Rise of a Manor Lord - Chapter 162

Published at 23rd of April 2024 12:13:44 PM

Chapter 162

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Drake raised his gaze to the Judge. He didn’t even ask if he was going to get a follow up. From her expression, he already knew she was thinking the same thing he was. While Prince Ossidan had been wearing his tiara when he died, he hadn’t been wearing any medallion.

Drake could already guess what that meant. Lord Redbow knew someone who could make magic gems. He’d used two such gems to spy on them through Robby, Anna’s creepy doll. So who was to say he wouldn’t have more magical gems, like one that he’d somehow linked a sea gate so it would suck whoever was wearing the gem into it?

If that was the case, when Redbow activated that sea gate to stop the cabal from revealing his association with Westin Proudglade, he’d given himself time to escape. He’d also salted the earth as he fled, because he summoned crown prince Ossidan into a situation where he would be assassinated.

Lord Redbow must have known the other manors would come after him once the truth came out. Except now, it would be difficult if not impossible for the other manors to unite and go hunt down Lord Redbow in his manor. The entire kromian empire was now threatening to exterminate every person with divine blood on the face of this planet.

Resolving this war could buy Redbow all the time he needed to fortify his position... or disappear forever. This whole setup was simultaneously clever, heartless, and short-sighted. A man like Redbow wouldn’t care if he dropped this realm into decades of war so long as it allowed him to go into hiding with his wealth and a few thralls. He’d do anything to survive.

Which meant Lord Redbow, too, had to die before this would be over.

The examination continued for a few more rounds, but Drake continued to pass each time his turn came. He already knew everything he needed to know, and the other manor lords seemed to agree. Once everyone had passed on a question, the Judge spoke.

“The examination is concluded. Prince Lorel, thank you for speaking to us today. When we have reached a decision regarding your request for aid, we will speak again.”

The exiled kromian prince turned to face the Judge and bowed. He rose and, along with the last six kromians in the world who supported him, was escorted out by the capital guards. Once he was gone, the Judge turned back to the assembled manor lords.

“You see now the threat we face,” the Judge said calmly. “The person who ordered the attack on our city does not seek our resources, our land, or the right to rule over us. They seek to exterminate us. Prince Varnath intends to murder all who possess divine blood.”

Drake glanced at Lydia. She looked unnerved by this news, but when she caught him glancing at her, she visibly relaxed. She even smiled as if to reassure him, though that was entirely unnecessary. He should be the one reassuring her!

“Yet that is not the only threat we have come here to discuss,” the Judge continued. “Ending this war will require careful preparation and planning, and we dare not move rashly. There are also three other matters with which we must deal immediately.”

Of course there were. Drake settled in for a long cabal.

“First, the destruction of much of the outer crescent has left us with a large number of displaced citizens who now have nowhere to live. We cannot shelter them here. We will need space, land, and resources to see to their needs until their homes are rebuilt.”

The outer crescent must be the portion of the city closest to the bay. The capital wrapped around the bay like a giant C, and the portion closest had been wrecked during the kromian attack. Drake had seen the damage himself. It wasn’t pretty.

The Judge continued. “For the time being, we are asking the manors to offer their aid. Each of you will accept and shelter displaced citizens until their homes can be rebuilt and the outer crescent can be restored. In exchange, we will provide you with a credit toward all tithes due to the noble court. Use this coin instead to house, clothe, and feed your charges.”

It sounded like the noble court wasn’t giving any of them a choice in this matter. While Drake wouldn’t have refused refugees out of hand, he also didn’t know how he was going to handle them, especially if there were going to be a lot of people who needed shelter. His manor was already half full with his own folks. Where would he even house refugees?

“The second matter is even more urgent,” the Judge continued. “If this city is to avoid starvation, we must re-open our path to the sea. Based on the reports of our scouts, the mouth of the bay remains kromian controlled. We must clear a path for trade to resume.”

It sounded like the second matter was to go beat the shit out of some kromians. That was a job Drake would be happy to volunteer for. While he felt sympathy for Prince Lorel and all he’d been through, he doubted he could ever truly forgive the kromians at large for attacking and murdering his people. The attack on the beach had been butchery, nothing else.

Xutag, Hugo, Alice, and every other person he’d lost yesterday had done nothing to deserve being slaughtered by poison arrows or cut apart by poison blades. All they’d wanted was a day to relax on the beach. The kromians had stolen that.

The only way to stop the kromian empire from slaughtering more people was for Drake and the other manor lords to kick them in the teeth so hard they’d never dare launch such a brutal attack again. Drake would also be lying to himself if he didn’t admit he also just wanted to hurt them... like they’d hurt his people.

“Finally, there is the matter of Lord Redbow,” the Judge said. “During the last cabal, Lord Redbow committed an unforgivable crime. Attempting to deceive the noble court. He is now an enemy of the noble court. He must be brought to justice.”

That was a hell of a euphemism. For these people, and for the noble court in particular, “brought to justice” meant “imprisoned and then beheaded.” Drake still felt it had been unnecessary in the case of Westin Proudglade... but Lord Redbow needed to be put down. Drake would volunteer for this mission as well.

