Star Eater - Chapter 128

Published at 15th of January 2024 07:08:54 AM

Chapter 128: 128

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Chapter 128: Chapter 128

Lucia's Point of View

The Drunken Cloud

Days had passed, and we were finally over the Middle Ocean. With the coast barely a day behind us, we prepared for the long few weeks over the water below. Everyone had fallen into their roles. Austin and Typhon helped around the ship, while a few of us rarely did anything. Alwin and I were never expected to help, nor were we asked.

As for Arthur... "Does he ever do anything besides stand there?" Alwin commented.

Ziah looked at him. "No disrespect, Sir, but I'm sure he has his reasons."

My guard rolled his eyes at that. "To stand towards the front of the ship all day every day?"

"If there is anything I've learned from working with him, it's that the General has a reason for everything he does." The Zugal answered.

"That ain't nothin! Ah seen him sit in the same place for three days straight!" Austin told us as Typhon and he were playing a game with sticks. The chapters is up by N0vEI__bin

We all looked at him. "He sat in the same place for three days?" Typhon asked the question we all wanted to. "Why?"

Austin shrugged. "It was when he came back. He seemed hurt, so we did our best ta help him." The boy was quiet for a second while he picked up a stick from Typhon's pile. "Slow and careful is how Ah'd describe him during those days."

I looked amongst the other adults. "Maybe it was from his battle with Rudnurth? Although, he was gravely injured when I retrieved him to inform him about Rudnurth's escape..."

"His wounds were really bad from what the Captain told me." Ziah added.

Alwin crossed his arms as he looked back towards Arthur. "You believe his previous injuries were more severe than the battle he endured with Rudnurth himself? Who would be able to match Rudnurth with his magic?"

Looking up at him, I smirked. "Aside from Arthur?" Alwin frowned at that. "All I know is that Arthur tends to keep his distance from people. Why he is trying to do so on a ship full of people is beyond me." Without further warning, I moved towards the Knight of Lestrania as the others merely watched.

Furrowing my brows at that, I frowned as I questioned him further. "Why not? Are you too busy?" My sarcastic tone made him roll his eyes.

Gesturing to himself, Arthur explained. "I don't have magic, so it's a little outside my area of expertise."

That was surprising. "Truly?" He nodded. "Interesting."

My words seem to stump him. "You actually believe me?" Arthur asked in a small amount of surprise.

Shrugging gracefully, I answered. "I see no reason not to."

"Huh... Almost no one else has believed me except for one person."

Made me curious as to who that person was. "I hardly believe you would lie about something so blatant."

He chuckled at that. "If only others thought the same. No, I have no magic. I use something similar but very different at the same time. While they look the same, it has been confirmed that I have no magic."

Crossing my arms in thought, I replied slowly. "I believe I heard the Priestesses discussing this once, but I am unsure. I doubt most people would believe such a claim."

"Nor should they." Arthur stated. "Trusting people at face value is the epitome of stupidity. It's one of the reasons I was so worried about the Priestesses making me a Knight and putting me in charge of their military. If I wanted to, I've had several opportunities to remove them without challenge."

"Perhaps it was that trust that allowed them to see that you would not do so." I said with smile. "After all, you have done nothing but try to aid them and the people of Lestrania. I should know."

The Knight became quiet for a moment as he stared at me for a time, which was a little worrying. However, it wasn't as if he was studying me. Instead, it looked as if he was hurt just by talking with me. My eyes widened slightly when I thought I saw some tears in his eyes, but I blinked, and they were gone. Perhaps the heat was getting to me, or I was just tired.

"Arthur?" I called out to him as he kept staring at me.


"Could you teach me just a few things to help with my magic?" My question made him close his eyes for a moment.

After a deep breath, his shoulders sagged before he opened his eyes to look at me once more. "Yeah..." Arthur answered.

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