Published at 16th of April 2024 10:18:52 AM

Chapter 460: Star, Niflheim (5)

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Chapter 460: Star, Niflheim (5)

Chang-Sun was confused. He had no idea where he was or why a puppy appeared out of thin air and welcomed him. Nevertheless, despite his situation, he still couldnt help but reach out and pet the puppy.

The puppy wagged his tail like a propeller, seemingly showing that he liked it. The sight reminded Chang-Sun of Jjong back home, making him chuckle. He had always been very distrustful of people, but he had a strong faith in animals.

The puppy crawled into Chang-Suns arms. He then rubbed his head against Chang-Suns chest and licked his face.

Chang-Sun burst into laughter. Hahaha!

The shower of love, which only puppies could possibly give, quickly made Chang-Sun open up. He continued to play with him, momentarily forgetting that he had to figure out where he was.

The door to the room opened, and two people walked in. One was a calm-looking man with serpentine eyes and long hair, the other a woman with a set of small devil wings on her back.

Youre up.

Chang-Sun instinctively identified them as Jrmungandr and Hel. If so, then he had to be at . After locking up the spatial gap to and falling unconscious, Loki seemed to have brought him.

Expecting that he would wake up around this time, the two came to check up on him. Unlike Jrmungandr, who was still hard to read, Hel was blatantly scowling at Chang-Sun, her eyes filled with disapproval.

Chang-Sun nodded at them. Thanks to you, I rested!

Woof, woof!

The puppy in his arms suddenly barked at the two people, interrupting him. Unsure why the puppy was behaving so aggressively, he rubbed the puppys nape to calm him down.

What are you doing? Hel asked.

Chang-Sun found Jrmungandr and Hels reactions a bit odd. Jrmungandr looked like he couldnt believe what was happening, while Hels face began to redden. Chang-Sun thought she was angry with him, but he soon realized that she was looking at the puppy, not him. Wondering if the puppy was hers, Chang-Sun tilted his head in confusion.


The puppy barked happily, finally welcoming the two.

What the hell are you doing? Hel snapped. Youre embarrassing us,


Come here!



Woof, woof!


Hels face was as red as a tomato now.

Thump, thump, thump.

Huffing and puffing, Hel strode toward Chang-Sun and snatched the puppy by the nape from his arms. She didnt seem angry, but she did look so embarrassed that even her neck was red now. It was as if this was the last sight she wished to show Chang-Sun.

Youre dead meat if you do this again, Hel growled.


Stop barking like a real dog!

Woof, woof!

Are you serious?! she yelled at the puppy in her hand, storming out of the room.


Chang-Sun blankly watched Hel slam the door shut. He then looked at Jrmungandr.

That was my brother.

Jrmungandr gnashed his teeth, not really wishing to explain any further. His nose was starting to turn red as well.

Exactly. Thanatos smiled. Save Angrboda and bring under your command.

In essence, this demonic water fog was Angrboda herself. Considering what remained of her was slumbering on the underground floor of Lokis palace, it was hard to call her alive.

Im sure you know why Im talking about s critical weakness. Jrmungandr looked at Chang-Sun with sharp eyes. He hadnt forgotten that Chang-Sun had told Loki that he would give the cure for Angrbodas condition.

Although one of the reasons were preserving Jarnvidr is because its Mothers homeland, the main reason is to get the ingredients for the cure you promised us. Keep your promise. Otherwise Jrmungandr looked ahead of him again. ... even I have no idea how Father would react.

Calmly, he continued, Father is a mischievous man. He has never once lost his smile, not even during his conflict against Odin. He only ever loses his rationality when Mother is involved.

Jrmungandr was essentially warning Chang-Sun to watch himself.

Chang-Sun quietly nodded. I will.


But you better meet my terms as well.


Jrmungandr stopped. Chang-Sun walked past him.

has to give me their throne in exchange for saving Angrboda and acknowledge that Im Bestlas heir.

Yeah, that is who you are, Jrmungandr mumbled.

He could still remember the accomplishments that a human named Lee Chang-Sun had made on Earth and how he had done them. Chang-Sun would never let emotional ties get in his work, but he always made sure to keep his end of the deal. Hence, Jrmungandr couldnt help but nod even though Chang-Sun was talking about the subjugation of .

If you succeed, then you might just get what you want Jrmungandr trailed off.

* * *

Jrmungandr led Chang-Sun into a palace built out of the bones of enormous demonic creatures. It was unclear if the bones were of Dragons or serpents, however.

Bel-Marduk nodded Chang-Sun. Hey.

The disapproval in his eyes made it clear that he didnt want to be here. He would much rather finish his business here as quickly as possible so he could quickly return to where he was. When Chang-Sun began to wonder why

Oh, my! One more dashing man has arrived! Are you boys twins? Hohoho, you could have told me earlier. If I knew I was going to be surrounded by such fine men, I would have dressed myself up prettier.

The woman winked at Chang-Sun. She then laughed, covering her lips, which she had applied a dark-red lipstick on.

The woman was wearing a tight dress that accentuated her curves, its slits keeping her beautiful legs in the open. She was so beautiful that anyone walking past her would turn back to just to catch a glimpse of her again. However, Bel-Marduk kept looking away, a frown on his face. He looked as if he had just seen something he shouldnt have.

The more Bel-Marduks frown deepened, the louder the woman giggled. She linked her arm around Bel-Marduks right and asked him what was wrong. Bel-Marduk screamed to let him go, seemingly creeped out by her touch.

Chang-Sun tilted his head in confusion. Who is she?

The woman had a formidable Divine Class, but Chang-Sun couldnt connect her to the people of . He had already met Hel, so he was sure they werent the same person.

Chang-Sun narrowed his eyes. Her energy is familiar, though.

Fuck, Jrmungandr grumbled in annoyance, covering his face. He had the same expression as when he saw Fenrir in Chang-Suns arms. Would you please stop that already, Father?

Chang-Sun hurriedly turned to Jrmungandr, unable to believe what he just heard.


Jrmungandrs reaction made it clear that Chang-Sun hadnt misheard him.


Chang-Sun swallowed down his saliva. He turned to Bel-Marduk and the woman again, finding the woman giggling coquettishly and Bel-Marduk trembling, hating every bit of this meeting.

Hohohoho! Whats with the stare, sweetie? Is this your first time meeting a beautiful woman? Well, it would be difficult to find someone more beautiful, wouldnt it?

Chang-Sun wondered if he had just dug his own grave with this plan.

1. A shore of corpses in Helheim.

2. The novel has made a few modifications to Norse mythology. Not much is known about Ivaldi himself, but his sons forged Gungnir and Skidbladnir. Loki, the one who mischievously cut Sifs hair, visited Ivaldis sons to get Sif a replacement. That marked the start of his journey to creating many artifacts like Gungnir, Skidbladnir, Mjolnir etc.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!