Published at 13th of February 2024 07:25:00 AM

Chapter 152

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Liam swiftly stood up and looked at who just spoke and was shocked at what he looked at.

The figure was bent over but had risen to their full height as Liam stood. He was huge, both in height and width. He towered over Liam, had messy brown hair with round brown ears poking out from his hair to the sides. The fire from the campfire flickered, showing off his emerald-green eyes.

His shoulders and chest were broad with thick well-toned biceps. He didn’t were a shirt which showed off his round belly. He wore tannish pants with green lines running down the sides and dirty white fur running along the belt line. His boots looked to be made from some sort of animal skin.

The man crossed his arms. Liam noticed the fingerless black gloves he wore and the boned tooth necklace with many different designs made from what looked like eggshell white bones close to the middle of his neck. He couldn’t tell what many of the designs were, but the one in the middle was very noticeable. It was a hammer.

“You know its rude to yell at someone you just met,” the man stated. His voice was deep and calm.

“I…I’m sorry,” Liam stammered. “I thought I was alone out here, so I wasn’t expecting anyone to com…”

As Liam was saying this he realized something. He didn’t see or even hear this man approach him. His Danger Sense never flared up, so he assumed he didn’t mean him any harm, but the same thing had happened when that cloaked man used that Time Magic to seal him in a different space.

Thinking about that, Liam wanted to make sure the same thing wasn’t going on and sent his thoughts to Eri. Eri, are you still there?


“Yes I am. This guy is good. I didn’t realize he was there until he said something. – Eri.”


Even you didn’t sense him…How is that possible? Liam asked.


“There is a way, but I’m not sure if he used it. – Eri.”


What is that wa… Liam started to ask but was interrupted.

“I guess it is expected that I would startle you since I didn’t announce my arrival,” the man said as he gave Liam an apologetic look. “I’m sorry for scaring you. I was wandering the area and caught a whiff of something interesting and decided to check it out. You looked so focused in your crafting I didn’t want to disturb you.”

“Was I that focused?” Liam questioned as he looked a little embarrassed.

The man nodded. “It’s rare to see crafters that lost in their craft so I didn’t want to interrupt you and I was going to wait off to the side until you finished, but as I watched I noticed something and couldn’t help but get a closer look. As I watched I confirmed what it was I noticed.”

“Oh? What was that?” Liam asked. He was curious about what he saw and started to think of many different things the man was about to say, however what the man informed him made him feel a little crestfallen.

“Your Mortar and Pestle technique is horrible,” the man answered. “I don’t know how long you’ve been crafting for and if you have a mentor, but whoever taught you how to use the tools really need to reevaluate their mentoring skills.”

Liam dropped his head as he listened to the man’s words. It might have been his first time using the tools and making a salve, but he had thought he was doing well when making the item.

“It’s my first time making a salve and using these tools. My mentor hasn’t shown me how to use them yet because we were only able to get to potion making, poison craft, and some mana extractions with the limited time I had in the Tutorial Area. Oh, he did show me a little bit of Chemicalized Creations, but we didn’t have any time for Medicinal Creations,” Liam stated.

The man raised a brow as he listened to Liam. “You’re saying you recently came out of a Tutorial Area?”

Liam nodded. “Yes, today actually.”

The man gave Liam a look of surprise. “If you came out today then did you not stay in the area you arrived at and came here instead?”

Liam shook his head.

The man noticed something dangle from Liam’s ears as Liam shook his head. He narrowed his eyes to get a better look and stared at the earrings.

“I know it may seem strange, but I am a half-breed Beast-kin,” Liam stated. He was really getting tired of having everyone doubt him.

The man suddenly grew a grin as he responded, “You don’t say. Tell me, who is your Alchemy mentor.”

“My Alchemy mentor is Galin of the Bubbling Potion,” Liam answered. “Please don’t look down on him. If someone is to blame for poor technique it is mine and not my mentor’s.”

