Savage Divinity - Chapter 822

Published at 3rd of May 2024 05:46:38 AM

Chapter 822

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Chapter 822

Pleased as punch at having executed order 66 and kicked off the (soul) Clone Wars, my plan to sit back and watch it all unfold comes to an immediate halt as a hurtling mountain crashes into the small of my back.

Or at least thats what it feels like.

Upon further inspection, I discover what I suspected was a mountain was actually the solid boot of a burly grandfather who snuck up on me from behind. Large and hulking, but far from an actual mountain, which makes his kick all the more impressive. This rugged, barrel-chested Warrior of many years is fairly average in height, meaning he only stands a head taller than I do, but he more than makes up his unimpressive height through in sheer width. Most of this is due to his thick, lacquered leather armour, gloves, and boots, a stiff and bulky affair that seems more awkward than a full suit of plated steel, but even without it, hes probably twice as wide as I am, if not more. A rather boring leather helmet sits atop his head, a cheap, padded piece meant to cover his skull and little more, without even a chin strap to keep it from falling off. This leaves his weathered face and wild, unkempt beard on full display, with the former shaped by a life spent taking punches to the nose and the latter appearing as if itd recently been cropped short with a dull knife due to its rough and uneven lines.

Function over form is the name of the game here, and this rough and tumble grandfather has my respect for keeping it simple. His armour is similarly plain and straightforward as can be without all the trappings of wealth and power, and much like Xing Ao Tian out in reality, the expressionless grandfather carries a spear and shield in hand while wearing a sword strapped to his belt. Similar armaments, but in a wildly different style, which is my polite way of saying the grandfathers weapons are the product of the shoddiest workmanship Ive ever had the displeasure to see. His spear is just barely taller than he is and the shaft is curved, if not straight up crooked, topped off with a crude and wide leaf-like blade that gives his weapon an almost spoon-like appearance. As for his shield, its not even made of iron, but rather lacquered leather much like his armour and patched so many times you can see the different layers in the dents which have yet to be fixed. As for his sword, even though its sheathed and tucked into his belt, I can already see that its craftsmanship is nothing to write home about, a piece of metal thats been flattened and sharpened without even the addition of a handguard.

And yet despite his advanced age and antiquated equipment, there is no denying this Warriors strength as his spear lances towards my throat faster than I can blink.

The impact delivers a rush of agony which sends me hurtling away in the darkness of my mind, blacking out for an instant only to return to my senses, though I would much rather remain unconscious until the pain has passed. Waves of crippling torment emanate from the site of impact and course through my entire being, but I grit my teeth and find my bearings, only to howl as the spear embeds itself in my gut and lifts me off my feet. Gripping the haft of the spear if only to ease the pressure a tiny bit, I am helpless to act as I am carried up and over my opponents head only to crash into the hard, unyielding ground. Lost in a haze of suffering, my mind struggles to understand how a solid surface just appeared out of nowhere during out battle in the endless Void, yet the back of my head insists the ground is all too real given the world-shaking impact.

Or it would, if I was here in the flesh. Get it together Rain. This is a battle between souls, so stop playing by the rules of reality.

The spear stuck in my flesh and held fast in my hands grows hazy and indistinct as I Will myself away, but here in the Void, distance is merely a suggestion. Still convulsing in agony, I summon Tranquility to block my foe even as he appears before me and executes a flawless and powerful Pierce the Horizon to match Akanais best performance. Whereas my Grand-Mentors movements emphasize grace and harmony however, this anachronistic Warrior is pure violence, and momentum. His spear strikes the exact centre of Tranquility and sends it crashing back into me, and even though I am able to brace for impact, I am still launched through the Void as if shot out of a cannon.

Which gives me just enough time to gather myself and Manifest my Domain around me.

The invisible waters of my Natal Sea surges out to engulf me in its weightless embrace, absorbing my momentum to bring me to a smooth and steady stop. Peace appears in hand as I meet my foe with sword and shield both, countering his charge with one of my own, but not one aimed to collide. Instead, I skirt right by him on his left side and hamstring him with Sword Force while narrowly avoiding his shield smash by the barest of margins. A counter made by reflex and instinct alone, one which wouldve cratered a taller mans head, and it just goes to show how scary my foe really is, an experienced Warrior of a thousand battles unlike the scholar Zhen Shi or monk Vyakhya. It shows again in his speed of recovery, pivoting about on the leg I wounded without so much as a blink, when even Zhen Shi would grit his teeth every time I hit him with Sword Force. Not this nameless Warrior however, whose spear sweeps me off my feet with a light, surgical swing, one delivered after a quick and powerless thrust to get his weapon in place. Not only are there no wasted movements, hes able to seize control of the tempo every time he acts, and theres nothing I can do except dance to his tune as I utilize the currents of my Natal Sea to avoid his subsequent flurry of thrusts.

