, I have word of its discovery."


"Enjoy your night, Felix. Tell Nityri that Father Perdilius awaits for her return." 


Felix felt his hands turn sweaty and his heart beating as if his life were in danger. "What did you say?" 

"I said, tell Nityri that Father Perdilius awaits for her return." He smiled back, "She does want to reunite with her sisters, yes?"

"Syri, is something wrong? You've been clutching your tummy for a while now." Janette leaned in, reaching out to hold her paw when Syri groaned loudly and stood up, knocking her chair back. "Oh my gosh!"

"Something's wrong, I don't feel good." She grimaced and moaned painfully, alerting everyone else around them in the restaurant. The man in the black hood stood up, retrieving a large sac from his belt as he approached them before whistling. 

Janette didn't even look at him as she was fixated on Syri, holding her arm and asking her what's wrong. The now empty bowl of beef stew clanked and spun around as it fell to the floor, with Syri's cloak following soon. Her cat features were exposed, causing several shouts and gasps as people began to recoil and back away. Janette watched as her friend fell to her knees, folding over in pain when a burst of white light sprang up around her as she reverted back into her cat form. Before she could move, she was snatched away by her leg and dropped into a large sac. 

"What are you doing!?" Janette cried out, shrieking in a panic as she became aware of the Hunter glaring back at her. He ignored her and retreated down the stairs with Syri in his bag, only to be left in the presence of several familiar faces. The guards stood by, watching Janette with a terrifying look in their eyes as they grinned from ear to ear. 

"You left before we could inspect you properly." Yohan muttered, accompanied by William and Larson as they drew closer toward her. 

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