Star Eater - Chapter 42

Published at 15th of January 2024 07:11:20 AM

Chapter 42: 42

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Chapter 42: Chapter 42

Arthur's Point of View

Lestrania Thousands of Years Ago

"Pfft. Some Knight you are." Scoffing at the obvious taunt, I also found myself smirking. "Naturally." Was my loud reply to be heard over the wind. The chapters is up by N0vEI__bin

"I look forward to it!" Aydan informed me.

Rolling my eyes in response had little effect since they couldn't even see them, thanks to my new magical cloak. Although they weren't the issue here. The large fire Demon flying in the sky was. It was around what you would expect. A set of several horns jutting from all over its body. Including its head, chin, and more. Crimson, black skin that looked charred and burnt while flames danced across its body. Its very large body.

Even from a distance, his size was impressive, and his gaze was locked onto us. Screeching once more, the Demons who gave chase seemed to get faster while fire began to move through the sky around the Ancient Demon. He was getting ready to attack, but it looked like it was giving the fodder a chance to capture us.

"Rain down fire upon them!" Aydan commanded as his hands ignited in a green aura. "Those who excel at water spells and barriers, be ready to block that Demon's attacks." He gestured to the Ancient Demon overhead.

Fire spells in the rain didn't seem like a good idea to me, but I'm sure he knew what he was doing. Many of the Elves began to cast out streams of fire to burn the Demons that got too close. Others shot out fireballs or fire arrows into the approaching horde. Although it was surprising to see a wall of fire appear in front of all of us, and at first, I assumed the Ancient Demon above was behind it, but it was Aydan.

Almost cutting off the entirety of the Demon forces giving chase, I decided to do my best to lend a hand. Going off of my past examples with elemental attacks, I focused on my prior battles. Earlier with the rain and ice, then the previous day with fire. Both gave me a different feeling as I used them. With the ice, it felt as though my body cooled down, and my veins were freezing over. On the other hand, when I used fire to kill the Demons assaulting Kandma and I, it was the exact opposite.

Focusing on that memory and instance, my body started to warm up. Actually, it heated up almost immediately as I felt the rain start to evaporate off of my body when flames started to flicker across my body. I'm sure many of the Elves were looking at me since Aydan's firewall had taken out the center forces chasing us, but no more spells were being cast.

Even the Ancient Demon above seemed to focus on me as I practically imitated it. "Burn." Waves of fire crashed off me and Kandma's back onto the wet grassy fields and into the entire line of Demons.

Demons screeched out in horror as the entire horde chasing us came to a stop. Cheers could be heard from behind me where the Lestranian soldiers celebrated. However, I didn't look at them as my gaze shifted to the Ancient Demon still flying in the sky. No longer did he look anywhere else as those fiery eyes remained locked on me.

"Did you get them?!" Kandma shouted.

"Most of them!" I told her. "Unfortunately, we caught the attention of-" To my surprise, the Ancient Demon stopped what it was doing in flew off in the other direction entirely, and I stopped midsentence. "Yeah! No more Demons are following us from what I can tell!" We stayed in formation for a few more minutes until we came to a stone pass of sorts.

There were still some cheers that could be heard from the soldiers, and I caught Aydan looking at me with a large smirk on his face. This was likely a checkpoint for them. With a wave, he broke from the formation while the others stayed in place. Moving up to the front of the entire formation, The Great Sage moved next to Arceana. Both were glancing back at me. No doubt discussing my little show just then. I really needed to get a better understanding of my abilities.

After a moment, Kandma came to a sudden stop, and being as unprepared as I was, I went flying off the fucking stone bear. "Really!?" I asked as I landed on my feet and looked at the stone bear, irritated.

She shrugged in response. "I've been running for a while now. I'm tired."

"Think you might have some competition, Sir Aydan?" Arceana inquired playfully.

"Perhaps, but it might not be a competition at all. It's too soon to tell." He replied before he left.

"I think he likes you." The young Arceana pointed out.

"Romantically?" Of course, I knew what she meant.

Naturally, the 'Princess' didn't grace my question with a response. "Mordred," She started in a more serious tone after she checked to make sure we were relatively alone. "I would like to ask for your aid before we return to the Capital."

Moving to my feet, the Princess studied me as I did the same in return. "What aid could you possibly need from me at the Capital?"

"My brother, the King, is not fond of failure. Even with Sir Aydan defending me, it might be best if he had help. Aydan is only an Elf, and my brother is a powerful man. That and my brother is the King. Aydan would never raise his hand against the throne." Arceana explained.

This was interesting. "While I am honored you would think of me for all your traitorous needs, I'm going to have to decline. Getting in the middle of two siblings isn't something I'm fond of. Besides, he's your brother, isn't he? Aside from berating you and embarrassing you, what's the worst that could happen?"

Arceana looked more on guard than before. "I love my family, Sir Mordred. King or not, we are kin, but compassion is not the word I would use to describe him. All I ask is that you aid me should things take a turn for the worst."

"Why not go to your other siblings for aid?"

Of course, I only knew about Elincia, but she'd understand what I was getting at. Although, with her having an older brother that was never mentioned, who was to say she didn't have another sibling. However, Arceana didn't seem to be concerned about my wording, so it would appear I was correct in my guess. That, or she was ignoring me.

"I wish things were as simple as you speculate, but they are not. King Rudnurth is bathed in praise, and it has changed him..." Glancing over her shoulder warily, she continued. "I may be a princess, but these are not my men. Each one works for the King, and you should be aware that the first thing they will report is you."

Narrowing my eyes at her, not that she could see it, I replied. "Why me?"

Gesturing to me, she explained. "Because from what I have seen, much like everyone else present, you wield great power, and my brother will no doubt try to make some manner of deal with you."

A smirk came to my lips. "That should be interesting to see, but I cannot help you the way you ask me to." Didn't want to muddle the timeline and all that. "However, should something occur in front of me, I will intervene if it suits me."

"That seems to be all you ever do." Kandma commented from behind me as she got bits and pieces of the conversation from me.

"Bear." I said to get her attention and received a glare in return once more. "The people are talking." Gesturing to the Princess and I, Kandma huffed before laying down, annoyed. "Ignore her."

The Princess eyed Kandma and responded. "That is easier said than done."

Aydan started making his way over rather joyfully and stopped in front of me. "So, Mordred, where are you from?" The Great Sage inquired.

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