Or at least I try.

Ive seen other spearmen fight like this before, with rapid-fire stabbing motions that come at you from a myriad of angles, but my opponent here takes it to a whole new level. Not only are his attacks too fast to be seen, but theyre also too powerful to be Deflected even by the currents of my Natal Sea, and without Pong Pong here to help me along, I am pierced a dozen times in the blink of an eye before I succumb to the agony once more. The pain is unlike anything Ive ever felt before, not necessarily worse, but far more extensive in scope, an all-encompassing anguish that radiates out from the point of impact to cover every fibre of my existence. Jagged bursts of lightning covered in crushed glass and burning flames, thats what it feels like as the destructive energies course through me, and in a moment of blissful, senseless unconsciousness, I realize that this is probably what Spear Force feels like.

No wonder Zhen Shi got so pissed every time I hit him with Sword Force. This fucking sucks.

Coming to with a gasp, I clear my mind and focus on the destructive forces running rampant throughout my soul to confirm my suspicions. The similarity to Sword Force is unmistakable, but its not as simple as swapping out the word Spear for Sword, as I would be unable to replicate this. Its like hearing the same song, but played on different instruments, similar enough to be recognizable, but just because you know how to play the piano, it doesnt mean you can play the same song on a guitar. Making the most of this precious breather, I reflect upon our brief battle back to the beginning and realize that his initial kick to the small of my back had a similar sort of feel. The pit in my stomach grows larger as I steel my nerves and make ready to fight once more, but the fact that my opponent has mastered two types of Weapon Force is disheartening to say the least.

Spear Force and Foot Force? Haha. Foot Force. How about I force my foot up your ass?

The meme slips out as I channel my inner Red Forman and slam my boot into the tip of my opponents thrusting spear, a reaction made in a moment of Insight or perhaps using the instincts of the Warrior. Not sure, but while kicking a spear is generally a bad idea, I was aiming for his stomach and he adjusted faster than I could follow. The end result is still much better than expected however, because even though my attack lacks the same Foot Force he demonstrated earlier, my memetic shenanigans empowers my kick with enough power to simply send me flying a short distance back. There are no waves of agony radiating through me this time, only an explosion of force which leaves me feeling a little shaken and frayed around the edges. My opponent is no worse off, but for the first time, Ive managed to interrupt his rhythm and even almost match him in raw strength. Theres no time for celebration, however, for he is a Warrior through and through, wasting no time in thought and deliberation before resuming his offensive once more. Thankfully, our last clash helped me screw my head on straight and show me how I should approach this fight.

Out in reality, this grizzled veteran of a Warrior would carve me up like a Christmas turkey in no time flat, but were not in reality, nor are we truly doing battle in the Void. No, were technically here inside the Emperors Domain, but like I told Zhen Shi not too long ago, my Domain exists wherever my sword can reach.

Time comes to a standstill as I exert my Will and Visualize my Intent, focusing not just on the sensation of the water around me, but the actual sea itself. Out in reality, I can only Manifest my Domain in an indistinct fashion, there, but not there, because I am impeded by Natural Law. Even with the Heavens eager to comply with my Will, the sheer amount of energy required to Materialize an actual sea is far beyond what I can harness. Conservation of Mass and Energy as it were, a Law which I suspect not even a Deity can breach, but here in the Void within the realms of my Natal Palace, I am the Law.

The gurgling splash of the clear blue waters rise up to encompass my entire being as I sink beneath the waves of my Natal Sea, one which stretches out in time and space. The Void sits empty and desolate in one moment, only to become an undersea paradise the next, with no transition or progression as my Domain takes shape in an instant. It doesnt flow out to engulf the area around me so much as override it, and to my delight, I realize that this is a portion of my Domain in truth, a section of my Natal Sea rather than some conjured Water Chi flowing around me. This is but a fragment of the whole, with undersea currents coming in from one edge and exiting out another, with a good fifty metres of Materialized Domain in all directions at the very least. Leaves, twigs, seeds and more littering the surface of my Natal Sea, from the forests lining the shore where I crafted a replica of the village Id come to love, which exist beyond the reach of what Ive Materialized around me. Even then, the world within my Natal Palace behaves as if it were whole, with the wind howling as it passes overhead and rapidly cooling from contact with the waters. The sun shines high up above the skies, unseen but illuminating the darkness of the Void all the same, while off in the distance, I hear the waves crash against the concrete docks where I built the fountain for Blobby to play in.

