Savage Divinity - Chapter 474

Published at 3rd of May 2024 05:56:38 AM

Chapter 474

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Chapter 474

A new day dawns, and its looking to be a good one, with plenty to look forward to in the near future. Not only is my beloved Mila back and acting extremely affectionate, but my friends and retinue have returned too. In a few days, well celebrate the new years as one big happy family, with plenty of food, gifts, and good cheer to share and indulge in. The only person missing is Yan, but shell be here a week after new years, so I have more to look forward to. Whats more, Taduk is off at the farm testing the efficacy of Divine Poop Plant Fertilizer, with thousands of Khishigs there with him to provide protection and distraction for the low, low cost of room and board. If things work out, then at the bare minimum well have a near endless supply of Spiritual Plants to use as we please, yet another fortune simply waiting to be spent.

Expecting another peaceful morning with Mom and the twins, I am instead greeted with a crowded dining room filled with a half-dozen guests, namely BoShui, Dastan, Sahb, Wang Bao, Ulfsaar, and Neera. Alsantset and Charok are also here, which is to be expected since we all live together, but the others are an unexpected surprise, and not just because of the odd grouping or early hour. Though unsure why BoShui brought all my recent Experts to visit, judging by the looks of relief etched across their faces, Id say they regret swinging by so early and without mentally preparing for the force of personality I call Mom.

I love her to bits, but Ill be the first to admit she takes some getting used to. For the first few weeks after I arrived in the village, I thought she wanted to straight up murder me. Fierce.

Ignoring the brief expressions of pity flashing across most of their faces, I wave and say, Hi everybody! No one returns the greeting with Hi Doctor Rain, but I dont blame them since I have no idea why they should. While hobbling over to the dining table, I watch the twins Demonstrate the Forms in the courtyard and wonder how much longer itll be before I can do the same, because even though Im enjoying this sedentary lifestyle, Id like to go on strolls around the citadel without almost collapsing in exhaustion. Tate is focused as ever, but sweet Tali slows her movements to show me a wide-eyed, miserable pout, one which breaks my heart despite knowing shes faking it and just wants to eat pastries. Her mother knows it too judging by the way Tali jumps in surprise and gets back to the Forms, no doubt being scolded through Sending for trying to take advantage of her soft-hearted uncle.

Still... the poor girl looks so sad and blue, maybe this training is too much. I should talk to Alsantset about it, or at least save a few pastries for them. They dont need to be too strong, because I will straight up murder anyone who even looks at them funny.

...Is this how arrogant young masters are born? Bah, who cares. Theyre cute, so they can be as arrogant as they want. Ill allow it.

Waving away everyones attempts to help me over, I notice Alsantset wouldve ignored me and come anyway if not for Moms silent intervention. Though were technically adopted siblings, my sister sees herself as part-time mother as well, and she never got used to letting me be. Taking a seat between Mom and surrogate Mom, I suppress a sigh as Alsantset shifts closer, and a second sigh once the coddling begins. Sliding the giant, communal plate of pastries in front of me, she says, Eat little brother, her tone sweet and gentle but eyes hard and unyielding while draping a cloak over my shoulders and blowing on my cup of tea.

Pushing the plate away so I have room to rest my arms, Alsantsets hand snaps out to make sure it stays nearby while glaring at our guests to warn them from eating any more. Dastan even goes as far as to raise his hands in surrender before catching himself, though BoShui and the others remain cool under pressure, which is to say they avert their eyes and pretend theyre not hungry. Clearing my throat to hide a laugh, I say, Thank you sister, but lunch is soon and I dont want to spoil my appetite.Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

Eat now and well have lunch a little later. Alsantsets smile is so lovely, yet oh so dangerous, less disarming and more threatening. Chances are, shell delay lunch by five minutes and expect me to clear the table by myself, then complain about how I dont eat enough and set Charok to cooking more.

