Published at 3rd of August 2022 06:42:51 AM

Chapter 42

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The end of teasing the master was to be fined not to speak for a day, but to perform a pantomime in front of all the slaves on the construction site.

Baoye, who doesn't dare to complain, gets ready to act and goes to niangao to accompany him in a pantomime.

At the beginning of senior high school, he didn't agree to appear on the stage. Later, Baoye said that it was the master who asked for the performance. He didn't need to speak when he was on the stage. As long as he was responsible for playing the Deacon who whipped the slaves.

He wanted to take Baoye for a long time. Moreover, with his disdainful attitude towards Baoye, he can definitely play a cruel and bad deacon.

Baoye tells good things and doesn't speak any more.

At 12:00 noon, the slaves on the construction site went to collect lunch outside the cave. When they saw that there was an extra platform beside the distribution of lunch and a large black speaker was placed on the stage, they were very curious and asked, "why is there a platform here? What are you going to do? You see, the master is here

Donglingce sits at the bottom of the stage, ignoring the voices of the slaves and eating a big meal at the table. The slaves drool.

At this time, a lot of cicadas' calls came out from the speaker, which gave us the illusion that the original very hot weather had become hotter.

Then, we saw an ugly looking slave with a hoe on his right shoulder and a fake child on his back walking up to the center of the platform, holding a hoe to pretend to be a hoe.

The deacon, who was in charge of the work of the slaves, said, "the slaves on the stage are going to give you a pantomime."

"What is pantomime?" someone asked

The Deacon explained: "it's a performance that expresses the plot with action and expression, without dialogue. This is a drama that the master rewards you to see. You all have a good look at it."

Everyone was excited to hear that they could watch the performance.

Baoye on the stage takes a hoe and hoe for a moment. He stops to look up at the hot sun in the sky and wipes his forehead with sweat. Then, he picks up a bowl on the ground to moisten his throat. However, the water in the bowl has long been gone.

Baoye frowns and sighs. He reaches out and licks his dry and peeling lips. He continues to pick up the hoe, but the child cries behind him.

He quickly put down the child, patted and coax, want to give the child water, picked up the bowl, see the bowl is empty, and put the bowl back on the ground, he anxiously looked around, but the nearby soil.

The more he cried, the louder he was, the more he lost his voice.

Baoye coaxes and coaxes him. He suddenly raises his hand and slaps himself fiercely. He feels that he is useless. He can't even give the child a drink.

The sound in the speaker changed with the atmosphere, and the sad music came out.

When the slaves saw this place, they unconsciously slowed down their eating speed. Although the people on the stage didn't say a word, they showed their helplessness and sadness with their movements and facial expressions. As slaves, they were not only infected by the people on the stage, but also deeply felt the pain.

All of a sudden, it's the sound of a whip. Nian Gao takes the whip and goes to Baoye's side.

The sad music in the speaker also became tense.

As soon as the slaves looked at the whip, they were playing the role of deacon.

Niangao angrily throws a whip on Baoye's back and points to the ground to let Baoye work quickly.

Baoye ignores the pain on his back and shakes his hands to pick up a bowl of water for him.

Without looking at it, Nian Gao sweeps the bowl to the ground, and fiercely throws a few lashes at Baoye to let him work, or he will be killed.

The slaves in the lower world were born to see how the deacons treated the slaves. Therefore, when the deacon was performed in the senior high school, it was very vivid, which immediately aroused the anger of the slaves.

The deacons in the audience frowned one after another. When they saw Nian Gao beating Baoye, they thought they should do this, because they had done the same before, but they felt indignant and had an impulse to beat him to death.

Baoye kneels down and kowtows, asking niangao to give the child a drink.

Without any tenderness of heart, he kicks Baoye's chest and spits a mouthful of phlegm at him with disdain, as if to say, "you are a low-level slave, and you are not qualified to drink so much water.".

Baoye gets up and continues to plead. Just a little, a little.

Nian Gao sneered, carrying the child in his hand and smashing it to the ground. Then he threw two whip on the child. Suddenly, the child had no voice.

Baoye pushes away Nian Gao in a hurry, picks up the baby and shakes the child's body anxiously.

The child didn't respond.

Baoye trembles and reaches for the child's breath. Then, his whole body shakes, his eyes empty, and he sits on the ground.

The slaves under the stage knew the child was dead when they saw his expression.

Being pushed away, Nian Gao is very angry. He rushes forward and lashes his whip violently at Baoye, even the dead child in his arms.

The slaves under the stage were red with anger and eyes, especially when they saw the performance on the stage, they thought of their own situation. They really wanted to rush to the stage to kill the senior citizen, but they were afraid that the Deacon would retaliate and did not dare to show it. So they stood in the same place and clenched their fists tightly.

