Published at 3rd of August 2022 06:42:52 AM

Chapter 41

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Zhou Xiaochuan asked in a low voice, "does Mr. Jin know Chinese characters?"

Baoye also does not conceal: "know."

"That would be great." Zhou Xiaochuan took out a small book from his pocket and quickly put it into Baoye's pocket: "it records the name and address of the person you are looking for. Remember not to show it to others. If you see all the people in the book, burn it immediately."

Slaves are not qualified to learn Chinese characters. If a small notebook is seen by someone with a heart, he will be severely tortured to ask who the writer is, and then the person who can read will be executed.

Baoye nods: "don't worry, I won't let people see it."

"Many slaves are illiterate, and the names recorded in the book may not be accurate. You'd better confirm them by everyone."


"Mr. Jin, tell us whether you find anyone or not."


"I'm gone." After Zhou Xiaochuan leaves, Baoye takes advantage of donglingce and finds the address one by one according to the address given by Zhou Xiaochuan.

The information in the small book is very detailed. In addition to their names and addresses, there are also ages and genders. A total of 377 people are recorded. Thirteen of them have the same surname as jinlingrui or have the same pronunciation with jinlingrui's name. However, they are either too old or too young, or have not yet awakened. In short, none of them seems to be the person he is looking for.

When donglingce is about to arrive at the construction site, Baoye immediately goes back to the construction site to clean the office. When donglingce's car arrives at the gate of the construction site, he makes another pot of tea. When donglingce enters the office, he quickly delivers the tea.

"Good morning, master. It's hard for you to come to the construction site early in the morning." Baoye handed the black tea to donglingce's hand: "master, drink a cup of black tea to dispel the cold in your body, promote the blood circulation in the body, and make the brain supply sufficient blood. By the way, it can clean up your intestines and stomach, quickly replenish the water needed by the body, lower your blood pressure, and dilute your blood, which is beneficial to your health, and can also play a role in preventing and treating constipation."

Donglingce squints at Baoye, who is courteous. Is he flattering him for what he did yesterday? Oh, it's very smooth. I know I've done something wrong, but I can't pressure each other. I know how to be soft and flatter.

He hooked the corner of his lip: "the thunder is too loud. I can't hear you. Please say it again."

He is not in charge of Baoye. He really can't hear him.

Recently, the thunder is so noisy that he is very upset. Last night, he used sound insulation to block all external sounds. Up to now, it has not been removed.

Baoye says what he said just now.

Donglingce sat down and said with a deeper smile: "I still haven't heard what you're talking about."

He jokingly looks at Baoye and takes a leisurely drink of black tea. Then, a touch of surprise flashed over his eyes. He did not expect that the black tea made by the slave was so delicious.

Baoye knows that donglingce will not let himself go so easily today, so he doesn't mean to say it many times. However, after several times, he finds that there is a sound barrier on donglingce, which means that he can't really hear what he says.

Baoye's eyes flashed a touch of cunning, and his mouth moved, as if he were talking about interesting things. He was very happy with his hands and feet.

Donglingce squints. He can't hear, but it doesn't mean he can't understand lip language. Although the mouth of the goods is moving, it doesn't seem to be talking or swearing. It's really curious to see that the other party is so happy.

He untied the border and heard the thunder in his ear again, so loud that it could cover up the voice of people.

Donglingce heard Baoye's mouth make a sound, but still can't hear what he said: "speak louder."

Baoye points to the outside of the window and puts his hand to his ear to show that the thunder is too loud for him to hear.

Knowing that he was learning to pretend that he couldn't hear it, donglingce slowly drank the black tea in his cup. Then, the cup was thrown out of the window like a sharp sword. The cup shot into the sky and disappeared into the clouds.

Then, the sky sent out the earth shaking sound, and at the same time, the thunder and lightning stopped suddenly, and the earth was calm.

Donglingce cocked his legs: "you can tell me what you just said."

Baoye looks at him innocently: "I was performing a pantomime just now."

Donglingce: "what's more..."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!