Savage Divinity - Chapter 111

Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:08:57 AM

Chapter 111

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Chapter 111

Spearing the fish with his chopsticks, Jia Yang ate his breakfast slowly, his mind empty of all else but the meal before him, a customary ritual on a day of confrontation. The soft texture of the meat almost melted on his tongue, mixing delightfully with the fragrant grains of rice, prepared to perfection by his chefs. To gain strength, red meats were best, but for endurance, there was no better substitute than a belly full of rice. Delighting in his morning meal, he focused on nothing else but the parsing of his five senses, attuning them to prepare for the battle ahead.

His meal completed, Yang moved to his meditation mat, reaching for Balance as he went over his plans. The most troublesome opponent was Akanai, a warrior of repute, all of their spies unable to offer a clear impression of her strength. While there were several Elders present who could likely deal with her, the prudent response was to send slaves to test her. Even with an overwhelming advantage, Yang was never one to rush into battle, always carefully considering all options.

All it would take is a single lost trial and the Bekhai would be found guilty of assault, the perpetrators beheaded and their bodies put on display to show the world the consequences of going against the Society. With three matches per trial, he would wear down their strength fighting disposable slaves, even better if the slaves were to win. There was little glory to be gained in fighting barbarian mercenaries, but tongues would wag if all he sent were slaves. After victory in the trials, the shadow warriors would be let loose to wipe out the Bekhai, stem and root, ridding the Society of a future nuisance. Simple, easy, effective.

A pounding at his door interrupted his meditation, irritation flaring up within him. Without displaying his anger, he calmly called out, Enter.

Rushing through in a flurry, Bolin appeared with his clothes and hair a mess. Bad news, cousin, bad news. Du Min Gyu is not so frail as you believe!

Snorting loudly, he waved aside Bolin's concerns. Do not fall for his devious tricks, he is a feeble old man, shaking at the thought of confrontation. I saw it with my own two eyes.

Eyes wide, Bolin shook his head vigorously, the sweat flying off his brow. No cousin, he is hale and healthy as can be. He was sparring with the officers this morning, offering advice while defeating one after another with ease. He even sparred with the husband and wife pair, Exarchs Bralton and Erien, both at once, finding victory in three moves!

Holding up his palm for silence, Yang closed his eyes and carefully considered his options before him, quickly discarding any notion of victory in the over 100 age group. To wear down both Akanai and Du Min Gyu within five matches was hopeless, and it was possible the barbarians had more half-beast warriors of their caliber, hidden from sight. For the under 100 age group, there were plenty of experts available to the Society and he was confident in his ability to handle Baatar, the strongest of the Bekhai. Yang intended for the feral half-beast to be his stepping stone towards fame in the Northern Province, soon dislodging Nian Zu from his place as General at the Wall.

The under 25 age group was even more in their favour, as not only was Zian domineering, but two of his rivals were also present, one from the OuYang clan and another from the Baiji sect. While neither were as strong as Zian, they were close enough to be stronger than any barbarian children, no matter how talented. Two of three matches was still possible, although they could not claim total domination over the Bekhai, not here, not today.

Frustration welled up inside him, and an angry roar escaped from his throat, his face twisted in ugly hatred. Venting his anger with his shout, he quickly calmed himself, taking slow, deep breaths while smoothing out his robes before sending Bolin away and returning to meditate. Nothing could be done about the old man, but at some point, Du Min Gyu would need to pass through Shen Yun or the Society Headquarters, and Yang would deal with him then. Until that time, he would simply have to swallow the loss of face, writing off the over 100 group matches as a loss.

His servants came for him at the proper time, dressing him for battle. Made of the finest materials and forged by the greatest craftsmen in the Empire, his plated armor was rune-carved to offer protection, capable of stopping a mounted charge and a Honed weapon, his greatest trump card. Looking like a fearsome god of war, he made his way to the training grounds where the trial was to take place, basking in the adoration of the common soldiers, their worship and envy on naked display.

Standing on the stone square stage, Akanai, the Senior Captain, and five children all awaited his arrival, the herald of their doom. The Society clansmen all gathered on one side, dwarfing the opposition in numbers, the Bekhai who were joined by those loyal to their cause, a smattering of soldiers and mercenaries. A pitiful display, he could only dream that the Bekhai would be foolish enough to fight their way out, allowing him to crush them where they stood and openly lead an army to burn their village to the ground. A grand cheer rose up as he stepped onto stage, the delegation of accusers following close behind. Standing with poise and dignity, he awaited the arrival of the Justicar.

Minutes passed as the Society adherents jeered and taunted their opponents while the Bekhai's faction remained silent as the grave, too ashamed to even say a word. Smirking to himself, he glanced over at Akanai, but she kept her eyes forward, likely sweating as she came to terms with her death. A scrawny little runt glared back at him, and he toyed with the thought of pressuring the savage child with his aura and watching him piss his pants. According to Bolin, the boy was ferocious for his age, a talented warrior, but all that skill was meaningless before the finer manipulations of chi. If the boy stepped up to fight, Zian could cut him down without breaking a sweat.