 The man let out a deep hearty chuckle. “By Usar’s massive paws, life is full of wonders. Alright I won’t hold your mentor responsible, but I will not allow you to continue using that horrible technique.”

Liam raised a brow. He wasn’t entirely sure what this man meant. What did he mean by he wouldn’t let him continue using that horrible technique. Was his technique really that bad? Very curious, Liam decided to ask, “What do you mean?”

The man let out another deep chuckle. “What I mean is I am going to help you improve your mortar and pestle technique so you can make better quality Medicinal Creations that require those tools.”

Liam was taken aback. He would welcome learning how to better his usage of the tools, but he wasn’t sure why this man would even do that for a complete stranger.

“I’m not one to turn down learning something new especially when it comes to crafting, but I have to ask…why?” Liam inquired. “I don’t know who you are nor do you know who I am. You have no obligation to help me. So, I have to ask…why?”

The huge man gave Liam a warm toothy grin. Liam got a good look at the man’s smile and noticed his teeth were sharp.

“You’re right. You don’t know who I am. Let me correct that. After all, introductions are always a great way to make connections with new people,” the man started as he let out another chuckle. “I am a Bear-folk Beast-Kin. You can call me Uncle Naro. You have every right to be wary and confused. However, I have a completely good reason as to why I want to help you.”

“Uncle Naro?” Liam repeated with a raised brow.

The Bear-folk man nodded enthusiastically.

“But you’re not my…,” Liam tried to say, but was stopped as Naro walked around and slapped his massive palm against Liam’s back.

“Don’t get too hung up on the details. I am an uncle to all crafters. Whether it’s something they picked up or have it as a class.”

Liam felt the force of the hand cause him to stumble forward with each slap. He placed his hand on his mobile crafter station to stop him from falling over. He was about to complain, but stopped as the last part of what Naro said made him pause and think.

“What do you mean by that?” Liam asked.

“It’s exactly as I said. You fall in the later than the former, so I feel even more like helping,” Naro explained.

Liam’s eyes widened. He wasn’t sure how this giant bear of a man knew, but he knew that Liam started off as a Crafter starting class.

“How…,” Liam started to say until Naro pointed at Liam’s Mobile Crafter Station.

“That’s a Mobile Crafter Station. It might be small right now but there’s no way I wouldn’t be able to recognize it,” Naro stated with a wide grin. “As someone who has the same ability, I would be a disgrace as a Crafter for not being able to recognize it.”

Liam suddenly felt a buzz of excitement. Here was someone who had the same ability as him. Someone who had started as a Crafter just like him.

“That’s amazing!” Liam suddenly shouted. “I didn’t think I’d ever find someone who started off as a Crafter like me. What level are you? What kind of crafts do you know? What kind of class did you evolve it into?”

Naro held a hand up to stop Liam from shooting out more questions. “I can answer all you want to know, but there is something you need to do first.”

Liam tilted his head and gave him a confused look. “What do you mean. What do I need…”

Naro pointed at the Alchemy Mobile Crafter Station and replied, “Your potions are done. You either need to fill the cucurbits or blow out the fire on the Bunsen burners before the equipment breaks.”

Liam’s eyes widened as he swiftly turned his head to look at the finished products and the running equipment. “Crap!” Liam shouted as he reached over and pulled the beakers full of Minor Mint Health Potion and Minor Blueberry Mana Potion away to cool down.

He then replaced the beakers with empty ones and started the process over with both sets as he added the ingredients to the cucurbits.

Naro watched as Liam prepared his next batch. His nose suddenly twitched as he picked up a couple of scents wafting out from the two finished products. He walked over to the area of the crafting station the two beakers sat on, bent over, and took in a big whiff.

Curious, he starred at them and assessed them as he tried to confirm what it was he was smelling.

After he read the descriptions his eyes widened. He then let out a hearty laugh.

Liam looked over at the man with a confused look. He was a bit worried because this man was laughing again. He wasn’t sure why or how this man laughed so much. Did he find a lot of things funny?

“Are you alright?” Liam asked.

