Power’s Pink Price - Chapter 053

Published at 24th of January 2024 09:32:17 AM

Chapter 053

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As I find my eyes drifting down to the twin rack on Linda, I realize I missed something important, “Did you always want a twin rack that big?” I take a moment to shut off most people's magic here by giving this plane the dead magic trait.

Linda considers, her leg starting to get wet from the drip common to all my real crew members, “No… I just wanted a nice set of D's originally… but when the opportunity presented itself… I found I wanted a lot more… and I could have it, so I did.”

Patricia, what am I missing? “Besides that she was really looking forward to some lesbian action, and is very bi now?” Yes, but thank you. “Ah… well, her body was immune because her soul wouldn't properly connect to all that masculine meat. Other than that, our power affected her just like everyone else, and we applied a lot to her. So when she got to choose the characteristics of her new body, well…” she chose that, because we changed her tastes.  “Exactly. And she chose it, and will be quite happy with the look.” Great, thanks. “You’re welcome.”

While I consult with my pink partner, Linda looks around… “So when do I get to see your divine realm?”

Wait… “Who says I'm Divine?”

Linda laughs loudly, “You do things nobody else can, I'm certain you didn't bring the bodyguards with you, instead creating them on the spot, and I'm pretty sure you just created this place while we were speaking. What about this does not scream divine to you?”

Well, when you put it like that… “I suppose it boils down to how you define things.  Yes, I have abilities commonly associated with deities, but… I suppose purely technical distinctions don't matter in practice.  Worship me if you want.” I shake my head, “It's not like I can really stop you.”

“Thank you my goddess,” Linda smiles and bows, “For all your gifts,” she grabs her lower pair of melons, kneading them a bit.

“As fun as this is to watch,” I begin, “I should get back to the real world. And so we probably should get you dressed.  Here….” I use Limited Wish a few times for some Technomancer spells: Fabricate Scrap to get electronic junk, a suitable target for the next, the Junk Armor spell (I add Spell Enhancer here to get a caster level of twenty) which makes light technological armor… it's basic, but surprisingly good: EAC (energy armor class) up by twenty, KAC (Kinetic Armor Class) up by twenty two, a maximum dexterity bonus of six… which is a great target for a Pathfinder spell (which I do directly, with Spell Enhancer) for the Magic Vestments spell to increase the armor class bonus by five (to a rating of EAC 25 and KAC 27)… which makes it better than all of the actual light armors (other than the lack of upgrade slots and inbuilt abilities) and most of the heavy armors. I should do this again sometime, using a Bead of Karma - four more points of AC to both sides… my junk armor would beat out all of the heavy armors in raw numbers.

Sadly, it comes out neon pink, emphasizes Linda's double bust, has artificial milk taps right where they'd be on the real thing, and a slot that looks suspiciously like a baby bakery's opening: She looks even more naked.

“I love it!” Linda exclaims, looking down at herself.

Of course you do.  “Well, it will last essentially forever. Now you're at least covered,” technically, “So we can go.  Here…” I cast Gate to forge a temporary link between this Demiplane and the one I'm currently using for cargo, “After you….”

Linda walks cheerfully on through, and (thankfully) doesn't become further exaggerated. I walk through myself, and close it behind us.

Oh. That's why Stephanie is on the coms twice. She's using the remote, too, and helping the loaders ‘relax’ on their breaks.  She's keeping it comparatively low key… she only has two in her at the moment.  But her hands have a pretty thick coat of whitish goo… which is also in her hair, on her back, on her chest, on her face… I'm going to need to add Fastidiousness to her buff list to keep her clean, I think.  Or maybe just let her clean the mess up herself.

Her mouth is full, so I use the coms… a separate channel from the one she’s using to broadcast her pleasure, “Stephanie, how?  It's only been like an hour.”  No, I’m not interrupting her.  Why would I?

“Hmm… tasty…” she starts her story, “Well, one of the loaders said I was making him feel a bit uncomfortable…”

I kind of expected that, “Of course, go on.”