Neither one willing to step back, he made them flip a coin, and the swarthy, heavy-set young man from the Baiji Sect won. Making his way onto the stage, he raised his arms to display twin, dark metal gauntlets, heavy weapons that covered his fists and forearms. Wearing a yellow armored shirt that prominently displayed his affiliations, he exulted in his moment as tens of thousands of his fellow adherents cheered him towards victory.

On the other side, the runt pushed his peers aside and stepped onto the stage, ignoring the recriminations from his elders, Akanai looking on furiously. Dressed in simple leather armor and canvas trousers, even from a distance it was clear his opponent dwarfed him in size and girth. He walked forward to stand centre stage before being directed back to his corner by the Justicar, laughed at the entire time. Outrageous, it seemed this was his first duel and not even his own people had confidence in him.

Standing at his corner of the square stage, the Baiji Warrior raised his deep voice, playing to the crowd and building up their excitement, his weapons crashing against his chest in a booming greeting. I am Captain Teng Wei Chuan , 23 years old, Disciple of Major General Teng Wei Sheng, member of the BaiJi Sect, and Adherent to the Society.

I am -

Wei Chuan laughed loudly, interrupting the boy's introduction. No one cares about your name, runt. It is insulting for me to fight you, but I will allow you the honour of knowing my name before you die. You can only cry of this injustice in the Mother's embrace, and perhaps in your next life, you won't be born into a pack of savages. The crowd laughed and jeered, the anger displayed on the runt's face mirrored by many in the crowd of Bekhai supporters.

Seeing the runt remain silent, the Justicar moved on with the match, raising his hand for silence. Let this first trial of the Bekhai, begin! As soon as his hand dropped, Wei Chuan raised his gauntlets, displaying the customary stance of the Eight Extreme Fists, moving to meet his opponent. The runt's weapons hung loosely at his side as he strolled leisurely forwards, seeming unconcerned of the approaching behemoth of a warrior.

Picking up his speed, Wei Chuan's lumbering steps seemed to shake the very ground itself, closing the remaining distance with an enormous leap, his weapon raised high to smash the runt into a paste. Soaring through the air, he seemed a magnificent warrior leaping down to crush an ant, the runt stopping to stare stupidly, his weapons still lowered. Yang smiled, anticipating the sight of the runt's splattered skull, inwardly lamenting over a minor detail. He should have told Wei Chuan to keep the boy's eyes intact so he could have them pickled and displayed on his bookshelf. Amber eyes were a rarity, and it would make for a good conversation piece. No matter, the 'fearsome' Gerel had the same coloured eyes and would make for a more impressive trophy.

Landing heavily, Wei Chuan's fist smashed into the ground, sending broken stone and dust into the air, obscuring all vision of the arena. Cheers broke out from the Society's side, applause and adulation at the young man's fearsome prowess. As the dust settled, the cheers died out, only one figure could be made out. His sword still held loosely at his side, dripping with blood, the runt stood slack and unimpressed. Beside him knelt Wei Chuan, his face covered in dust, his lifeblood cascading down his side in slow spurts, pooling in the small crevice he had only just created, a fatal cut in through the left abdomen spelling his doom.

Silence suffused the area, the laboured breaths of Wei Chuan echoing loudly as the crowd collectively held its breath, questioning their own eyes as they watched the scene before them. Leaning over the dying warrior, the runt smiled toothily and spoke, his voice audible to all present. I will allow you the honour of knowing my name before you die. I am Falling Rain, 17 years old, Student of Medical Saint Taduk, Disciple of Major Baatar, Grand Disciple of Lieutenant General Akanai, Khishig of the Bekhai. Placing his sword on Wei Chuan's neck, his smile grew wider and his eyes gleamed with self-satisfaction. Perhaps in your next life, you won't be born into a pack of worthless scum.

Wait, don- Ignoring Wei Chuan's protest, Rain lightly slit the young man's throat, contemptuously kicking the body away. Sliding across the stone with a wet smack, Wei Chuan struggled for breath, gasping as his lungs worked uselessly. The seconds passed slowly as the crowd watched, his arms flailing about while his face twisted in an ugly grimace. His body squirmed about, voiding his bowels and bladder, shaking in the throes of death, his gauntlets clattering against the stone stage floor for all to hear.

It seemed an agonizing eternity before Wei Chuan stilled, the finality of death gruesome to look upon. The crowd turned its attention to the fiendish child, grinning happily as he looked proudly upon his handiwork. Not even his own people cheered for his victory, stunned by his ruthless manner in refusing a quick, dignified death.

Glancing up, Rain stared into Yang's disbelieving eyes with a grin and asked, Who's next?

Chapter Meme

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