Published at 22nd of November 2023 05:37:05 AM

Chapter 10

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As Neah stirred from his restless slumber in the early morning light, weariness hung heavy in his eyes. The weight of his self-imposed expectations had etched lines of fatigue across his face. With slow, deliberate movements, he pushed himself up, his body protesting the lack of rest. Today held another battle, another opportunity to prove his worth, yet he no longer harboured a fear of the impending outcome. What remained was a deep-seated desire to see it through and find respite from the ceaseless struggle. 

The preparation followed a mechanical rhythm. He readied his attire, the uniform of a noble student destined for the arena. It was a routine he had mastered over countless days of repetition. Before venturing out, he brewed a cup of black coffee, a silent companion to his thoughts. Carefully concocted, the brew balanced bitterness and sweetness, much like his own disposition.

Sipping the coffee, he savoured the fleeting moments of tranquilly, even though he was already running late. Eleven precious minutes slipped away, stolen by contemplation. He knew his opponent awaited him, a challenge he had to face. The judges' unyielding reminder loomed over him: thirty minutes late, and he'd be forfeited.

Neah's steps were deliberate, his measured pace betraying his disinterest in the ticking clock. The world moved around him, anticipation and excitement a blur, but he remained unmoved. He was 23 minutes late, yet he approached the arena with an air of nonchalance, as if time held no dominion over him. 

At last, he arrived, the arena sprawling before him, a sea of faces watching his every move. The crowd's buzz, the watchful eyes of the judges, and the unwavering gaze of his opponent bore down on him. Neah's expression remained unchanged, his face a mask of indifference.

He stepped onto the stage, the hallowed ground where battles would be fought and fates decided. The referee's voice cut through the air, breaking the silence. "Neah, are you ready to fight?" Suspended for a moment, Neah's gaze fixed upon the referee, his response devoid of fervour. "More than ready."

There was no fire in his eyes, no determination burning within him. His words held a quiet resolve, a resignation to the course ahead. He was not driven by the thrill of victory or the hope of accolades. The battle that awaited him was merely another step in a journey of endurance, a path he treads with unyielding persistence.

The battle commenced with the resounding call of the referee. Neah's opponent, a noble student named Eamon, stepped forward with an air of confidence. As Eamon introduced himself, his voice echoed through the arena, swallowed by the tense anticipation that hung in the air.

Neah's gaze met Eamon's, and in that fleeting moment, recognition passed between them—an acknowledgement of their roles as combatants in this fleeting spectacle. Eamon's hand rested on the hilt of a sword, a choice of weapon that revealed his intent. Neah's sword emerged from its sheath, and with that simple act, the atmosphere shifted.

Neah's once-calm demeanour gave way to transformation—a shift in stance and focus that painted him as a predator, poised to strike. His defensive stance took on an edge of aggression, a crouched posture that emanated an aura of controlled violence. It was as if a switch had been flipped, and the tranquilly that had cloaked him dissipated into the wind.

Eamon took a cautious step, a calculated move to assess his opponent. But Neah was quicker, a shadow in motion as he lunged forward with a fierce onslaught. His attacks were a blur, a flurry of strikes that left Eamon struggling to parry or evade. The noble student found himself on the defensive, his initial confidence replaced by urgency.

With a well-timed leap, Eamon managed to create distance—a brief respite to regain composure. Neah's eyes remained fixed on his opponent, his breath steady, and his anticipation unwavering. The pause was a moment of calculation, a chance for Eamon to devise a strategy to counter the relentless assault.

But Neah had no intention of granting him that opportunity. In an instant, he closed the gap once more, closing the distance with explosive speed. Eamon's attempt to counter was met with a decisive manoeuvre: Neah's hand found its mark, and the noble student was slammed into the unforgiving ground.

The impact reverberated through the arena, a testament to Neah's unyielding strength and skill. Pinning Eamon down, Neah's grip was firm, a subtle reminder of his dominance in this battle. He released his hold, allowing Eamon to rise. With a taunting smirk, Neah's words cut through the air, a challenge laced with mockery. "Get up. Put up a fight."

Eamon's response was fueled by anger and an eruption of determination to prove himself. He surged forward, launching an onslaught of strikes with fervour. Yet, each blow was met with uncanny grace, as if Neah's movements were choreographed to perfection. His defences held strong, creating an impenetrable barrier against Eamon's assault.

The battle raged on, with the clash of steel and the dance of combatants filling the arena with a symphony of conflict. But for all of Eamon's efforts, he could not find a gap in Neah's defence, a weakness to exploit. It was as if Neah was one step ahead, anticipating every move before execution.

Then, in an instant, Neah saw his opening. Eamon's guard faltered, a split-second vulnerability that Neah seized upon. A single punch landed true, a strike of precision that found its mark. Eamon crumpled, his form collapsing in defeat. The referee's voice rang out, a declaration of victory for Neah.

"Weak" Neah muttered.

