Published at 26th of February 2024 05:29:00 AM

Chapter 17

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“Remind me, Ercole, of the logic of how fighting the Custyr will draw the god’s ire, but trespassing won’t?”

Ercole stopped pushing through the brush as he looked back, “Well, I’m assuming they’re somewhat like human nobles with what they do, and I’m well acquainted with that.”

“And what exactly is it that human nobles do?”

“Piss, shit, drink, find someone hot and bang them, then wake up the next morning with a hangover and throw up out of the window. Not really caring much about the micro level management and only really paying attention when things go violent.”

Dyo huffed, “Sounds like you’re terrible at realm management.”

“And that is exactly why I was allowed to sail off into the horizon. Now, let’s keep moving so we don’t get caught by the murder satyrs.”

He sighed, pushing through the bush with the rest.

The forest itself seemed fairly normal so far, if unnaturally green and lively. Everything was in full bloom, glowing with bright colours that only a master gardener could cultivate. Hells, it was a god’s garden.

It would have been relaxing even if it wasn’t for the omnipresent threat of Custyr and the fact that they were, well, trespassing on a god’s garden. Disrespecting it as they pushed through bushes and trampled on the grass.

At least they had two lookouts though.

Hreysti’s rat had been set scampering across the forest floor, reporting back every time it found a suspicious plant. So far it hadn’t found much, each plant it found just being a regular old herb with nothing special at all. No magic aura, nothing.

Agrippa however was on duty as the Custyr lookout. They’d insisted on “redeeming” themself for their earlier screw-up with the bandits. So, they’d turned into a diminutive brown sparrow. Flying from tree to tree, looking out for those legendary guardians.

So far, they hadn’t found anything, the path they guided the rest through being perfectly safe.

Really it hadn’t been very eventful, despite his anxieties.

But the lack of any of the Custyr just raised suspicions.

It would have been different if they were regular Satyrs, who—from what Dyo had heard—would be easy to get along with. Cheerful, party-loving, somewhat hedonistic and with deep connections to the gods, especially the nature-based ones and Calsyniacus. The sort to have good wine and not to stab you.

Agrippa flew back into view, landing on a flowering bush. A strained, human-like voice chirped from their throat.

“Hide, hide! They’re here! From the north!”

Then they flew off, leaving the rest in shock.

“Very brave…” Shani muttered.

Dyo scoffed, “Yeah, and we need to hide, remember?”

“You got to that before me…” Ercole mumbled.

The two rolled their eyes as all of them dived for cover. Finding a sort of rough hedgerow with small trees sprouting from it. A safe spot.

And after a few heart-pounding moments they saw them.

They were most certainly not regular Satyrs.

These things were far more like animals than people. Their bodies were large, with goat-like hind legs and humanoid arms covered in thick, shaggy fur. The arms and overly bulky bodies were already enough of a departure to call them something distinct, but the heads drove the point home. Familiar horns, yes, check. Head- The head was not human, instead it was that of a very angry-looking goat.

Finish that off with some gold armbands and a Harpe sickle sword… That just told the four all they needed to know about them.

These things were most certainly not going to be ideal opponents. They were the sort that demigods in old legends fought against at the end of their quest. Not mooks for Hreysti to disembowel.

It sniffed the air, lingering for a moment.

Then it stopped, lowering its nose before continuing with its patrol.

A rather nasty encounter averted rather simply.

Dyo slowly let out his breath, followed by the rest as it went out of view.

“Okay, when it said they were different, I didn’t expect them to be this different…” Ercole sighed, “I don’t think I would be going to whorehouses with them as I did with Dinia at the university.”

“The more I learn about you, the lower my respect is for nobles.” Shani murmured.

“You’re awfully uptight about sex you know?”

“It just… Disgusting. I do not see why any of you like it.”

“You joke a lot about it though. What about that?” Dyo asked.

“That’s different. That is fun.”

“You make me embarrassed!”

“And that is fun. You see.”