Naro looked back at Liam. He gave him a smile as he said, “Yes, I was just surprised about the smells coming out from theses potions. Did you really use blueberries and mint?”

Liam gave him a skeptical look. He wasn’t sure if this guy was making fun of him or if he was serious. He decided to play along and see where this led. “Yeah. I made an extract called Mint Shallow Bell Extract and Blueberry Lily Crowns Extract. I also have an Orange Canarina Bell Extract.” Liam pointed to the vials of different colors resting on the vial rack.

“Really?” Naro asked with an impressed look. “Tell me, how did you come up with such a concept?”

“The first time I drank a potion I felt like it was the most disgusting thing ever,” Liam started to explain as he thought about his first experience.

It was his very first fight against that skeleton priest on the first floor of the Black Tutorial Dungeon.

“The taste was so damn disgusting that I couldn’t focus. When I came across Alchemy I thought maybe with that I can find a way to change the flavor.”

Liam let out a chuckle as he remembered Galin’s expression when he said why he was interested in Alchemy. “I remember when I was asked why I wanted to learn Alchemy I told my mentor and my other fellow apprentice Alicia that it was because I wanted to change the taste of potions. Alicia laughed pretty hard while Galin looked so disappointed.”

Naro let out a really loud laugh.  

“Of course, now it’s not the only reason why I want to learn Alchemy,” Liam said as he looked at his alchemy station with a smile.

Naro eyed Liam and took in the expression he was making. He grew a smile as he came to a decision. “Let me borrow a few of those Minor Mint Shallow Bell Extracts,” Naro said as he put a hand out.

Liam raised a brow as he asked while handing him three Minor Mint Shallow Bell Extracts, “Why? What are you going to do with it?”

Naro kept his smile as he replied, “I have never seen an extract like that, and I was given a sudden bout of inspiration. After all, Mint extracts are unheard of before this.”

Confused, Liam asked, “Why are Mint extracts unheard of?”

Liam watched as Naro turned around and placed a hand out in front of him. The ground suddenly shook as something began to rise from it. One long rectangular shape rose up. The dirty fell off as the shape started to gain features. One section of the shape was solid as the next section suddenly dent in on the surface while forming what looked like a faucet and a handle. The section after that carved itself into what looked like a fire pit with a grill over it. The last section was another solid object. After all the dirt stopped falling Liam saw the shape was actually made out of metal and wood in several different areas.

Is that an outdoor kitchen? Liam thought to himself with a look of awe and wonder.

“That’s simple. Mint ingredients are new to the world. These ingredients suddenly started popping up recently,” Naro explained.

Liam was taken aback by this explanation. “What do you mean? How is it new?”

Naro shrugged as he started pulling out some equipment. There was a mixing bowl, a container full of leaves, a container of water, and a highly decorated…tea kettle. “I’m not entirely sure how it all works, but every time we get a wave of new arrivals new crafting ingredients, food items, and more manifest in new dungeons. Mint Moss, Orange spheres and blueberry clusters appeared around a year ago.”

Liam’s brows furrowed as he took in what Naro said. As he watched Naro start to pull a few leaves out from the container, poured a small bit of water, poured the vials and slowly stirred the mixing bowl, Liam projected his thoughts as he asked Eri, Eri? Is what he just said true?


“About which part? New ingredients, food, and more appear in new dungeons each time a new wave of arrivals come? Or that those three specific items appear a year ago? – Eri.”


Yes to both? Liam inquired.


“I’m not too sure about the latter, but the former is half true half false. New items and such actually started appearing after a certain incident happened. It actually surprised people and caused a huge uproar. Crafters were excited because it meant that they could experiment on new things while others got to experience new sensations. – Eri.”


That’s interesting to know. Liam said to Eri before switching his conversation back to Naro. “Is that why when I made these extracts I got a notification telling me that I had discovered something new?”

