Star Eater - Chapter 123

Published at 15th of January 2024 07:09:03 AM

Chapter 123: 123

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Chapter 123: Chapter 123

Arthur's Point of View

The Drunken Cloud

The Drunken Cloud was about what you would expect from an airship. Its overall design was close to an old sea ship that you would expect from the 1800s. However, there were several differences. Below the ship was several long wing-shaped extensions coming from the ship itself. Magical particles were being emitted from them, which was likely how it flew. The source of this content is N0veII_bIn

As we went aboard, the masts matched the underneath to an extent, but it was mostly just a plain rod with some manner of magic sail attached to it. It was also giving putting off magical particles. The colors were mixed, which told me there were probably multiple forms of magic at work or from different places.

"Down here is where all the rooms are." Adam began as Ziah, and I followed him. "Please be aware that there is one main hallway where people walk. It may be noisy but bear with us for the voyage."

The ship was made from wood but decorated with red and blue paint along with some gold trimming in certain places. "This is a very beautiful airship." Ziah commented as we moved through the interior.

Captain Adam White smiled brightly at that. "Thank you! She's certainly my pride and joy!" We ended up stopping outside a room. "This room will be going to the General. Given his rank and status, it only makes sense he get a better room."

Opening the door, I looked in the room to see a bed, but that was almost it. Even the bed by itself took up almost a fifth of the room, and it was a twin-size bed. There was a private shower that looked to be about three feet wide and three feet in length. A small dresser was also present along with a window, but that was about it. There was very little floor space, which wasn't an issue.

"This will be work just fine. I don't need anything to fancy." Then I turned back to Ziah. "What about the Sergeant? Where will she be staying?"

The Zugal looked to the Captain. "Unfortunately, we have a few extra guests that we weren't expecting. So, the room that was going to go to her has been given to someone else. She'll be staying in the hull with her own hammock. No one will touch her personal items."

Ziah looked at me, and I shrugged. "That will be just fine." The Zugal said after a small sigh. "I understand that I wasn't supposed to be here either, so it isn't fair to expect my own quarters."

The Captain scratched his beard. "We don't have very many personal quarters as it is." He informed us. "The General is actually using my Sergeant's quarters."

Lucia and Alwin were both here, and they smiled at me from the side as they looked at me. There were no words for how much this irritated me. Closing my eyes in annoyance, I stood up straight. This obviously was a joke of some sort or maybe an illusion spell or something.

Opening my eyes, I frowned. "You're both still here..." They seemed surprised at my response, but I continued. "It is good to see you are well, Lady Lucia. After your recent experience, I had my doubts you'd be leaving the Temple any time soon."

She watched me cross my arms with a smirk. "I have no doubt you will be able to protect me during this expedition of ours."

My eyes darted to Alwin for a moment. "I am here as her personal bodyguard and nothing more. You are in charge during this mission." He informed me.

"Actually, we are both in charge." Lucia informed me before trying to hand me a scroll. "This is from the Priestesses addresses to you."

I eyed the scroll for a moment. "Why wasn't I told about this?"

Lucia rolled her eyes. "How should I know? Maybe the answer lies within the scroll I am currently holding." She smirked again as she leaned forward slightly. "Can you read?"

My eye twitched at that, but not because of the question. It was because of how much she reminded me of Mara. Her voice, face, expressions, mannerisms, hair, and more. Clenching my jaw as I looked at her seemed to have made the group rather uneasy.

"Are you alright?" Lucia inquired. "I was merely having fun."

"I'm aware." Was my reply as I took the scroll. "I'll read this in a bit, but first, we need to go over a few things."

"Is that so?" Lucia replied in an intrigued voice. "What could the great Sir Arthur possibly need to go over? If it was about the events of that day-"

"It's not."

She frowned playfully. "Shame. I was hoping to hear about what had happened after I left to get the Town Guard."

Quirking a brow at that, I crossed my arms as I looked at her, amused. "Really? Cause last I remember, you passed out when you returned."

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