Knowing its futile to argue, I pick out an egg custard tart and take a bite while my friends suffer through a coughing fit of their own. They laugh, but they dont understand. People think I dont give face, but Alsantset is on another level. If I dont eat something, she will guilt me into eating, and if that doesnt work, shell feed me by hand even if people are watching. She means well and is only concerned about my health, but thanks to painkillers and a shattered Core, I dont have much of an appetite even for delicious baked goods. The flaky pastry doesnt come without pain either, as my tongue, lips, and teeth can withstand the temperatures of the heated pastry, but not my throat, and by the time I realize it, the searing agony has around brought tears to my eyes. Delicious.

Good, then I will have a fresh batch waiting for you each morning. Eyes darting to the twins, she raises her voice and adds, And only for you if your niece and nephew continue to shame themselves in front of our guests.

Oh my poor sweet darlings, Im so sorry. Your uncle Rainy wants to help, but his older sister is too scary, so youre both on your own. Ill protect you from everyone else though, I promise.

Nibbling away at my pastry, I make small talk and sip my tea until Alsantset looks away. Seizing the moment, I throw the rest of my tart to the bears and ask, So what brings you all here this morning?

We stopped by to visit, Wang Bao replies, which is weird because why is he answering and why do BoShui, Dastan, and Sahb look so guilty? Ulfsaar and Neera are fine, though the Voracious lives up to his name by eyeing the pastries with a covetous gaze. Worried he might pop a blood vessel from straining so hard, I grab a red bean bun I have no intention of finishing and slide the plate over. Risking Alsantsets ire, Ulfsaar helps himself to two pastries but stops himself before grabbing a third, every bit as terrified of my older sister as anyone in their right mind would be. Dutiful wife that she is, Neera helps herself to two pastries as well and cradle both in her hands, no doubt saving the treats for her hungry hubby while beaming prettily at my sullen sister.

I missed hanging out with my soldiers. Most are a simple bunch, not exactly respectful of rules or boundaries, but decent, genuine people unlike most nobles or Martial Warriors I meet. Sadly, even XinYue and his elite soldiers are a little too stuck-up for my tastes. They treat me well and we get along great, but I cant help but think none of them would give me the time of day if I were Average Joe instead of Falling Rain. The former bandits would rob and plunder, even kill if someone resisted, but they were happy to take anyone in so long as they could contribute. For example, before I met him, Jorani had a Core but wasnt much of a warrior, yet the Freebooters kept him around as a scout and lookout, whereas he probably wouldve been kicked to the curb if hed been a guard in Sanshu. Its not exactly a high bar, but standards for basic decency are pretty low in the Azure Sea Empire.

I wonder whats keeping Jorani and GangShu from coming back. Maybe the Abbot converted them and theyre both bald, rat-eared eunuchs now, busy flailing themselves and chanting sutras or whatever it is monks do...

Realizing my friends and soldiers have something to say but wont say it in front of my family, I idly wonder why they dont just Send their request over instead. After eating four halves of pastries under Alsantsets watchful eye, I make an excuse about going to see my retinue and abandon the twins to their mothers merciless tutelage. Its okay, their grandma is there to look after them and Ill make it up with toys and sweets later, but for now, I need to figure out why BoShui and Dastan are being so squirrelly. Once out the courtyard gates, I ask my Death Corps escorts to step back and turn to BoShui and Dastan. Raising an eyebrow in question, I let the silence do the talking, a difficult prospect while hobbling along on a walker.

At least Mila cleared out all the stupid fops and they havent come back. BoShui and Dastan would both stand up for me no doubt, but I dont want to trouble them. Honestly, this whole thing has been blown out of proportion. Who cares about what a few idiots say? Even if nothing comes of Milas violent retaliation, Im still worried about possible repercussions, and its way easier to tune out the peanut gallery than it is to turn off the annoying little voice in my head.

No Spectres here, just plain old anxiety which can be crippling all by itself.