Naro looked at Liam and smiled as he poured the contents into the decorative tea kettle. “It warms my heart to hear newly integrated people are helping us discover new usages for ingredients. If you got a notification stating you found a new discovery then yes, it is because you were the first. If you come up with something that is new to you but doesn’t say you discovered a new thing then it was already discovered by someone else.”

  Naro opened his palm then chanted, “Light and Burn.”

A flame the size of Liam’s fist appeared on the massive palm of the Bear-folk. He then guided it towards the fire pit, lighting it. He then placed the tea kettle on the grill over the open flame and nodded with a look of satisfaction.

 “So that’s how it works,” Liam muttered.

Thoughts began to swirl about the extracts he made earlier and how they didn’t come up as new. He then thought about flavored potions and what Galin had said versus what Eri had told him. Liam looked at Naro and wondered if he would know what was up with all that.

“Hey Naro…,” Liam started.

Naro lifted a finger. “You can call me Uncle Naro.”

Liam shook his head. “Uncle Naro, I have a question for you.”

“Shoot,” Naro replied as he kept an eye on the tea kettle.

“There is something that I don’t understand. My mentor told me that no one makes flavored potions because it was not very cost efficient. However, when I made an extract earlier using Apples, grapes, and tangerines there wasn’t any notifications stating I found a new discovery. I was wondering if what he had told me had any merit to it?” Liam asked.

Naro turned his face slightly to look at Liam. He let out a sigh as he stated, “He told you that did he?” He then said in a low volume that was barely a whisper, “He always was stubborn when it came to the rules.”

Liam wasn’t sure if he heard the man right and was about to ask what he had said, but stopped as Naro continued, “Let me ask you this. Have you made anything using a method that wasn’t the proper way? And did he say something about not going off the path that many who came before you made in just so you would be safe when crafting Alchemy?”

Liam nodded. Galin did warn him when he had accidentally made his first liquified mana extraction. He and Alicia had gotten into an argument with him that crafting is all about learning new things and new ways to make them. At first he didn’t like what they had to say, but after they had discussed it some Galin relented and even had him help make something he didn’t have full knowledge of yet.

“Yeah, I tried testing a theory I had come up with and almost screwed it up, but succeeded at the last moment. When he saw what I had made and asked how I crafted it we got into a bit of an argument about it and he did try to lecture me about following the path that has been proven instead of straying off of it,” Liam stated.

Naro shook his head. “What was it that you made?”

“I made a Weak Liquified Lightning Mana Extraction,” Liam replied.

Naro suddenly turned his head around and looked shocked. “Are you serious? You made a Weak Liquified Lightning Mana Extraction while you were still in the Tutorial Area?”

Liam nodded.

“But that’s impossible, you’d need to have Mana Manipulation, Mana Control, and Mana Channeling plus a level of at least ten in that specific mana type. Majority of that list you don’t learn in the Tutorial Area,” Naro stated.

“I…,” Liam tried to find the right word for what he wanted to say. After a brief moment had passed he settled with, “I’m a fast learner and focused on stuff I probably shouldn’t have.”

Naro eyed him. “You don’t say. You said you almost screwed up crafting that extract…After almost screwing up crafting that item and hearing your mentor’s speech, did you agree with him on any of it?”

Liam shook his head. “As much as he was making a sound argument I really didn’t agree with it.”

“Oh? Why not?” Naro asked as he studied Liam.

“Because crafting is meant to be free,” Liam replied instantly. “There’s no one way to make something. There has to be alternatives. Crafting is about trial and error. If you’re too afraid to test new theories then you wont come up with new ways to craft or new items to make. You’d just be some two bit crafter stuck on making the same thing as everyone else.”

Naro grinned at the answer. “How did your mentor take it?”

“At first he didn’t agree with me. Then after Alicia took my side on the argue he listened to what we were saying. I’m not entirely sure if he agrees with our side of the argument, but he did show us how to make a Chemicalized creation,” Liam stated. He then got really excited as he added, “Which by the way does amazing things.”

Naro let out a loud laugh. “I am surprised he did something like that.”

