Published at 8th of June 2023 11:29:38 AM

Chapter 910: Reinforcement

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'It seems this wasn't a total waste of time, after all.' Kuzon stared at his two new pawns.

He could easily plant them in the Midas Empire and use then for his ends.

A sly smile formed on his face the more he thought of the prospects

There was one problem, though.

'The Midas Empire's suspicion. So far, I've slaughtered all my enemies. The mere fact that I spared these two is—'

Before he could complete his thoughts, Kuzon's eyes widened in mild shock. It was most likely due to the occurrence that his senses picked up.

"Hehe... so that's it." A slight chuckle escaped his lips.

'And here I was worried about what excuse I would have to utilize in sparing them so my actions don't seem too suspicious.'

His eyes darted behind him, and then all around his immediate surroundings.

'It seems I don't have to worry about that anymore.' He could already feel the distortions in space, and golden lights began to appear all about the expanse.

'They're here!'




[Moments Earlier]

Gloria Midas was furious.

She had just returned from her patrol and rigorous search for the mysterious man, who had just been sighted at the North Pole.

She thought she would be able to get some clues, but everything seemed like a waste of time.

He cleaned up his tracks well—almost to the point that it seemed he was never even there at all.

It frustrated her to no end.

'We are doing our best, pouring our utmost attention to catch this bastard, and yet... yet...' Gritting her teeth, she returned to Headquarters.

She had to submit her reports to the Management Officer, and then ask for any updated information concerning their second headache.

'The Midas Slaughterer.'

Thinking about the person, or group, that killed their Midas Inquisition Division 15, and also her younger brother, caused her ruined mood to plummet even further into sheer rage.

Yet, Gloria controlled herself.

Yes... she was the First Princess for a reason. Her dignity and poise had to be well proportionate to her strength.

As a symbol for all the Midas maidens, and also for her younger ones. She had to remain calm no matter what.


"WHHAAAAAAAATTTTT?!" Gloria's voice echoed like a roaring trumpet in the Observational Chamber within HQ.

Her bloodshot eyes abd gritting teeth showed her current state of fury, and any second it seemed the cup would overflow.

"Why did you allow those two to go? I told you to inform me! I said he was my prey!"

The man in charge of the Observational Consul #B35 pleaded with her, of course. As a member of the lower strata of Midas Nobility, what chance did he stand against the most powerful woman in their Empire.

Unfortunately for him... he had caught her in a bad mood.


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