Published at 13th of June 2023 01:15:48 PM

Chapter 928: The Strongest Princess [Pt 2]

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Nestled within the heart of the Royal Palace, a garden bloomed in a riot of colors and fragrances.

The air would usually be redolent with the sweet scent of roses, mingling with the invigorating aroma of freshly cut grass. Paths lined with meticulously trimmed hedges would guide visitors through the lush expanse, offering a serene retreat from the bustling life of the palace.

Tall, ancient trees would stand as sentinels, their branches stretching towards the sky, casting dappled shadows on the verdant landscape below.

Sunlight would also filter through the canopy, creating a kaleidoscope of light and shade that danced upon the emerald carpet of grass. Gossamer-like petals would cascade from flowering trees, forming a soft, pastel carpet that whispered with every step.

At the heart of the garden, a fountain usually sparkled like liquid diamonds, its crystalline waters cascading in delicate arcs before settling into a pristine pool. The statue of a nymph adorned the fountain's center, her stone form forever frozen in a graceful pose, surrounded by a chorus of vibrant blooms. Colorful butterflies flitted from flower to flower, their delicate wings a living tapestry of vibrant hues.

But in the midst of this idyllic scene, chaos unfolded.


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