“So I asked if there was anything I could do to help…”

I can imagine, “And what, he wanted you to help him relieve some frustration?”

“He may have been joking, but yeah, so I got my remote out…” she pauses, “Thanks again, by the way, it’s really nice.”

“You’re welcome,” I reflexively respond, “But do continue.”

“Right, well, I could easily see where his tension was, and so opened his pants up to suck it out of him…”

I think I know where this is going, “and let me guess, after you did that, all the other loaders had a lot of tension too…”

“Yeah!  Same spot.  Maybe there’s a disease going around that does it?  Anyway, he was so happy after that, and it was SO tasty, that I started in on another one of the loaders…”

And I’m sure they all loved that, “Did a line form?”

“How’d you know?” She seems genuinely curious.  Huh, “But not everybody wanted to wait, so I stripped off my armor so it wouldn’t get dirty…”

Of course, “I’m sure that made the tension worse, and made them all less impatient.”

“Hey, who’s telling the story here?”

“Sorry Stephanie, continue.”

“But yes, that’s exactly what happened!  So I used my hand to wave over one of the ones that seemed impatient, unzipped his pants, and used my hand…”

So of course… “Waving isn’t all that specific…”

“Yeah, a lot of the guys got the same idea!”  She’s practically beaming over the coms, “When one put his rod by my hand, I just started massaging the tension out, another lined up by my other hand and I did the same… but started to fall over…”

Uh-huh, “And I’m guessing someone grabbed you to help steady you…”

“Yeah!  He was so nice, grabbing my front handholds, massaging them, helping me up… and then he stuck his rod in my rear, which felt SO good, I just couldn’t help but moan more…”

Aha, “And that encouraged the rest, did it?”

“It did!” She pauses, “Have you had this happen to you before?”

“No,” and I hope it never does, “but I have some understanding of men due to my history. Please, continue.”

“Oh, right. Well anyway, there I was, one guy in my mouth, one in each hand, and another behind me pushing up my rear while he massaged my chest and helped me stay up. But then they went off and got all soft.”

“Which of course ruined your fun,” I can guess… “And there were more than four loaders, right?”

“Well…” she trails off slightly, “Four loaders, a supervisor, eight maintenance personnel, three members of station security, and the caterers.”

“This was catered?” That doesn't seem right.

“Well, between rounds one of the guys ordered beer…”

Of course they did, “They have to stay hydrated, after all.”

“Yes, it's a weakness of biological types. But the guy who delivered it stuck around, and then someone else got hungry…”

I'm sure they were burning lots of calories, “I imagine they needed to keep their energy up.”

“Yes, batteries are so much more convenient. So they ordered pizza.  And everyone wanted some…”

I'll bet, “Don't tell me you used the ship account?”  We can afford it pretty easily, mind, but we need to keep financial discipline.

“Oh, no. I asked the guys to chip in, and they all threw credsticks at me.  We're good!”

So you're a professional now, I guess, “How much extra did you make?”

“I haven't had time to count… but I only needed one of the credsticks to cover it all, and there’s like a dozen here.”

So reasonably well paid, then, when you were cheerfully doing it for free, “Ah.  Well… did they load the cargo?”

“Oh yes. I want stimulation from both sides, you know?  So I insisted they keep working. They did lollygag a bit, though.  They're done… and these guys are finished, I think.”

As I watch them collapse in exhaustion, I can't help but agree, “Right.  Well… if they're all done loading both of your bodies, and they haven't died of exhaustion, do see about cleaning yourself up; now that you're loaded up, I'd like to get going.”  Fully loaded, hopefully.

“Yes captain,” she sends back over the coms as she gets her remote unit up off the very slippery floor.

I collect her armor so it doesn’t get dirty, and we head into Stephanie's main body.  Realizing how that must have looked, I update Linda, “No, I wasn't just standing there in shock. We have magic coms, and were conversing while she finished up; I'll be making one for you as well.”

Linda smiles, “Thank you my goddess,” and follows me into the ship, where I close the Keyhome and put it in my pocket.

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