Star Eater - Chapter 239

Published at 15th of January 2024 07:05:19 AM

Chapter 239: 239

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Chapter 239: Chapter 239

Arthur's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

My eyes flickered opened and I groaned as I sat up. "Easy. You were out for a good day and a half." Ziah told me softly as she appeared at my side.

Bringing my only hand up to my head, I glanced around and saw Typhon sleeping in one of the nearby chairs. A small smirk came to my lips seeing him in my room like that. He must've been checking in on me for a bit to become comfortable enough to fall asleep. The source of this content is N0veII_bIn

Turning to Ziah, I whispered. "Did I miss anything?"

Shaking her head, she answered. "Everyone is still unconscious, but they are doing considerably better after your help." The Sergeant was quiet for a moment. "I'm glad you're awake, Arthur. It's good to see you're okay." I turned to my nub and quirked a brow. "Well, better than you were. I was really worried about you. A lot of us were."

Studying myself, I realized my robes had been changed along with my bandages. My wounds were still bleeding and open, but they had cut off more of the blood flow now. A more permanent looking torniquet was on my arm. Tracing my wounds for a moment, I sighed.

"I'm sorry I worried you."

A few tears came to her eyes as her lips flattened as if she was trying to stop herself from crying. "You don't need to be." She laughed weakly. "After all, I'm only here because of you." A few sniffles as she gestured to my arm. "If it hadn't been for me and Cassidy..."

"Never think it was your fault and don't apologize. Both of you helped drag my sorry ass to the rest of the group. It's not like either of you would've been able to stop that spear." I stated. "Let Cassidy know it wasn't her fault, okay?"

"I've been in bed for a day and a half. If I sit here, with nothing but my thoughts, I might try to kill myself." Both blanched at that as I swung my feet off to the side. "Originally, I was gonna help Lucia, but given that she placed me under her spell, and not in the fun way, I'm saying fuck it."

"Don't you think-"

"Fuck it!" I said louder and stood up. "Now, lets go find a pool."

Both looked at me, confused. "A pool?" Ty repeated.

Of course, they don't have pools here. "Think of it like a large bath, but with cold water and for fun instead of for getting clean." Then I shrugged. "Well, baths can be fun under the right circumstances."

"I think you are referring to a lake or pond, Sir." Ziah commented.

"Nope. Come on." I gestured for them to follow me. "Let's go make a pool!"

"And you would rather make this 'pool' instead of helping Lucia?" Typhon questioned.

A smile came to my lips. "I mean, I was going to, but incase you missed it, that little bitch knocked my ass out. She clearly doesn't want my help. Now, stop lollygagging and help me find some pants." Then I looked around. "And my sword."

Ziah sighed. "Lady Lucia has your sword still. She seized it as soon as you were placed under a sleep spell." My smirk turned into a smile at that. "As for your clothes, they were all but destroyed. Those robes are all we have for you at the moment."

Shifting them slightly, I replied. "Fine. She can hold on to them now and I can go commando." Leaving the room, without any pants, I saw multiple guards look at me stunned. "Shh." I whispered using my one hand to gesture for them to stay quiet.

They all looked at me and shrugged before falling line. None of them said anything as I started to look for a place to renovate around the Temple.

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