This year should be the thirty-ninth year of the current Emperors rule, with eleven more to go before the next Emperor takes over. Thats how it works here in the Azure Sea, which is odd considering I now know it was all put together by an eternal, body-snatching monster. Why switch bodies every fifty years? Seems inconvenient and needlessly risky to fight a host soul for control every five decades, especially when there are better options available. I mean, taking over a half-beast every five centuries seems much easier, or Ying Zheng could bring his host up to Divinity and have an even longer lifespan, or so I would assume. All this means that there has to be a reason why he switches every fifty years, and I doubt its something silly like placating the five Supreme Families to ensure a different bloodline takes the throne every half-century.

Maybe he switches every fifty years because he has to? When he mentioned his predecessor, who was supposedly ZhenWu and the current Emperors father, Ying Zheng spoke of a story told upon his deathbed. Seems odd considering how young the former Emperors sons all appear to be, so is it possible that Ying Zhengs body-snatching shenanigans uses up the host bodys Life Force at an accelerated rate? Dunno. Maybe. Maybe not. I dont know enough to say, but despite studying the souls out in the Void and captured within my Natal Sea for what feels like a fair amount of time, Im unable to tell how Ying Zheng is controlling them, and thus unable to come up with a method to free them. The current Emperor is the only one who is chained and forced to kneel, but also the only one capable of expressing emotion, so full of bitter anger and despondent hope as he watches everything unfold around him. As for the rest, they might as well be automatons, though I note down a few similarities I previously didnt register. The powerful souls Ive already fought are the exception to the rule, as most faces in the crowd are full of youth and vigour, which lends credence to my theory of the body-snatcher requiring vast amounts of Life Force to sustain himself. Why else would the Emperors all take the throne when theyre still so young? Granted, young could still mean theyre in their forties like ZhenWu and look barely old enough to have kids.

Seriously. How does he have a twenty-something year old daughter already? He looks about the age where he should be wrangling rug-rats and maybe even changing diapers for his kids, as opposed to butting heads over who theyre gonna marry.

Another point of interest is the fact that the handful of older faces among the crowd appear to be on the weaker end of the spectrum. No idea why, though I suppose sharing your body with an ancient soul would do wonders for progressing along your path, like a friendly old ghost grandpa who wants to take over your body and bang your giant harem of wives. Ugh. Thats like the worst form of NTR ever, getting cucked by your own body being controlled by someone else, though I dont suppose the host has much time to

A familiar face leaps out at me from the crowd, and though I recognize him at first glance, I cant believe what I am seeing. Err Seneschal? I ask, moving to the edge of my Manifested Natal Palace to get a closer look, and on the way over, I dredge up his name from the back of my mind. Solitary Sword Zhang Jun Bao? What are you doing here?

The old Seneschal looks the same as he did in life, save for his fancy new threads which wouldve been unsuitable for a mere servant, yet they look right at home on his lithe frame, lending him an air of heroic bearing. The sword in his hand is the one I saw him use to cut down a Half-Step Divinity Wraith in a single pass and send five more fleeing for the hills, though that seems much less impressive now that I know my old boss was in cahoots with Zhen Shi all this time and allowed himself to be injured. No matter how many times I call out his name and title however, the Seneschal offers no response whatsoever, and I heave a sigh at having lost this exemplary Warrior, a stand-out talent of his generation who might even have been a Divinity, or close to it. Did Liang Wu Di sacrifice you too? I ask, if only to hear my thoughts out loud. I thought better of him, thought that he respected you as a man and maybe even saw you as a father, but it seems I was wrong.

Or was I? A glimmer of something flashes in the Seneschals dead eyes, briefly and only for an instant, but I know I saw it before it disappeared. Before I can figure out what to try next however, an intrusion worms its way into my consciousness and Natal Palace both. A moment of panic threatens to unmake me before Im hit by a familiar torrent of joy and love which eases away all my fears and worries as I turn to greet Buddy in my Natal Sea. Good boy! Lifting my doggo into my arms to hug him close, I give him a kiss on the head and ask, Howd you get in here? No idea why Im even bothering, as Buddy doesnt understand English and I dont speak dog, but hes just happy to hear my voice again. That being said, a brilliant idea comes to mind while greeting my dog with cuddles, and I descend down to the surface of the sea to try and make it happen.

Putting my dog aside on a floating raft which I Materialize out of thin air, I cup his chin and look him in the eyes, or I try to as he avoids my gaze because hes a sweet, docile doggo. Alright Buddy, I say, rubbing his cheeks with my thumbs so he knows I still love him. You want a treat? His ears perk up at the sound of his favourite word as I point at the souls caught in the waters below and ignore the churning in my gut. There you go! Go get em!

