Savage Divinity - Chapter 103

Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:09:09 AM

Chapter 103

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Chapter 103

Running long distances isnt about endurance, its about determination. Sure, at some point you will run out of energy and collapse in a puddle of sweat, tears, and puke, but that point is much farther than you would think, so long as you possess the determination to continue, putting one foot in front of the other, simple as that. Slogging through the mud and rain tires me out far more than usual, but our pace has slowed the past few days, either Akanai having mercy on me or truly in no rush to reach the Bridge. I don't understand why, Id prefer to put all this ugliness behind us, hopefully as peacefully as possible, maybe with a stern warning from the Justicar.

I can still dream.

A tirade of cursing draws my attention, a sigh escaping me as I slow down to help Ravil once again. Grabbing him by the shoulder, I pull him out of the mud with a loud pop, Ravil grumbling the entire time. Youre a terrible rider, no grace at all. Pointing at his quin, I beckon it over towards us, but it remains still, shrinking back as if afraid. Hey, whats your quins name?

His grumbling stops for a second to answer me. Jinx.

They gave you a quin named Jinx?

Nah. Brushing my hand aside, he tries to clean himself of mud, an impossible task even if he werent blind, but I wisely keep my mouth shut. That idiot creature didnt have a name, so they left it to me to name her. Aint a single thing gone right since I marched with you Khishigs, so I figured you were my jinx, my black star, but I might as well embrace it, so thats her name, Jinx. Must be working, I've fallen every day and aint broke my neck yet.

Responding to her name, Jinx timidly walks over to us, stopping at arms reach to sniff me before deciding that Im acceptable company. These wagon quins are the weaker more timid ones that wouldnt survive as well in the wild, but I like them docile, theyre much sweeter and approachable. While theyre still capable of biting through flesh and bone, thats more of a last resort and not their standard greeting.

Feeding the sweet quin a slice of dried fruit, I chuckle lightly. Well, whatever you like. Not like learning how to heal isnt awesome or anything, just focus on the negatives why dont you. Helping him back onto Jinx, I smack him on the shoulder. Listen up, you arent used to riding and she isnt used to carrying you, so sit on her back, relax, and let her lead. Someone will notice if she runs off, no need for you to guide her. Jogging alongside, I continue to offer advice, until, tired of my company, Ravil urges Jinx to run faster, leaving me behind. Youre welcome, jerk.

Picking up the pace, I continue to run through the mud and rain, my raincoat little more than a straw cloak and hat, keeping me dry and my skin feeling hot. The day wears on, but the rain shows no sign of stopping, nor do we, eating on the move, something easier done from the back of a quin, but I manage somehow, wishing the entire time for money to fall from the sky, so I can buy another roosequin.

If only that stupid big cat was 1,000 years old or older, then all of my immediate money problems would be solved, even split with Huu. Instead, I have to find a way to pay him for half the value of the damn kittens as well. How much they're worth I can only guess at, but Taduk doesn't think they'd be very cheap, so my fiscal obligations continue to grow.

Do they have banks here? Perhaps I should see about robbing one... or better yet, open my own bank if they don't exist. Although, collecting on debt would be a real problem, with everyone insisting I give face and whatnot. Man, how do businesses make a living here?

Mercifully, the downpour ends in the early afternoon as does our journey for the day, Akanai setting up camp on some rocky high ground. It's difficult finding places to fit 4,000+ people, considering all the stringent requirements, like a defensible site with access to water, firewood, etc. I should find a book on command, so I can figure out how to screw up without putting lives at risk.

Mila and Li Song go out to hunt today, giving me time to rest, exhausted from the day's run, while my squad settles down around me, silently practicing their healing, most of them still learning how to examine their own injuries. With the need for privacy, we settled away from the main camp each day, doing nothing to endear ourselves to the other Sentinels, but I know that screams of pain would see us immediately ostracized as masochistic freaks. There has yet to be another person to succeed with my healing technique, not even Taduk or Mei Lin able to replicate my success, but I have confidence that the both of them will be able to persevere past my horrible teaching and puzzle out the mystery, going on to teach the others far more effectively than I ever could.

Ravil, the poor unfortunate, currently sits nearby with Taduk and Tokta arguing next to him, the two of them spewing venom at one another over his head. It surprises me how terribly they get along, but I supposed it's some sort of professional rivalry considering most of their insults are directed at the other's healing skills. Neither of them are happy at being unable to puzzle out my healing method, and Ravil has taken the brunt of their displeasure, although I've endured more than my fair share. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Escaping their notice, I scoop up my favorite kitten and snuggle him, the runt of the litter struggling while I shower him with affection, nibbling at my hands. After a day of napping inside the sling Li Song made to carry them in, the little trio of adorable kittens curiously explore their surroundings, filled with energy yet unwilling to travel too far away on their own, often glancing back to see if I'm still where they left me. They're timid little creatures and I hope they stay that way, because they will eventually grow into 500-pound murder machines.