Liam was about to say something else, but was interrupted as a low whistle started to echo in the air. That whistle slowly grew louder and louder with each second.

“What is that?” Liam asked as he looked around.

“Ah that is the tea I was just making,” Naro answered as he turned around, grabbed the handle of the tea kettle and placed it on the counter next to the grill.

“Tea?” Liam questioned.

“Yes, tea,” Naro repeated as he pulled out two cups from his inventory. He then started to pour the liquid contents from within the kettle as he continued, “You see I agree with you that Crafting is meant to be free. If we were stuck on the same path as everyone else then we wouldn’t get to try out new wonders like this.”

Liam assessed the drink as Naro passed a cup to him.


“Minor Minty Herbal Tea. Item Type – Drink (Consumable). Item Rarity – Rare. Item Quality – Minor. Effects - + 15% to Sub-stat Zen for 15 minutes. 15 HP regeneration every 15 seconds for 1 minute. (HP Regen will reset with each sip.)”


Liam was amazed at this. He remembered the Buff bars Artem had made, but this was a drink that gave a percent to a sub-stat and had a regen that could reapply with every sip. This was a craft he needed to look into.

Liam took a sip and felt the warmth of the tea seep into him.

“Without your help by sharing this newly discovered extract I wouldn’t have made this tea,” Naro commented. “Its because of new discoveries and taking chances with less to no tested theories that we’re able to make wonders.”

“I can agree with that,” Liam stated as he took another sip, closed his eyes, and thought of a good memory. It was one where he and his father had gone to his grandmother’s house.

She made tea for him and his father and the three would drink and enjoy the warmth it gave in appreciative silence. Nothing need to be said. They just enjoyed their company and the great tea they had in their cups.

A smile grew on Liam’s face as he slowly opened his eyes.

“You enjoyed it that much did you?” Naro asked.

Liam kept the smile on his face as he looked down at the cup. A longing feeling filled his eyes as he responded, “It reminded me of my father and grandmother.”

“Oh?” Naro replied waiting to see if Liam would add more.

“He and my grandmother would always drink tea together whenever we visited her,” Liam explained. “She offered to make me a cup after I turned ten. It was warm and peaceful. It made me forget all my worries when I sat there drinking tea in silence with the two. Nothing beat those days.”

“Sounds like a good memory to keep,” Naro said as he gave Liam a warm smile.

A loud rumble suddenly filled the air around them. It was so loud Liam thought a beast was nearby and he scanned the area for it.

Naro let out a long and hearty laugh before giving his stomach a smack and rubbing it. “My bad, that is my reminder that I need to eat something.” Naro then looked at Liam and asked, “Would you like to join me? I make one hell of a feast.”

“I couldn’t possibly…,” Liam started to reject, but was stopped as Naro said, “Nonsense. I insist you join me for dinner. My motto is food always tastes better when there’s more to eat with you.”

Liam was surprised by that motto. It was a rather well meant and inviting motto that no one could really argue with.

“Besides, you’re going to need to eat up so you can be full and don’t pass out while I teach you some things because you’re too hungry to pay attention. Especially getting that mortar and pestle technique down,” Naro added with a wink.

Liam this time laughed at what Naro said. The man did have him there. He wasn’t going to say anything, but after he found out that loud rumble was his stomach, his stomach responded back with a pitiful rumble of his own. He wasn’t going to tell him that though.

“Fine you have me there,” Liam stated as he took a step towards him. “Do you need any help? I haven’t started my cooking crafting yet, but I figured now’s as good of a time as ever.”

Naro smiled. “I like that attitude. It reminds me of my other motto. Food eaten by others brings many together, but food made with others intended to be eaten together brings people even closer.”

Liam tried to hide the smile that was growing on his face as he asked, “Do you have a bunch of mottos?”

Naro nodded. “You can say that.”

“Are they all about food?” Liam questioned.

Naro’s face smiled so wide, Liam wasn’t sure how it was possible.

“Why yes…yes they are,” Naro stated.

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