Star Eater - Chapter 546

Published at 15th of January 2024 06:53:05 AM

Chapter 546: 546

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Chapter 546: Chapter 546

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

A few things happened before Christmas even arrived. First, Lucia's training began. I worked her in with Ty and Alwin. Her 'training' wasn't anywhere near as physical as theirs, but it was demanding. She used her magic to the point of exhaustion. Over and over again.

"We've been doing this over and over again for the last month!" Lucia huffed in exhaustion. "Why is this all I'm doing?"

"The more you use your magic, the more you become accustomed to doing so while exhausted. Your mental state reflects your magic capabilities. When one is distracted, you become unable to focus. Alwin finished his training of hunting for the flags through the forest. This is how we help you." I explained.

"This doesn't seem nearly as useful." She groaned. The source of this content is N0veII_bIn

"That's because in terms of capabilities, you're below Alwin. Why give you the same training when you're not at the same level as him?" Lucia was annoyed at that. "You have lived a sheltered life. You may have as much magic as Elincia or Arceana, but you clearly don't know how to use it. Especially not when you're tired, or under pressure."

Ty decided to pitch in from the other side of the courtyard. "You can do it, Lucia! We believe in you!" My student was trying his best to get close to Alwin.

"Nausea isn't that odd given how much you've been doing. This is no different than running until you feel like puking. Try to keep it at bay. Deep breaths."

Lucia's arms shook as they fell back to her side. "This feels different."

I quirked a brow at that. "Are you lightheaded? Ayda said that was also normal when trying to cast spells in this state. I've refilled your magic continuously throughout the last several weeks, but this is by far the most you've done."

"Not that. I've gotten used to that... This feels..." Slouching forward, Lucia began puking profusely.

A frown came to my lips at that as I patted her back softly. Lucia fell onto all fours as she continued to puke over and over again. I started worry when nothing, but bile was coming up, but she still wasn't stopping. Crouching down next to her, I rubbed her back gently. Alwin and Ty saw what was happening and came over.

"Is she alright?" Alwin asked, worriedly.

"She should be but get Marina just in case." I told him.

"BLAGH!" Lucia let out horribly as a torrent of blue liquid came from her lips.

It looked just like my energy and my eyes widened in horror. "Go get Marina! Now!" I yelled at the two as I picked up Lucia carefully. She panted and whimpered as she shook in my arms. "You're okay!" I told her. "You're gonna be fine. We just over did it."

"Arthur?" She let out weakly before she collapsed in my arms.

The second thing that happened, Lucia passed out.

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