I should probably ask someone for advice.

Gathering up the remaining kittens, I bring them over to the cooking pit where Alsantset is hard at work preparing for dinner. Hey, you know how you said I can keep these cats as long as I tame them? How exactly would I go about doing that?

The happy sounds of Mila and Li Song playing with the kittens fill the silence, we four healers sitting quietly as we each ponder the problem, but my heart isn't in it. I want to play with the kittens, they seem as if they're having so much fun, pouncing around and mewling cutely while chasing strings pulled by a delighted Mila, lovely in the fading sunlight. Next to her, serenely petting the lazy one, Li Song exudes contentment and tranquility, completely engrossed in her single action.

Ah! Lin perks up, startling me from my thoughts and I do my best to appear innocent, and not an ogling lecher, but my staring went unnoticed. You said you 'direct your blood' to create the panacea right? How sure are you about that?

Taking the time to consider her question, I answer hesitantly. Well yea, I believe that's what happens. Part of the blood is... siphoned off, and that's where the panacea comes from, but it isn't always there. I can't create it right away, it takes time for things to get started, so I assumed my blood is the source of the panacea.

Hmm, but blood doesn't work that way, it doesn't create things. Plucking the knife from it's sheathe, she draws it across her palm in a neat slice, carefully keeping from spilling any blood.

Uhh, what are you doing? My question goes unanswered as her eyes have already closed, her body going slack as she does when meditating, leaning against me, almost as if she were asleep. Looking to Taduk and Tokta for explanation, neither of them are any help as their attentions are already focused on Lin's healing, so I make do with watching her palm, keeping any blood from spilling out and onto her clothes. I can't imagine how hard it would be to remove blood from white silk, and I know her scarf means a lot to her, although she's never said why.

After a half-hour, Lin's eyes open and she sleepily snuggles against me, yawning adorably as she wakes from meditation. Grinning toothily, she triumphantly announces, I did it Rainy, I figured it out!

Before I can speak up, Tokta asks frantically, How did you do that? You replicated his method! Speak girl, speak! Please tell me you can explain it better than this idiot can.

Hehe... Rainy was saying that it was 'siphoning' from his blood, but that didn't sound right. Blood delivers and is consumed, that's its purpose, so I thought that it was delivering the panacea which had to be created somewhere else. Add to the fact that Daddy couldn't sense it and Rainy's description of 'siphoning' -

The panacea must be a special type of blood, made in the bone marrow! Tokta blurts out the rest, before exclaiming, Ha! I win, I figured it out first. Medical Saint, more like Medical Moron, can't even reach simple conclusions.

You figured it out? My wonderful daughter figured it out, you just stole her moment, you second-rate scoundrel! I'd belittle your title as well, but what was it again? Oh right, you don't have one, because you languish in mediocrity. The two of them continue to argue as they sit and draw their own knives, cutting themselves and bleeding while they trade insults, their sudden silence almost a relief as they concentrate on testing Lin's method.

Holding up her hand, she proudly displays the healed cut while leaning her head for a pat, waiting for her praise. Feeling foolish, I oblige her while smiling, listening to her continue on about her process, but I'm distracted by the fact that my simple mistake kept my teachers from replicating my success for weeks. It's because they took my words at face value, and only after Lin decided to try to verify them did my mistake become clear.

I have little time to wallow in self-pity, as both healers leap up almost in unison and begin discussion on methods to more easily teach my squad, pulling me in to settle their arguments. Watching the animated expressions of my two healing teachers, I feel a touch of pity for my squad as it seems more of them will soon be joining Ravil in his pain filled misery as they slowly heal their injuries. On the bright side, Akanai will probably let me off the hook after everyone is healed, which means I won't have to pay their salaries anymore, so I have that going for me. They say money can't buy happiness, but crushing debt never made anyone happy either.

Now all I have to do is survive the trial with the Society.

How hard could that be? We'll have Akanai, Baatar and the rest of the Banner, Du Min Gyu, and 4,000+ Sentinels. The Society is nothing, just a conglomerate of sects and clans that have been in existence for hundreds, if not thousands of years, perfecting their way of combat in the defense of the province.

No problem.

Well, at least this can't all be blamed on me, I didn't want to go to that stupid contest in the first place.

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