Star Eater - Chapter 4

Published at 15th of January 2024 07:12:16 AM

Chapter 4: 4

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Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Jacob's Point of View

Unknown Location

Bringing my sword up in a strange calmness, I easily decapitated the first manticore. One clean swipe through its neck was all it took. Stepping to the side, I brought my sword up fast enough to make everyone in the clearing freeze. The flying manticore's body tumbled behind me as it rolled limply to a stop.

"Well, that was easy." I said simply as I turned my attention to the frozen group and animals. "Come now. Surely all that bravado hasn't gone away from me killing one little kitty cat?"

"Kill him." The lead elf ordered, and the others began to rush forward.

My eyes focused on everything, and I felt my lust for battle growing. Apparently, the manticores' did as well, because they stopped before reaching me and their ears shot down along with their tails. Turning to look at them directly, I saw each one back away from me a few steps before fleeing in the other direction. Needless to say, this frustrated their handlers.

"Useless pests." The elf said.

To my surprise though, instead of being worried, the group continued to attack. They were much faster than the manticores. In fact, they all made their way over to me in a second or so. Being able to respond correctly was odd, but their movements were even more so. These weren't the abilities of any humans I had ever encountered. New world, new rules, I suppose.

"No need to hold back! We'll kill him and return, after taking his eye!" One of the humans shouted.

All at the same time, the group seemed to change forms into grotesque creatures. Some had their skin fall off, one turned into some manner of beast like creature, and others grew extra limbs. It was at that moment when the leader had several tendrils shoot out his back and stomach. That was definitely not something I was expecting, and it concerned me thoroughly. He was clearly the strongest, and their energies grew from what my eye could tell.

However, my speed had increased, along with my strength. With my sword forward, blocking one of the mutations, I brought my right leg up to kick another who was trying to flank me. My leg crunched into the ribs of one of my attackers and shot him high into the air. They'd become foul creatures that seemed almost demonic.

Twisting my body instinctively, I avoided a blow from a large hammer while bringing my sword through the stomach of another human. He fell in two pieces with a look of shock etched across his face. At the same time, the one I kicked into the air fell back to the ground and laid limply with blood dripping down his chin. The other two fell back, and the leader clearly looked irritated. Although I had to give him credit. He seemed much more cautious now.

"The power to kill two ghouls in an instant and frighten away manticores. Savage beasts that fear little to none." The mutated leader stated as his expression became more nervous. "Perhaps..." Trailing off for a moment as his allies returned to his side, they both looked to him for orders. "Forgive our intrusion. We were wrong." His tune suddenly changed as he became almost frightful of me. "I offer my deepest apologies. What can I do to correct this horrible mistake?"

Not caring about them realizing they were outmatched, I charged as I brought my sword back and prepared to strike. They scattered as I hit nothing but air. The creatures looked at me in fear. Almost as if they realized a horrible truth of sorts. While I would press this issue in most situations, my main concern was not allowing them to leave to report me. First few hours in a new world, and the last thing I wanted was to be an outlaw in some unknown country.

"All of you can die." Was my eventual response as I turned towards them. "You must realize I can't let you go. After killing two of you, I'm sure you'd twist some story of sorts, so you'll have to die here."

"Kill him! Don't let him leave here alive!?? The leader shouted, and all three were immediately upon me.

"Just let me go!" It begged.

"Go where?" I questioned back as I began to circle the runner. "Having you report on me killing your buddies isn't exactly how I'd like to start this 'new life' of mine. Believe me, I wasn't looking for trouble in this instance. Your friends started it."

"Yet, you had no problems killing them after they surrendered?" It sounded female.

Scoffing at that, I replied. "They realized I was a bigger threat than they first thought. Seemed to mix me up with someone else too. Real shame that I likely killed them because of a misunderstanding." Then I shrugged. "I don't feel sorry about it. Self-defense and all that jazz." Was my dull reply.

Her fists shook in anger. "You can't do this! The queen will hear about this!"

A smirk made its way to my face. "That's exactly what I'm trying to avoid." Holding out my hands in front of her, I continued. "However, I am willing to make you a deal."

"A deal?" She asked back, almost hopeful.

"A deal." I confirmed. "I will release you 'if' you tell me where the closest town is. You see, I'm terribly lost. Much like I told your friends. Sadly, they did not believe me." There were many things I was still in the dark about, and I needed answers.


She seemed reluctant to answer. "Don't believe me? I am unarmed. Surely we can agree that if I was going to kill you, I would've done it back near the crater."

It was impossible to know what she might've been thinking behind that mask. However, it never moved as it kept facing me. Odd, considering how it didn't have any slots for the eyes to look through. Maybe another magical item that you didn't need slits in the mask to see through. There was too much about this world that I didn't know, and I wasn't dropped anywhere that would help.

"North of here is a town. It's at the base of a mountain on the outside of this forest. You'll know when you see it because there is a massive city all up and down the mountain in its entirety." She informed me. "At the base is a more rural town where you can get in easily without worrying about the guards."

"Is that so?" The cloaked ghoul nodded. "Thank you." I said as I looked up towards the Sun and then elsewhere. "Which way is North?" Pointing off to the side, I glanced that way for a moment. ??You've been most helpful."

"So, you'll release me?" She inquired.

I nodded. "I will."

Sagging in relief, the ghoul turned its back on me, and I darted forward. Once her guard was down, it was easy. Wrapping my arm around her neck startled her, and she began thrashing around in horror. Trying to hit me didn't help. I was more than willing to take a few hits.

"You promised to release me!" She cried out helplessly.

"And so, I shall." Was my quiet reply as I twisted her neck violently. "Be released from this unfair and cruel world." I told her dead body and removed my arms, which made her fall limply to the ground. "As I said before, self-defense. You and your ilk were foolish to come after me." I said as I crouched down next to her body. "Had I been anyone else, I likely would've died, and none of you would've cared. Life's been a bitch to me no matter where I go. Why should it be any different for you?"The chapters is up by N0vEI__bin

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