Published at 21st of September 2023 05:25:47 AM

Chapter 388: "This Is Fun."

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When Evan was thrown violently away by Kaizen, he ended up crashing into one of the high rock walls of the bleachers and fell to the ground with a thud. He tried to recover quickly, but the damage from the impact left him dizzy and struggling to get up. Meanwhile, Kaizen moved forward with wide strides, his sword in his hand.

Evan looked ahead, his eyes still slightly closed, and knew immediately that he was in trouble. If Kaizen got what he wanted, hand-to-hand combat, he would be at a serious disadvantage. So he stretched his staff forward and used magic to create a wall of fire between himself and Kaizen, trying to buy himself time to recover. The fire barrier blocked Kaizen's momentum, forcing him to retreat for a moment to avoid the intense heat of the flames.

'Damn... He thinks too fast. Kaizen mentally cursed, but was undeterred, and it didn't take long to create a small opening in the fire barrier.

With a quick movement, Kaizen moved closer and used his imbued sword to cut through the fire barrier, making his way towards Evan.

Realizing he was running out of time, Evan focused what little mana he had on the ground below Kaizen, using to create a trap. He caused the ground to abruptly open into a deep pit, causing Kaizen to fall into it. However, Kaizen was prepared and used his

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