Baoye is holding the baby and crying.The more he played, the more excited he became, as if he was venting. He kept swinging his whip and showed a very happy expression on his face.

Donglingce sees here, puts down his chopsticks and looks at the stage quietly.

When Gao's whip hit the child's face, Baoye, who was crying, suddenly stopped crying. Ignoring the old man's whip, he held the child tightly. After a long time, he began to kiss the child's face fondly. He arranged his hair for the child, and then carefully put the child on the ground.

The slaves under the stage were very sad to see here. Under the influence of sad music, the eye water has been spinning in the fundus of their eyes.

In vain, Baoye raises his head and stares coldly at Nian Gao with his red and angry eyes.

Frightened by his ferocious look, Nian Gao stepped back uncontrollably.

Baoye stands up slowly.

In order to maintain the dignity of the deacon, Chao Baoye is another whip.

Baoye grabs the whip, tugs hard, and brings niangao to him. Then, he raises his fist and beats Nian Gao wildly, as if venting his grievances and pains over the years.

"Well done." A slave couldn't help raising his voice and shouting, "beat him to death."

The words aroused the anger of the slaves. They completely forgot that there were masters and deacons around them who were staring at them and yelled "kill him". Some people even threw bowls and chopsticks to the stage in anger. Some even tried to rush to the stage, but they were stopped by the deacons.

At present, the atmosphere of the scene mentioned the highest point, the dishes flying all over the sky, and became a mess.

In fact, the slaves not only vent their pain, but also fear these days. The thunder and lightning have brought them endless damage and made them lose their relatives and friends. Now they are like finding a vent to release all kinds of inner unhappiness.

"These people want to rebel." Deacon Tao said angrily.

Donglingce looked at him lazily and didn't care about the situation of the slaves. Then, he asked abruptly, "is our construction site short of water? Can't even give a bowl of water to a slave? "

He thinks that Baoye's plays can touch the hearts of the slaves. It must have been such a thing that they would be so angry and sad.

Deacon Tao was stupefied and did not dare to hide from the master: "this This It's all about the deacons' mentality. They put the superiority of high and low-level slaves and And the bullying I've been subjected to has been vented on the slaves. "

Donglingce sneered: "they are slaves themselves."

"Master, I'll stop them."

Donglingce didn't object. He looked at Baoye, who was still playing high. He hooked his lips and said, "it will drive people's hearts."

Baoye sees that the scene is going to get out of control and runs to the stage with Nian Gao.

Laoliu came over, patted Nian Gao on the shoulder and said with a smile, "you acted so well just now. Even I want to beat you on the stage."

Nian Gao Leng hum, looking at the scar on Bao Ye's body, he asked in a awkward way: "are you ok?"

Just now on the stage, he really beat Baoye hard. At that time, he couldn't bear it. If Baoye didn't want him to do it, and the master was staring at him, he really couldn't do it. Although he had wanted to beat Baoye for a long time, he just wanted to vent his dissatisfaction with this man and didn't really want to start to smoke hard.

Baoye shakes his head. Seeing donglingce looking at him, he walks over.

Dongling CE looked him up and down and joked, "yes, I just want you to perform a pantomime. If you are good, you can make the slaves resist the deacons."

Baoye pretends to be silly and laughs. He is very satisfied with the commotion he has caused. He also wants to let the slaves know that fighting against deacons is not as bad as they think.

"Judging from the play you played, you should have been thinking of opposing the master for a long time."

Baoye still giggles and doesn't speak.

Seeing that he had been giggling and not talking to himself, donglingce didn't fight at all. However, he thought that he had ordered him not to speak all day, so he had to let him go first.

It took the deacons a little time to hold down the slaves.

When the slaves calmed down, they were afraid that the deacons would put them to death, but they suppressed their inner joy and excitement.

After today's uproar, a small seed has been quietly buried in their hearts.

Since donglingce warned the gods that the sky was no longer thundering and lightning, it was as if the gods had ended the game and restored peace to the earth.

Baoye is very surprised. He doesn't think that his trickery will bring the safety of the slaves.

However, this calm did not last long.

At noon the next day, there were gusts of light wind in the air. The slaves working in the sun were cool and had a smile on their faces. But as time went on, the wind became stronger and stronger, and everyone could not open their eyes.

Sitting in a daze at the window, I saw the branches of the big tree outside the door of the building shaking left and right. After a while, he murmured, "what a big wind."

The wind is getting stronger and more weird. He can't help but think of what Baoye said a few days ago. He suddenly turns his head and looks at Baoye who is chatting with Laoliu in disbelief: "the storm is coming."

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