Published at 9th of January 2019 08:12:24 AM

Chapter 10

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After a ride on horse for 20 minutes Lie Fan and Chao Bo arrived at the port while seeing the soldiers already make a perimeter across the port with no commoner/the people,only soldier.

After arriving Lie Fan immediately call for the highest ranking officer.

"Commander how long do you think the unknown ships will dock on our port?" Ask Lie Fan toward the highest ranking officer,a 100-man army commander.

"I think 20 to 25 minutes the unknown ships will dock at the port My Lord." reply the 100-man army commander

"Okay now tell the soldiers to be vigilant but do not make a posture that will make them feel threatened and called for reinforcements if we are forced to use force!" Order Lie Fan toward the army commander

"Yes My Lord!" reply the 100-man army commander with a salute then ordering his troops to be vigilant but not threatening and he immediately ride his horse to call for reinforcements

While waiting for the unknown ships to dock and reinforcements Lie Fan and Chao Bo discussing how to ask what are their purpose for coming here and negotiate with the unknown ships.while waiting Lie Fan doesn't forget to wear his Chaos spear,crouching tiger full set armor,and dragon cape

After waiting for 20 minutes the unknown ships finally dock at the harbor and the situations becoming more tense.

"Halt! We are the army of Huai An and I'm Lie Fan the commanding officer, introduce yourself and state your purpose for coming here!" Said Lie Fan with authoritative voice that boosted with by Dragon cape making his leadership ability boosted and his troops showing aura than aer not threatening but forcefull.

"Please calm down sir Lie Fan we are just a trader from Yamatai under the order of Priest-Queen Himiko for trading with your country." Reply a woman with and elegant voice and beauty that make any man want her and taste her.

Lie Fan who saw her was fascinated with her beauty when suddenly Chao Bo pinch him in his waist with force that can break weapon ".....,Ow that hurt!" Yell Lie Fan while holding his waist

"My Lord you have to concentrate yourself,remember she was a stranger who suddenly come with numerous ships" Whisper Chao Bo to Lie Fan when seeing Lie Fan already awake from his fascination of the woman beauty.

"Ahem! So,what bring you here miss?" Ask Lie Fan toward the woman

"Ah! I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Tsumugi Mio you can call me Mio" reply the women with a smile that can make cherry blossom shy because of how beautifull her smile is.

"We come her for trade our country goods for your foods or rations that you can spare for trade." Continue Mio explaining her reason for coming to Huai An

"I agree with your intention to trade with us but what I don't understand is how do you know our language?" Ask Lie Fan confused with how she can speak and understand chinese

"Well I can speak and understand chinese language because I have come here since 2 years ago but I was smuggled inside chinese fisherman ships for entering and exiting china." Reply Mio

"What?! Smuggled yourself?! Hah.... the security of the town really need to be upgraded faster." Said Lie Fan shocked when he heard what Mio said

"Well then let me and my vice commander Chao Bo lead you and 5 person of your choice to go with us toward the lord of the city." Said Lie Fan

"All right but give me time for chosing who the five person is." Reply Mio

"Okay we give you 10 minutes." Said Lie Fan giving Mio the time she need for choosing who go with her.

After 10 minutes Mio came down from the ship with 5 people, 3 of them were a middle aged man wearing armor,1 of them is a young aged man wearing a clothes look like chinese garb(kimono), and 1 young girl wearing the same outfit like the young man but with an umbrella in her hand.

"Hello Lady Mio and her friends,follow me to where your horses are." Said Chao Bo who were told to wait for Mio and her friend by Lie Fan who after giving the order he immediately tell a soldier to bring six horse immediately.

"Ah thank you for the accomodations." Said Mio

After ride their horses Mio and her friends lead by Lie Fan and Chao Bo with the protection of 20 cavalry begin riding toward the Lord of Huai An city hall

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!