“The noble court now asks that you, as our vassals and protectors, see to these matters. My clerks will provide each of your manors with a count of citizens who need to be sheltered, scouting reports on the kromians holding the mouth of Alicean Bay, and all information we have on Lord Redbow. I leave it to you to best determine how these tasks can be completed.”

Again, Drake doubted he was going to be able to refuse. It also looked like he’d have to wrangle the details of who would do what with the other manor lords, which wasn’t going to be fun given he still hated about half of them. Still... given the stakes, they’d have to cooperate.

The Judge continued. “In exchange for this service to the noble court, and upon completion of these three tasks, all manor lords involved will be awarded a token of the noble court’s favor. We, on behalf of the Eidolons, thank you for your aid in this troubling time.”

Drake found himself wondering just how much coin the noble court had on hand right now. They’d offered to discount or cancel tithes in order to compensate the manors for the costs associated with refugees, which was just giving up on coin they hadn’t collected. And they were offering tokens of noble favor instead of cold hard cash for solving the other three problems, a deal that would put them at a disadvantage in negotiations in the future.

The capital must be hurting for money. Given their docks, their entire fleet of fishing boats, and a good portion of the city had all been wrecked, it seemed Prince Varnath’s attack had hurt the noble court worse than they were willing to admit.

As much as Drake hated to admit it, perhaps “slaughter everyone and smash everything you can” had been a more effective military tactic than he’d acknowledged when the kromian assault occurred. Given the difficulties they now faced and the size of the kromian army, as well as the fact that they’d always have an advantage in any fighting that occurred in the sea, Drake found himself seriously considering Prince Lorel’s offer.

If the prince really could lead an elite force through secret paths that would bypass the bulk of the kromian army, and that force eliminated Prince Varnath, and the kromian empire then swore loyalty to Prince Lorel...

Too many ifs. Too many unknowns, and he was getting ahead of himself with all this speculation. He doubted Lord Proudglade would be eager to cooperate with him on anything.

Moreover, he might have to fight fiercely to ensure his manor wasn’t saddled with an unfair share of these responsibilities. If he didn’t tread carefully in the upcoming negotiations with the other manors, an enemy lord could set his manor up for failure... like tasking him with taking on the empire kromian empire with just his own people.

Drake had thought the prior cabal would be the most difficult challenge he would face, but the challenges ahead could be even more difficult. Any plans he made would be complicated by the fact that he’d also either need to get the other manor lords to agree to his plan or at least stay the hell out of his way. Both of those would be a pain in the ass.

The Judge’s next words snapped him off his ruminations. “Tonight, to celebrate our defense of our city and to thank the manors and their thralls for the service they have rendered the noble court, we will be throwing a grand banquet.”

So as much trouble as the noble court was having with money, it still had enough money to throw a banquet for the manor lords and everyone in their manor. How nice for them. He hoped everyone would enjoy it.

“All manor lords are invited, as are your thralls,” the Judge continued. “We hope this to be an occasion where you can relax and refresh yourselves after recent events. However, no conflict will be tolerated. Altercations will be treated as crimes. Leave your grudges at home.”

Given how the noble court treated crimes, Drake doubted any thrall or even a manor lord who stepped out of line at the banquet would get off easily. Or at all.

“After the banquet, all manor lords will retire to a private chamber. There, you will vote on who will inherit the blood pacts of Lord Blackmane and Lord Frostlight. A roster of all candidates and their qualifications has already been delivered to your quarters.”

The Judge needed the manors back at full strength. This made sense. Drake just hoped he could talk the other manor lords into electing someone good for a change.

“After the new lords are named, you will then decide how to complete the tasks presented to you today,” the Judge continued. “This will be a meeting of manor lords. There is no need to bring any thralls to this meeting. The capital will provide all the security you need.”

Drake wasn’t fully comfortable meeting with the other manor lords alone, given a couple of them could easily murder him, but he’d have Sky and her void rarity to ensure no one’s rarity worked in a fight. They could easily keep each other safe.

“As a final matter, Prince Lorel will also be in attendance at the banquet,” the Judge said. “The noble court expects all of you to treat him as you would treat a fellow manor lord. We have chosen to accept his offer of an alliance. You will do the same.”

Drake was also leaning more toward that course of action than he had been before the cabal. As easy as it would be to hate all kromians for their brutal attack, it simply wasn’t practical. There were still kromians who were against this war, like those with rarities. As difficult as it was to accept, he couldn’t condemn an entire race for the actions of their many, many assholes.

At some point, a peace treaty would have to be signed... and it’d be signed quicker if someone assassinated Prince Varnath. Prince Lorel might be the best person to help them with that. While killing every last kromian might be satisfying, it was also impossible.

“I will now open the cabal to questions,” the Judge said. “Do you have any questions?”

Thankfully, no one did. Drake was eager to get back to his chambers, tell the people who weren’t in the cabal what had happened, and get a plan together for tonight. He also wasn’t going to go into another situation, even a banquet, unprepared for an attack.

He’d made that mistake on the beach. He was never going to make it again. From now on, he’d have his people ready to protect his people... no matter where they went.

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