...Well, it probably would be, but drugs. Woooooooo!

After a long, silent exchange with Dastan, BoShui throws his hands up in frustration and Sends, We were hoping you could get us a meeting with your Grand-Mentor.

Okay, but why?

I know, but

No buts. Away with you. Go about your day and forget you ever had this conversation while I deal with these idiots.

I cant. Standing tall against her barely restrained fury, I explain, Ive already heard this much, and I have questions, questions which need answering. Otherwise, Im just going to obsess over them until I drive myself crazy.

Which is exactly why you should have never discussed this in the first place! Delivering a scathing glare towards my friends and subordinates, I can see Akanai weighing their existence against my future Martial Path, and I truly believe that if I wasnt crippled, she would make all six of them disappear just so I cant question them.

Hobbling over to stand with them, I draw myself up to full height and try not to shrink back from Akanais glare. The rice is cooked, Grand-Mentor. Ive already heard what they had to say, so whats the harm in hearing more?

After a long period of deliberation, Akanai say, They cannot hear you anymore, so tell me what questions would you ask of them?

Ah right. The dangers of discussion goes both ways. Selfish of me not to consider it. Well... off the top of my head, I want to know if any of them manifested their Natal Palace in the world, along with their Domains. They never mention it, but isnt that what a Domain is? I distinctly remember seeing my carved wooden ceiling take shape in the real world, and Ive told Akanai as much.

Yes, but they must realize this on their own. Faltering before my wide-eyed, inquisitive stare, Akanai sighs and massages her forehead. Youve touched upon some of the truth. Core Formation, Aura Condensation, and Natal Palace Formation all have a part in Domain Development, like pieces of a puzzle coming together to form a whole. Do not dwell on it for now, focus on getting better first and the rest will come naturally. Next question.

Going through all the questions I came up with on the trip over, Akanai dismisses them one after another for either being nonsensical, irrelevant, based on an erroneous premise, or unable to be answered. Everyones Path is different, though some are more different than others, and she refuses to tell me how different mine is, or get into a theological discussion regarding the existence of the Mother. In her words, religious debate could infringe upon her Martial Path, because it is the linchpin to everything shes built upon. The Mother must be real, or else Akanais Martial Strength is built on a lie, so she will not even entertain the possibility that she might be wrong.

Self confidence is kinda a big thing for Martial Warriors, which makes me wonder how I ever got as strong as I did...

Even after an in-depth debate, Akanai still refuses to let me sit in on her discussion with the others, and she even intends to interrogate them one by one to better understand what Dastan calls a simple method for Natal Palace Formation and Domain Development. Honestly, doesnt really seem all that simple, or else Id have more Experts in my retinue since Dastan blabbed about it to everyone who would listen. Five successes are a start, but Akanai says it could be decades before we know if this is truly a viable Path to the Martial Peak. Even if they all fail to reach the Peak, it doesnt mean the Natal Soul Path isnt viable, because hard work doesnt guarantee success and luck is always a factor.

While standing to leave, I remember something important and say, Oh yea... I dont think it was a Natal Soul, but Mahakala and Pong Pong both had Spiritual Representations of themselves inside their Natal Palaces, same with Bei and Yo Ling. Does everyone have one? If so, what makes it different from a Natal Soul?

Brow furrowed in confusion, Akanai asks, Who?

Mahakala. The Monk. Am I saying his name wrong?

...Did you not swear an Oath never to reveal his name?

Oh fuck. Wait. No no no, I swore an Oath to keep the Brotherhoods Defiled roots a secret, but not sharing his name was more of a courtesy thing, so... Akanais eyes widen in alarm and as I realize what I just said, the blood drains from my face and I curse myself for a fool.

What a fucking way to go out, slain by the Heavens over a slip of the tongue.



Wait a minute...

Uh... Grand-Mentor, why am I not dead?

Chapter Meme

Chapter Meme 2

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