Star Eater - Chapter 282

Published at 15th of January 2024 07:00:50 AM

Chapter 282: 282

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Chapter 282: Chapter 282

Arthur's Point of View

Kandma's Memories

The Old Capital

The fight that ensued made me proud. Mara was able to use her magic to separate Aerowyn and Graham. The Commander quickly pulled her sword, and the battle began. Everyone worked together against Graham with stellar teamwork. Despite his being stronger than everyone else, they held their own.

"Commander, help me keep him pinned down!" Mara ordered before teleporting into the fray.

Robert had his hammer at his side. His hands wiggled them back and forth. A clear sign he was itching to enter the fray. Arceana and Elincia were launching spells to probe his defenses while Varvara aided in defensive spells for the area. Any time Graham tried to attack, a barrier would block him. Part of me wondered where Kodnar was. Maybe a scouting mission or had already been sent off with part of our forces. He may not have been as strong as Aydan or Mara in terms of magic, but he was still extremely skilled.

"You seem to be the biggest threat, Princess." Graham stated.

"And you seem to have overestimated yourself!" Mara replied back instantly as she launched a spell at his leg and wounded him. "Perhaps you thought us easy prey without Mordred!" Aerowyn slashed his back while Mara got his front.

"Maybe I just wanted some small form of amusement." The Demon offered. The chapters is up by N0vEI__bin

Kandma stayed on the side with most of the other soldiers. She was still a cub while the soldiers were smart enough to realize this battle was beyond them. Mara was sharp though. Knowing she was the strongest person present, her head was clear despite her running low on magic. With Aerowyn, the two were able to push Graham back until a sword pierced his throat.

Mara and the others were understandably distraught. "Hold him there, princesses." Robert said in a dark tone. "I'll make sure he can't recover from this wound." He hoisted his hammers high in the air.

"Stop!" The eldest princess ordered.

"Sister, he killed Ae-" Arceana began but was cut off.

"I know!" Mara replied sharply. "But there is no guarantee that crushing his head would finish him either. We have him secured right now."

Robert's hands lowered. "If that's what you wish, princess."

Her tone turned dark as she added some pressure onto the Demon. "That is the last thing I wish." Then she sighed. "But we cannot risk him being freed again or letting down our guard."

"Wise. Very wise!" Graham complimented.

Mara was panting at this point. She had used a large sum of magic to aid us in our teleportation, and it was starting to show. Morale had been hit hard as Elincia began to let out some soft cries. Arceana comforted her while many of the other soldiers also watched on. Robert went over to the former rulers with a hung head.

"It does seem like they were important." Graham continued to taunt. "However, don't you think this is a little extreme? We're at war. Sort of." He added mockingly. "At least you didn't lose anyone else. Am I right?"

"You will keep your tongue tucked behind your teeth and lips if you want to keep it." Robert warned.

"Keeping it doesn't really matter in the end because you've all overlooked something rather vital."

Robert grumbled a reply. "That the princess didn't let me cave in your skull?"

Graham smirked. "No. That you were foolish enough to think I came alone." Mara's eyes widened, and the glow of her magic grew stronger, but it was too late. "Tor."

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