Buddys disappointment is immeasurable and his day is ruined as he looks at the four souls, then back at me, his eyes filled with chagrin and confusion because he doesnt see any treats. I suppose these souls are too Balanced for his tastes, or rather for Blobbys tastes, so there goes my plan of having my dog Devour the Eternal Emperors soul army. Materializing a grilled steak for him to chow down on, I stifle my sigh and try a different tack once Buddy finishes his snack. Knowing theres no way he will ever understand my words, I conjure up an image of the Emperor standing in the palm of my hand, but not the Eternal Emperor currently doing battle against Zhen Shi. The image in my hand depicts the Emperor in reality, Ying Zhengs meat puppet standing on the sands of the Western Province, right down to his armour and hair. See this guy? I ask, showing Buddy the picture and praying he understands even though I know this is the longest of long shots. I need you to go back out to reality and bite his fucking dick off.

God, I feel like a horrible pet parent even asking my dog to do this, and I really shouldnt use such harsh language in front of him, but Im desperate and this is the only chance I can see. If Buddy kills the current Emperor, then his Domain will disperse and his soul will do whatever souls do whenever their latest life comes to an end, and then Ying Zheng, Zhen Shi, and all these creepy enslaved souls will be left exposed to the Void. Even though it doesnt seem all that different from the inside of an empty Natal Palace, Ive stepped outside into the grand vastness of the desolate Void and it is not a pleasant experience, Ill tell you what. More importantly, I suspect that if the current Emperor dies and his Domain disappears, then Ying Zheng will no long be able to hold me here, meaning I can just go back to my body and make sure the current Emperor is dead as a doornail.

As for what happens to Ying Zheng, Zhen Shi, and the rest of these souls? Who fucking cares. Sure most of these souls are victims of the first Emperor, but lets be real. Where there is life, there is hope, but these guys are all long dead, except the current Emperor who hopefully soon will be.

I spend a good amount of time and effort trying to convey my intentions to Buddy, but my sweet dog is dumber than a bag of bricks. Even with the ability to conjure up life-like illusions to show him every step of the process, Im not sure he understands that the small, brown-furred, floppy-eared dog he sees savagely tearing into the Emperors nether regions time and time again is supposed to represent him. God, I bet if Mama Bun were here, shed figure it out in an instant, and she might well already be working on the Emperors ankles even as we speak. Pong Pong most definitely would get it, but my efforts to contact him dont even make it out into the Void, stopped by the same almost solid barrier keeping me from leaving the current Emperors Natal Palace. Then again, I suppose Buddy probably couldnt get out anyways, so after trying for far too long and wasting who knows how much time in reality, I give up and pat my sad dog on the head, who is only sad because he thinks Im mad since he doesnt understand what Im trying to tell him. Good dog, I conclude, unable to think of anything else to say, and he perks right up and jumps into my arms for a hug.

How intriguing. The cold, passionless statement shakes me out of my thoughts as I turn to see the Eternal Emperor standing next to the fat grandpa, just outside the borders of my Materialized Natal Palace. Hands folded behind his back and head held so high his nose is pointing at the sky, the body-snatching monstrosity looks none the worse for wear after his tussle with Zhen Shi, who is nowhere to be found within the Emperors Natal Palace. Taking in the sights of my Natal Palace, the Eternal Emperor shows the tiniest hint of interest, not exactly excited by what he sees, but intrigued none the less. The impossible made possible once again, with the same child at the crux of so many miracles. Fixing his predatory gaze upon me, his eyes glow with a bleak heat that sends a chill down my spine, for I now understand what it is he wants from me.

Not since the founding of the Empire has this Sovereign seen so promising a subject, the monster continues, stepping forward past the boundary and into my Natal Palace, and even though I take this opportunity to hit him with a blast from a water cannon, he doesnt even notice the impact. Your boundless potential is merely the appetizer, but this Sovereign is surprised to see that the Laws of your Natal Palace are so complete. Conjuring up a barrage of water, munitions, Sword Force, and anything else I can think of, all my efforts are for naught as he reaches out to take me in hand while his lips twitch in the barest hint of a smile. Yes, you will make a fine host for this Sovereign, and perhaps even the final host once your secrets of Life Energy are laid bare.

I continue to fight the good fight, but nothing seems to faze him, and though I refuse to give in to despair, I fear that there is nothing I can do stop the Eternal Emperor from hijacking my body. His outstretched hand grows larger and larger until it blocks out all light, and I grab Buddy close and clutch him tight, praying for a miracle to come save me.

Because by god Im gonna need it.

Chapter Meme 1

Chapter Meme 2

Chapter Meme 3

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