Published at 18th of January 2024 10:17:04 AM

Chapter 93

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I gave Olana a cup of purple tea. We sat across from each other in my living room.

“How did you escape?” I asked.

She sipped her tea and reflected in silence for a moment. “It was Adam. He found us. He managed to free me.”

That was shocking. Had Adam entered the Vaulted Ceiling before us?

“Adam freed you?”

“Yes. But I didn’t want to go with him, so I ran. I ran from him and the cultists, both. It was a miracle that you found me.”

“Did they chase you?”

Olana shook her head. “Adam and the cultists began fighting each other. I took that opportunity to run.”

If the cultists were as powerful as I feared, Adam might be dead.

“You’re safe now, Olana. You understand?”

Olana sipped her tea and nodded. I could still see the doubt in her eyes. The fear.

“Tell me about the cultists.”

“They are called the Disciples of Omega. They worship the Outer Gods.”

“Who are they, exactly? Do you know their names?”

“I never saw their faces. They each wear a mask. It’s what gives them their powers.”

I’d never heard of such a thing before. A mask giving you powers?

“What kind of powers?” I asked.

“Powers from the Outer Gods. These aren’t like elemental powers or anything. Their power is dark, and terrifying.”

The teacup shook in her hand.

I got up and sat next to Olana. I put my hand on her shoulder to steady her. I looked deeply into her eyes.

“I will protect you, Olana. And I will not let any harm come to you.”

“Why would you protect me?”

“Because I’m the king. I protect everyone in my realm. And more than that, I have a heart. A heart that can’t bear to see you suffer anymore.”

She blushed, then set her half-full tea cup down on the table. “I’m sorry to have been such trouble.”

“You shouldn’t apologize for that.”

“Is there any way I can repay you?”

I shook my head. “I don’t need to be paid for doing my kingly duty.”

“You’re not like any king I’ve ever heard of. Most kings do not think of others so much.”

“The only reason to gain power is to help others who need it the most. And right now, those curseborn in the Vaulted Ceiling need me.”

Olana looked at me with such pleading eyes. “Please tell me how I can help. Whatever I must do, I will do it.”

“Adam might come after you again. I think the safest place for you is here.”

“No. I don’t want to hide while others do all the fighting. Please, let me go with you.”

I couldn’t deny her that. She had a noble spirit, that much was obvious. She cared about helping the other curseborn, despite the danger to her from both Adam and the Disciples of Omega.

“I’m glad we got to talk,” I said. “Go back and get some more rest. We’ll talk more later.”

In the morning, I visited each of the girls to see who had any stamina left. Ayla was spent, and so was Maria. Esme tried to convince me that she had enough energy, but I could tell she was worn out.

Sherry could barely get out of bed. Only Filia and Tara seemed to have energy, though not a whole lot judging from how sluggishly they walked.

We wouldn’t be returning to the Vaulted Ceiling today, since everyone needed rest.

I’d have to make two teams and switch between them. Taking all the girls at one time wasn’t viable because then they would all tire out at once.

I decided that Tara, Filia, and Sherry would be Team A. I’d have to work hard to dodge-tank because Filia and Tara preferred to be at the back of the formation, while Sherry preferred the middle. This team was highly powerful with magical attacks, which was great.

Esme, Ayla, Maria, and Olana would be Team B. This team lacked offensive power compared to Team A, so I’d have to focus on katana and hammer attacks with my high strength. Because Ayla was on this team, it would be safer for Olana, since Ayla could shield her. This was certainly the more conservative, safe team. Progress with it might be slower, but also far less risky.

Because I had so many wives now, I decided that I would date them in pairs. This whole time, I’d been noticing who got along best with who. That’s not say all the girls didn’t get along — they most certainly did. But sometimes, you just vibe with a person more.

The pairs would be as follows:

Esme and Ayla.

Tara, Maria, and Filia — technically a trio, but since Tara and Maria shared a soulbond, it counted as two soulbonds overall.

Sherry and Ruby.

Doing things this way would help me level up two soulbonds at once.

I decided to spend time with Tara, Maria, and Filia that night. We visited our secret island. While Tara and Maria cooked, I chopped logs, and Filia foraged. We began building the foundation of our cabin. It was fun.

Oh, and we had incredible fun on the beach right after.

So much fun, that my soulbond with Tara and Maria leveled up.



NAME: Tara and Maria

CLASS: Water Shaman

Strength: 1

Intelligence: 8 -> 11

Agility: 5 -> 7

Endurance: 2

Vigor: 1

Mind: 3

Luck: 4 -> 5






After we’d had enough fun, the four of us lay on the sand together and watched the stars.

“What do you think our new ability is?” Maria asked.

“Something awesome, I’m sure,” I replied.

Tara stretched and yawned. “We should invite Olana here.”

“I thought outsiders weren’t allowed,” I said.

Filia giggled. “Maybe Olana shouldn’t be an outsider.”

I knew what she was getting at.

“I don’t think we should suggest such a thing to her,” I said. “I just rescued her from an abusive husband and a deranged cult, after all.”

But the idea of holy elemental powers did intrigue me. Those claws that Adam had manifested seemed cool and powerful. What other abilities did she have, I wondered? Was she more offensive, defensive, or support focused? Did her abilities scale with strength or intelligence?

She seemed like a kind and determined soul. It would be enough to have her as an ally, for now.

“I still don’t get why anyone would want to serve the Shadowsoul,” Tara said. “It’s so freaking dumb!”

“Not everyone thinks the way we do,” Maria said. “Some people lose hope entirely. And for those without hope, the darkness must be comforting.”

The Shadowsoul’s darkness wasn’t just darkness; it was the eldritch reality of the Outer Gods. It was something else that we didn’t want to see this world turned into.

“Hey,” Tara said, “I can feel our new ability.”

Our tether lighted up, connecting the three of us.

“Wow!” Filia exclaimed. “What is it?”

A tingly white and green energy suffused me for a moment. All of a sudden, I felt energetic. As if I’d just woken up after a full night of sleep.

“What did that do?” I asked.

“It seems to have reset your endurance to max,” Maria said. “And also healed you of all status effects.”

That sounded pretty damn awesome. “You should cast it on everyone,” I said. “We all need a shot of endurance.”

Tara shook her head. “I think it’s only temporary. The endurance effect lasts about five minutes.”

So it lasted about the length of a battle. Still, pretty useful for the ending portion of a dungeon dive, when everyone is tiring out. It was sort of like their Augmenting Rain, though that replenished mana and also increased stats for a few seconds. This Status Cure ability had a much longer effect on endurance.

The four of us slept in the sand while staring at the stars, wrapped in each other’s arms.

The next morning, we went back into Whispering Waters to prepare for a Vaulted Ceiling run. First, we stopped by Ruby’s shop. The girls were able to upgrade some of their defensive stats by putting on a new set of clothes that Ruby had crafted.

“How was the island?” Ruby asked.

I gave her a kiss on the cheek. “It was great. We had a really restful time.”

“Remy made the foundation of the cabin,” Filia said. “It’s coming along nicely.”

Ruby giggled. “I really want to see it. I haven’t even been over there, yet.”

I’d have to take Ruby and Sherry over there on our next date night.

I briefly went to see Olana. I let her know that we would be exploring the Vaulted Ceiling in the hope of finding the other curseborn. She wanted to come, but I told her to wait until tomorrow, when I’d bring Team B.

Together with Tara, Filia, and Sherry, I teleported to the Vaulted Ceiling.

Announcement Hey there! Go up to 10 chapters ahead by joining my PATREON, and get exclusive chapters as well as clothed and nude art of the girls!

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