Savage Divinity - Chapter 197

Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:06:28 AM

Chapter 197

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Chapter 197

A scream pierced through the hushed tranquility of night, abruptly ending in utter silence which hung in the air like a dagger over Songs head. Bolting from her bedroll, she blinked as her eyes adjusted to the darkness and the world came into focus, saber drawn and positioned to defend Master, her heart pumping life and energy through her veins. Years of training and ingrained reflex prepared her for this and Song was determined to see Master safely through the tribulation ahead.

For a fraction of a heartbeat, the stillness of night lingered and Songs mind raced through the possibilities. Had she merely dreamed the disturbance, jumping at shadows? This would not mark the first time Song had woken in a fit of anxiety, though itd been weeks since her last. Yes, perhaps shed only imagined the brief scream, the small disturbance nothing but the product of stress, exhaustion, and poor diet. Still unconvinced, Song steadied her breathing, ears flicking left and right. Roused by her disturbance, Master shifted beneath her blankets. Song? Master asked, her voice filled with confusion and mild alarm. Are you alright?

At the sound of Masters voice, the pets stirred from their slumber, Sarankhos high-pitched yawn and the cubs grumbles bringing a modicum of normality to the situation. Embarrassed by her behaviour, Song opened her mouth to beg forgiveness. Before she could speak, a cry rang throughout the camp. To arms! Accompanying the shout came a clamour of thundering strides, followed by the clash of blades and screams of challenge and death.

Lin, wake up and get dressed. Throwing aside her blankets, Master placed aside the cub and threw on her clothes, the tiny creature whimpering in protest, seeking comfort and warmth. All the animals felt the tension, their fur bristling as they gathered together, Jimjam standing guard over his family much like Song stood guard over Master. Good animals, she prayed theyd have enough sense to stay out of sight; from what she knew, night battles were riotous, uncoordinated affairs, difficult to differentiate friend from foe.

Still half asleep, Lady Mei Lin rubbed her eyes and yawned while Master struggled with her trousers. Whats happening Mi-Mi?

The Defiled are attacking. The response came from outside the tent and Song recognized the Leaders voice. Time for us to leave. If your friends survive the night, well meet with them in the morning.

The growing din of battle drowned out Lady Mei Lins reply, though Song could see from her narrowed eyes and set jaw it was less than agreeable. Shaking her head, Master squeezed Lady Mei Lins shoulder. Lin, look after the animals and listen to your guards. Stay safe my friend. Without waiting for an answer, Master strode out the tent with Song at her heels.

The transition over the threshold was jarring, emerging from the calm to find chaos and anarchy in all directions. Smoke billowed and obscured vision while panicked horses and scattered quins moved in every direction, fleeing from the heat of the blazing fires which illuminated the carnage and confusion. Outside the tent, Song found herself ringed by Lady Mei Lins guards, none of the garo-mounted Defiled daring to approach as they moved about in small groups, barrelling through the camp and trampling over surprised soldiers, killing with impunity.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Unperturbed by the disorder and discord, Master ran out into the unruly melee with spear and shield at the ready, her voice raised in a bellow. Soldiers of the Empire, Khishigs of the Bekhai, rally on me! Several familiar faces joined them, but Masters voice was largely lost in the commotion without Chi to augment it. Still, heedless of the danger, Master led them into battle, saving one man by tackling a charging garo shield first. With a resounding boom, the massive garo shrieked as it tumbled across the dirt, crushing its rider beneath its bulky mass. Sprinting to keep up, Song ended the life of both rider and mount in one fell swoop. Master helped the rescued soldier to his feet and he nodded his thanks, joining the ranks with his chi-augmented voice booming across the field. Soldiers of the Empire, rally and fight!

Heeding his call, more joined as Master took control, leading their rag-tag unit to intercept another group of Defiled. Lashing out, her spear swiped the legs out from under a garo as its riders blade glanced across her shield with a metallic shriek. Bones shattering on impact, the garo flopped down and slid as the rider flipped head over heels out of the saddle. Stomping down, she elicited a scream from the rider and ended it with a thrust of her spear. With a small snort, Master set off in search of more lives to end and save, the elite soldiers falling in line, marking Master as a leader worth following.

Unfamiliar pride surged through Song as she strode at Masters heels, saber lashing out whenever the opportunity presented itself. Her body moved without thought as she killed, reflecting on Masters coming rise to glory. Though yet to be discovered by the world at large, Song knew Master deserved more fame and recognition than any Warrant Officer in Sanshu. If Rain or Officer Huushal tried to tackle a charging Garo, theyd be nothing but a smear of meat paste in the dirt. Master did so easily as turning her hand, there was simply no comparison. Yet martial skill was not all Master offered, as the Lieutenant Generals daughter she was a born leader and talented tactician, a far cry from Rains untested methods. Even as they moved to repel the Defiled, Master constantly barked out a stream of orders, setting Khishigs to task as scouts while scattering the elites out among the unit, forming small kill teams within their ranks. Even if Rain continued to reveal one talent after another, it was only a matter of time before Master overtook him in both strength and skill, her name spreading far and wide throughout the Empire.

A far more fitting and praiseworthy representative of the Bekhai, in Song's opinion.

