Star Eater - Chapter 150

Published at 15th of January 2024 07:08:02 AM

Chapter 150: 150

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Chapter 150: Chapter 150

??????'s Point of View

Unknown Location The chapters is up by N0vEI__bin

"Grog is dead." Tor said as he appeared.

I paused only for a moment as the room went silent. My eyes darted down in thought. Grog's magical power came from his size and my help, but it was still a surprise to hear that he was dead. Mordred likely made sure he was dead, so now he knew the Middle Ocean was clear.

"We have another month until the rest of our non-demon factions are in place in the East... The ones we're sending anyway." I spoke out loud to myself. "Have them hold in place until my newest experiment is ready. Having a Demon on standby and to seal off the Vithari from the rest of the world will be enough to get Mordred to continue on..."

"There have been no signs that he is still heading to the Desert Kingdom. We think he has returned to Lestrania to recuperate and assemble another crew." Tor pointed out.

"So, he is no longer heading to the Red Kingdom..." A few thoughts crossed my mind. "That means he will arrive within a month at the earliest unless he teleports." Running my fingers across my lips, I leaned forward in thought. "Although, if he could teleport there, he would have already done so."

"Perhaps he has never been to Vithari?" Another one of my Demon Lords offered.

Tapping my throne's arm, I continued. "Continue the preparations. We're going to set another trap."

Tor bowed, but he questioned my idea. "My Queen, is there any trap we can lay that would affect someone who was able to dispatch Grog?"

Flare stepped forward. "We can ambush him! If all of us lie in wait, not even he will be able to-"

My mist began to fill the room as they have learned to be quiet. "I learned my lesson about confronting him by myself. As much as I would love to kill Mordred, I have waited this long. I can wait a little longer." Leaning back in my throne as the Generals all eyed me, I continued. "My experiment will be finished by then, and then Arthur will have to compete against his own magic."

"I don't know what you want me to tell you about the sand queen, but the fish is dead."

Putting on my shirt, I heard her ask, "Are you positive?"

I scoffed this time. "Consider how I essentially blew it up from the inside out, yeah. It's dead. Saw it blow up as its magic died out." Then I gestured to my side. "How do you think I got such a bad wound?"

"If you had to compare the Demon's magical powers to ours-" She began, but I cut her off as I pointed at her.

"You don't want me to answer that."

"This is important!" Elincia said firmly. "If this 'Leviathan' was stronger than my sister and I, we need to know! How many more of these creatures might be lurking about?!"

Sighing, I pulled my pants up. "Look, the 'Leviathan', as you've dubbed it, is dead. I don't know how many more Demons like it there are, but I already killed this one. As for comparing it to you, it was no comparison. I almost lost myself." Grumbling as I moved around the bed, Elincia kept a close eye on me. "Definitely stronger than an Ancient Demon."

Another voice cut in as my door opened. "You have faced an Ancient Demon before?" Arceana inquired as she looked surprised.

"Once or twice." Was my nonchalant reply. "How long have I been out?"

"A few days." Elincia answered before turning back to Arceana. "Both of you should still be in bed."

That got my attention, but the pink-haired High Elf rolled her eyes with a small smile. "I am fine, Elincia. I merely used up too much magic." Then she turned back to me. "However, there are more pressing matters. Why did you not return with the rest of the crew?"

Confused, I sought clarification. "Huh?"

Elincia gestured to me. "Why did you not flee with the rest of the crew? Why stay behind to do battle against such a monstrous creature?"

Giving them a blank look for a moment, I paused, grabbing my armor, and replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Uh, cause it's my job..."

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