The arena fell silent, the dust of battle settling as Neah stood victorious. There was no exultation in his gaze, no triumphant grin. Instead, his eyes held a quiet intensity, a reflection of the battle's culmination. He had triumphed, not in pursuit of glory but as a testament to his relentless determination and unwavering skill.

Neah settled into the waiting area, his body finding the cold stone strangely comforting beneath him. His gaze drifted upward, eyes fixed on the expanse of the sky above. The noise of ongoing battles seemed distant, like mere echoes. His mind was a canvas of emptiness, a respite from the tumultuous clashes and weight of expectations.

Above, the sky stretched endlessly, a wash of blue adorned with delicate brushstrokes of clouds. It was a serene scene, a stark contrast to the arena's fervent frenzy. Neah's senses were attuned to the simple beauty above him, the symphony of battle fading into insignificance.

His body ached, a protest against the relentless strain he'd subjected it to. Every muscle screamed in protest, a chorus of discomfort resonating. These were the repercussions of his choices, pushing himself beyond the bounds of reason. Yet Neah remained still, his gaze unwavering, as if the sky held the answers he sought.

The clash of weapons and crackling of magic became a distant symphony, a backdrop to his thoughts. In this moment of quiet, Neah's mind was untethered, free to wander amidst the expanse of the sky. He knew he shouldn't be fighting in such conditions; his body was protesting unnecessary strain, but his mind was elsewhere.

The cessation of battle's cacophony was a subtle shift, a gradual return to reality. And as the sounds of combat waned, another presence made itself known. Footsteps, soft but purposeful, drew closer, and Neah's gaze shifted from the sky to the approaching figure. Elara, Princess Elara, stood before him, her expression a mix of admiration and concern.

She spoke with delicate reassurance. "You've done well to reach this far," she said, a hint of genuine praise in her voice. Neah's response was an absent murmur of acknowledgement as his gaze flickered back to the sky. He heard her and understood her, but his mind remained ensnared by thoughts beyond the realm of the arena.

A call to battle reached his ears, summoning him back to reality. Neah rose with a languid movement that belied the storm within. Without another word to Elara, he turned away, his steps carrying him towards the arena once more. Stage awaited, platform for next trial

But fate had its own plans. Before Neah could fully step into the spotlight, his opponent, a mage, made an abrupt decision. Forfeiture, a declaration of inability to continue, echoed through the arena. Neah's lips curled into a bemused smile, a quiet laugh escaping. Battles weren't all as they seemed—a reminder that appearances could deceive and the path ahead was unpredictable.

Neah's laughter lingered, gentle amusement dancing on the edge of exhaustion. He turned, retreating from the stage, his steps carrying him back towards the waiting area. The sky above remained unchanged, a canvas of blue that held no answers, only serene detachment from the trials and victories that unfolded below.

The culmination of the semi-finals left only four contenders standing from the initial throng of 256 students. Neah exited the arena, the air heavy with the aftermath of battles and his thoughts turbulent. "Maybe I should read some books," he mused inwardly, with a faint desire for the familiar embrace of written words.

As he strode back to his dorm, Neah's steps were tinged with a sense of anticipation. The prospect of losing himself in the pages of a book seemed like an inviting reprieve. However, upon reaching his dorm room, plans were abruptly interrupted by a figure that stood before him—familiar yet unexpected.

Charlotte, his eighth older sibling, had a presence from the past that seemed a distant memory. Her presence jolted Neah's solitude, a reminder of the family he left behind in pursuit of goals. He invited her in, and the conversation carried a mixture of warmth and restraint.

"Congratulations on making it to finals," Charlotte offered, her voice a blend of genuine pride and familial affection. Neah's response held a semblance of gratitude, though emotions remained elusive, shielded behind a veneer of detachment.

As the conversation meandered, the topic took an unexpected turn. Charlotte's seemingly innocent words probed a deeper truth. "Why haven't you been using your magic?" she inquired, her eyes holding piercing curiosity. Neah's gaze flickered, caught off guard by the question. He hadn't realised the omission until now—reliance solely on the sword, magic seemingly forgotten in the heat of combat.

He met his sister's gaze with a mixture of surprise and self-reflection in his eyes. The truth resonated—the unspoken realisation that choices had been driven by a singular focus. The path he'd chosen was of his own making, but had it veered too far from the essence of who he was?

A forced chuckle escaped Neah's lips, masking her inner turmoil. "Guess I got carried away," he muttered, a hint of falseness tinging his words. Charlotte's response was a knowing smile and an understanding that transcended words. They lingered for a moment, a silent conversation passing between them.

As conversation drifted, an offer of coffee hung in the air, a gesture of hospitality and connection. Neah extended an invitation, a fragment of sincerity amid the complexities of exchange. And as the aroma of brewing coffee filled the room, Neah found himself grateful for this unexpected interlude, a reminder of the ties that bound him to the past and the journey that lay ahead.

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