Dyo didn’t have any retort for that. It kinda was funny…

Agrippa slipped back into view, perching on top of the hedge.

“Are you going to do this every time they come?” Hreysti asked.

“Y-Yeah?” They chirped.

“You know, in my homeland, they would have thrown you off the boat while fishing a long time ago.”


“Because I don’t, and they didn’t, like cowards.”

“And that’s beside the point of what’s going on here.” Chided Dyo, “Right now we have far larger problems to deal with.”

“I’m fully aware of the problem. Hopefully, we will find this fucking thing before nightfall. It’s already approaching mid-day and all we have found is mint and a four-leaf clover.”

“Some say it’s a sign of luck…”

“It is not what we’re looking for though.”

He grunted in agreement.

But they all pushed onwards. It was far too early to give up for the day and they did now know what sort of danger they might be in if they were caught. So at least they could plan for that…

The forest was just more of the same deeper in. No sign of the plant. No more Custyr. Just more and more of the perfect greenery that seemingly never ended. It was like a maze.

But, like at the centre of a maze, it seemed like there was a landmark.

A clearing, with light beaming down from the tree canopy and illuminating the area. Each blade of grass seemed to shimmer in it, radiating a brilliant lively green. Flowers of all colours of the rainbow seemed to grow and flourish in a perfect kaleidoscope. Seemingly every variety of herb and spice sprouted between those flowers and only added to the visual medley.

And at the centre of it, all was a small marble structure. An open pavilion surrounded by a shallow pool of water. The columns were simple but held up an ornamented dome roof covered with carvings. Weaving, olive cultivation, and a library, all depicted on it in beautiful detail.

All of it had an air of utmost serenity. A calm in the centre of an area filled with worry.

But those herbs…

“Could one of those be it..?” Dyo asked.

An almost excited chuckle escaped from Ercole, “Quite possibly but this area is just- Inundated with magic, can’t you feel it?”

He stopped, focusing on his insides, and he felt it. The familiar tingling in his horns and now in his heart. All of it seemingly filling him with a sort of energy as he felt more awake, more in tune…

“Yeah... I can feel it. But does that mean-”

“Yes. I can’t make out any of the magical auras of any of the plants here…”

“Oh great…” Shani muttered.

“It’s not the end of the world. We just need to, well, get a little smarter.”

“While enemies walk around with swords, and we have no armour on?”

“Well… Yes.”

“The plan just gets better. Next time I will pack more alcohol.”

“You know-“

Dyo sighed, “Ercole, the plant. You’re the one with the notebook, stop focusing on your booze!”

“Says the one who’s the son of the god of alcohol and wine.”

“How’s that relevant!?”

“I thought you’d understand us two, that’s all.”

“Well, I can appreciate the want but now isn’t the time! We’ll be drinking divine wine anyway once we find it.”

“I know, I know. I suppose my laid-back charm isn’t going to get you right now… Though, this little pavilion. I wonder…”

“If it’s Athervi’s? It has to be, it seems like we’re walking straight into her own private sanctuary. Say, do you think she might pay more attention to here from the view of a human noble?”

Ercole smiled. A very unconvincing smile.

“Maybe she might pay a bit more attention here, so I take your point about being quick. So, what it’s the most unassuming herb here?”

“That is what you’re going to have to help with. Any other information?”

He stepped out into the clearing, pulling out his notebook as he looked around, careful to not tread on anything other than the grass.

“Right now, there isn’t anything it says on this. It never said what part of the forest they found it in and the wizard we met didn’t give much on that either. And just standing here doesn’t reveal much.”

“What about the Pavilion?”

“I- I think I’m going to side with you here and say that crossing that pool of water,” He pointed, “would be something we could only do with her permission. I can only guess if it’s here for decoration or not, but I don’t want to try and I don’t suggest any of you try it either. So now, it’s time to just see what we can come up with here as I have no clue.”

WhiteRose-BlueSpace Thank you to my Patreons Mirron and Zero!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!