An unstoppable pair, Master and Song set about smashing and stabbing in a frenzy of motion, facing the Defiled head on while continuing to rally the soldiers, their numbers growing in twos and threes. Spread out in skirmish formation. Work together to bring down the riders, foul their legs, slow them even for a moment and their heads will roll. As Master turned to deal with her soldiers, Songs saber slashed through the throat of a Defiled, his weapon poised to kill Master. Her efforts earned her a smile which set her ears to fluttering, and Masters voice rose once more, steady and assertive. The Defiled hold the advantage but we will not falter. Fight on!

The soldiers cheered in response and redoubled their efforts, the battle continuing in a grand melee. Soldiers and Defiled alike died in droves, with more to take their place. After an arduous back and forth, a lull fell over the battlefield as the Defiled circled around, gathering for a concentrated charge. Wasting no time, Master shouted, Close in and form ranks! Polearms to the front and sides, wounded to the centre. They mean to break us. Hold the line, blunt their charge, and victory is ours!

Let them have a taste of what its like to be trampled.

The first Defiled died instantly, Huushals saber cutting through flesh and decapitating the garo in a single swing. Too fearful of crashing, Jinx darted through the Defiled ranks, avoiding snapping jaws and swinging blades while his retinue dealt with the Defiled. It was a little jarring for Huushal as he jolted left and right, but such was his penance. Gritting his teeth, he flourished his saber about as they rode, doing his best to keep the little quin unharmed.

His saber dripping with blood, he guided Jinx through the smoke and flames. Together with his retinue, they made short work of another five groups in as many minutes, easily dispatching the divided Defiled. Directing any surviving soldiers to head towards Major Yuzhens tent, Huushal continued to ride throughout the camp in search of worthy challenge. Though his zeal for blood urged him to split his retinue to better hunt down the scattered groups, he tempered zeal with prudence, keeping his Setinels close.

Perhaps he was being overly cautious, but he was loathe to repeat his mistakes and lose another quin, or worse. Then again, as he scattered the Defiled before him and ran them down with ease, he decided discretion was the better part of valour. This wasnt the time for duels and glory, this was merely a hunt, a cleansing of the camp. Splitting his retinue would mean making the same mistake the Defiled had, spreading themselves too thin. Better to present a united front until a better image of the Enemy numbers presented itself.

Riding past the lines of burning tents, he emerged from the smoke and came to a skidding halt, thanking the Mother hed reined in his impulses. Arrayed before him was a column of Defiled, at least five hundred strong as they rode down the remnants of an Imperial defence. From across the distance, he watched as the Defiled Chieftain, marked by his elaborate, horned headdress, turned towards them. Even from here, Huushal saw the disdain in his eyes, and with a wave of his hand, half the Defiled riders turned and charged, whooping and hollering as they bored down upon him.

Grinning, Huushal raised his saber and shouted, Retreat!

Not his first instinct, but outnumbered five to one and facing a chieftain, he disliked those odds. Melting away as quickly as they arrived, Huushal threw his pursuers off and led his Sentinels in a tight circle, using the smoke and cover to hide their movements. In this, Jinx was supremely talented, sticking close to ground as she scrabbled over dirt and mud. Emerging almost three hundred meters west of where they last appeared, Huushal drew his bow and lifted it to the sky, firing blind on memory alone. His retinue followed suit and their arrows shrieked through the night sky, arcing over the flames to come crashing down on where he hoped the Chieftain stood.

He didnt stay to find out whether the barrage was successful. Riding off, he repeated the maneuver twice more before falling back, unwilling to press his luck. Chuckling beneath his breath, he patted Jinx as she carried him away. With a name like hers, luck was the last thing to rely on.

Jagas loss was painful, but it taught Huushal a valuable lesson. He was not a rampaging bull, charging headlong at every problem. Out in the wilds, a wolf put survival above all else. Whittle away at your prey, pick your battles, and fight as a pack. He wasnt the most skilled tactician or the quickest learner, but so long as he survived, he would have time to grow.

The Defiled Chieftain burst from the shadows and fell upon him in a heartbeat. Battle broke out around them as Defiled met Sentinel in a flurry of clashing blades and gnashing teeth. Huushals saber blocked the first blow by reflex and the impact shook him down to the bones. The arrows poking from the Chieftains flesh did little to slow him, relentlessly pressing forwards. The crude axe smashed Huushals saber aside whenever they crossed, barely able to keep a grip on his weapon. Though still able to trade, it was evident he was outmatched. The Chieftains garo bit into her shoulder and Jinx screeched in fear, reeling back and throwing Huushal from the harness. Landing with a thud, he wheezed as the air exited his lungs, watching Jinx scamper away. Then all he knew was talon and fang, rolling away as the garo rent and tore at his flesh, his world exploding in pain and suffering.

A taloned claw stomped onto his chest and his ribs cracked beneath their weight. Staring up at the slobbering beast, he looked past the fangs and saw the Chieftains cruel smile. Yanking at the reins, the Chieftain pulled his garo away and left Huushal to bleed, likely saving him for a tortuous death.

Blood dribbling down his chin, he struggled to draw breath, every cough wracking his body with pain. Damn me, he thought, staring up into the heavens. So this is my penance for letting Jaga die, thrown from the back of his replacement. Fitting. That cowardly beast truly is a jinx, but I hope she survives.

With a shuddering breath, he closed his eyes to rest.

Chapter Meme

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