Star Eater - Chapter 363

Published at 15th of January 2024 06:58:12 AM

Chapter 363: 363

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Chapter 363: Chapter 363

Arthur's Point of View

Capital of Vithari - Dwardew

"I practically ripped you in two, and you're already moving again." He then chuckled. "You didn't even groan in pain when I did it. Either you're far sturdier than I thought or far tougher than I presumed. Regardless of which it is, I have no doubt you'd stand a far more interesting foe than most others I've faced." He eyed my sword as my energy flared out as I prepared to transform. "Very interesting indeed."

"You remind me more of Thana than anything else. You're not the first High Elf I've run into, and you won't be the last. It makes no difference to me if one or two die here and there."

"High Elf?" He repeated. "Oh! Right!" The cloaked figure said after a moment. "That's what they call themselves in this day and age. I suppose that makes sense. Not like they would know what they are anyway."

Putting my sword on my back as the screams below grew in volume, my gritted teeth so hard it felt like they would crack as I summoned the largest Gravity Pillar I ever had. My eyes felt like they were on fire as it completely covered the entire city below. As the cavern crumbled, as soon as the parts of the collapse hit my pillar, they were blown into the sky and destroyed.

Soon, the cavern wasn't a cavern anymore. Bringing my palms to my eyes as I pressed against them to alleviate the pain, I heard the flapping of wings next to me. Groaning in annoyance, my arms pulled away, where I saw Kheri looking at me with wide eyes. The pain in my eyes subsided after another moment, and I realized she was looking at my arm.

"Arthur-" She began, but I cut her off.

Shaking my arm, it immediately returned to normal. Well, the normal one that everyone else saw it as. The Zugal General seemed surprised at that and went silent. Our eyes met, and I waited to see what her reaction would be. She seemed unsure of everything at this moment, so I decided it would be best to ignore the situation entirely and float down to Elincia.

Landing by the baths, which were destroyed by the collapsing of the walls, Elincia was leaned up against a nearby rock. Typhon was with her, and both didn't appear to be in the best shape. A bruise had formed on the back of Elincia's neck while Typhon's arms were swollen. My eyes glanced at the water trickling throughout the area from the rocks that had filled the baths in the water's stead.

"Is it over?" Elincia asked me in a pained voice as Kheri landed next to me.

Kneeling down next to them as Typhon tried his best to comfort Elincia, I spoke. "We've barely been here a day, Elincia. I'm afraid that this is just the beginning of our troubles here."Continue reading on No_veLbIn

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