Published at 12th of April 2024 10:37:49 AM

Chapter 608: 581We Were All Deceived

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Chapter 608 Chapter581-We Were All Deceived

The sudden appearance of John took both Flame Knight and Duke Arsena by surprise.

However, they quickly adapted to the situation.

Flame Knight shifted his focus away from Duke Arsena and Natasha, launching two powerful dark magic spells directly at John instead.

These formidable spells prevented John, who had just emerged from the portal, from immediately joining the fight.

Moreover, Shatras, who was severely injured, was right by John's side.

Duke Arsena, of course, was not about to stand idly by and watch Flame Knight's attack succeed.

The Duke promptly cast a divine protection spell, safeguarding John and Shatras for the moment.

Thanks to Duke Arsena's intervention, John narrowly avoided Flame Knight's assault.

He first ensured Shatras was in a relatively safe location before diving into the fray himself.

However, this time, John had no intention of collaborating with Duke Arsena and Natasha to completely eradicate Flame Knight.

John merely wanted to inform Flame Knight of a crucial development that had occurred within the Dark Realm.

"You continuing the battle with us in Storm City is utterly pointless. Are you not aware of the situation that has arisen in the Dark Realm, something all Devils dread?"

John articulated, casting a wave of confusion over everyone present.

However, Flame Knight, being a Devil, was not easily persuaded.

He suspected John's words were merely a tactic to disrupt his focus.

As such, Flame Knight disregarded John's statement, persisting in his assault.

Nonetheless, John did not cease his attempts to convince him. John was acutely aware of the critical need to inform Flame Knight that the Mystery Saint had been resurrected.

Given the resurrection of the Mystery Saint, it was clear that this entity now represented the most formidable adversary for both the Order Faction and the Dark Faction.

It was imperative for the Dark Faction and Order Faction to unite in vanquishing the Mystery Saint.

"I must inform you that the Mystery Saint has been resurrected! And his revival took place within your Dark Realm! Do you not deem it necessary to return to the Dark Realm to thwart the subsequent actions of the Mystery Saint?!"

John's revelation profoundly startled Flame Knight.

Natasha, standing beside Duke Arsena, was also in a dire state.

John first checked the conditions of Duke Arsena and Natasha.

After ensuring that they were not in critical condition, he then turned his attention to Shatras, whose injuries were significantly more severe than the other two.

John reasoned that if Shatras was not in grave danger, then Duke Arsena and Natasha were likely also manageable.

"Try not to speak! You've sustained severe injuries in the previous battle! We no longer need to worry about the safety of Storm City for the time being! The Dark Faction is unlikely to launch another attack on Storm City soon. I will ensure you're returned to the Naga tribe as quickly as possible because it's only there that you can recover to your optimal state swiftly."

John was well aware that Shatras had a lot he wanted to say.

However, John felt there were more pressing matters at hand.

Ultimately, Shatras heeded John's advice, refraining from further conversation and simply accompanied John back to the Naga tribe.

Upon their return to the Naga tribe, Shatras and John met with the Naga Queen.

After carefully listening to everything John had to say, the expression on the Naga Queen's face turned quite grim.

Although the Naga Queen had hoped that John and his companions would eliminate the Abyssal Fearmonger, and their mission had indeed been successful, the threats she now faced had become even greater.

The Naga Queen had never anticipated that the Mystery Saint could harness the power of the Abyssal Fearmonger to resurrect successfully.

"I might have underestimated the capabilities of the Mystery Saint! I genuinely believed it was impossible for him to resurrect within the Dark Realm!

I can imagine how alarmed you must have been encountering such a situation. Thankfully, you all managed to return safely. Our Order Faction is unlikely to face many threats in the near future.

As John mentioned earlier, the Dark Faction will soon be engaged in a decisive battle with the Mystery Faction. Should the Mystery Faction gain the upper hand, the Dark Faction might seek our assistance.

If the Dark Faction emerges victorious, the Mystery Saint will be slain once again. Should the Mystery Saint be killed again, the cost of his resurrection would be significantly higher."

"Regardless of who wins or loses between the Dark Faction and the Mystery Faction, it is good news for us. After all, both factions are our adversaries."

The Naga Queen meticulously analyzed the current situation.

She and John both felt that after the series of events they had experienced, it was time for them to take a moment to patiently recuperate.

The assault on the Dark Realm had left all the Order Faction's mightiest in a dire state.

Every powerful member of the Order Faction needed time to rest and recover.

Therefore, John decided to leave Natasha in the Naga tribe and proceeded to Southern Harbor.

In John's view, since the Mystery Eye Gemstone was obtained in Southern Harbor, the Ocean Sage there might provide him with some answers.

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