Star Eater - Chapter 66

Published at 15th of January 2024 07:10:36 AM

Chapter 66: 66

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Chapter 66: Chapter 66

Arthur's Point of View

Lestrania Capital

"Where are they exactly?" I asked Kodnar.

Aerowyn just spoke with the scout who returned and looked to me. "They are heading directly for us. At the speed the Demons are moving, they will be here in a matter of days." The Zugal next to her saluted toward me and nodded in confirmation. "Many of the towns and villages in the West are fleeing here as we speak."

Turning to the new King, I spoke. "Will you return to your Kingdom?"

"As an ally of Lestrania, Klasteris will not shy away from this battle. You can count on our aid." Elias replied.

Not like it mattered. The main problem was whether there would be Ghouls or Ancient Demons present. We had a few thousand soldiers present as well. All of which had been personally retrained by me with new skills, battle formations, and commands. The chapters is up by N0vEI__bin

Moving up to my seat that the people called a throne, I stood tall and looked over the crowd. "Sir Aydan." I said to get his attention.

"My King!" He responded instantly.

"Prepare all our forces and bring in the reserves as soon as possible from the East. The Dragonlands being invaded is unlikely, so we'll bring as many forces to bear as we can."

"At once!" Aydan teleported away and got to work.

My attention quickly turned to Mara. "Princess Mara, please inform the townspeople to ready for a siege. If the Demons are sending this many, they're confident enough to try and crush us here and now. Gather all supplies, food, and water inside the castle along with the people. You have two days to bring in everything you can from the fields."

She curtsied. "As you command." Mara quickly left as well, and a few guards went with her.

"King Elias, I need you here. Keep your people safe where they are for the moment. Klasteris is new and a highly valued target, no doubt. We'll need some of our fastest Lestranian's ready to bring word from any corner of Lestrania." Elias nodded in agreement.

"Drawing out the Demon General will be the key to winning this battle. Once we kill the Ghouls and whoever else is in charge, we will win once the Demons are thrown into disarray." I responded. "Only a few of us here a capable of fighting Ghouls. Even less can handle an Ancient Demon, but we'll find out."

"Still, using yourself as bait seems like a poor decision." Aydan commented as rain drenched all our clothes.

Shifting myself, so they knew I was addressing them, I replied. "Why do you think the Demons have assembled such a number to attack our Capital directly?" My question was rhetorical, but I answered before any others could anyway. "Because they likely know about me and how things have changed significantly in this war."

Elias sighed as he looked to me. "So, there is no doubt in their mind that they are after you?"

I turned to him next. "It would surprise me if they weren't." Not that I could see it, but a smirk appeared on my lips. "Why make them search for me? Might as well go give them what they want."

Robert lifted his hammer and wiggled it. "They have dealt with humans before, but no Demon has ever had to deal with me personally! I think this shall be a battle that is told throughout history!"

"Aydan, you're in command over our ground forces. Do not hesitate to send out a barrage even if I'm in the way." I ordered him. "Our forces cannot harm me in a way that matters. It's likely the same with the Demons." Aydan nodded. "Good. Now, I bid you all a farewell and will see you soon!"

Jumping off from the wall and into the forest, I slammed through the branches and leaves before landing beneath the canopy before the Demon army. They came to a quick stop upon seeing me and my appearance. Several Ghouls who no longer wore my cloak were at the front. They were Humans and Elves in appearance, but their foul energy gave them away.


"That cloak will no longer fool us. We received word that someone was imitating our forces. It would seem our intel was correct." One of the Elven Ghouls said as he stepped forward.

"You know, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." Was my playful response.

"Mmh." He hummed out gayly. "Kill him."

As soon as the words left the Ghouls mouth, I focused my energy into the dirt beneath my feet and the surrounding trees. Within a fraction of a second, the entire area was filled with spikes made of stone and tree roots and branches that acted as needles. Both of which impaled all the Demons in front of me and turned the entire area into a bloodbath. The only ones who escaped were the Ghouls, who quickly realized the situation and fled.

The Ghouls, which numbered into the dozens, surrounded me as the Demons continued to move forward. "It seems the intel of your strength was also true." A new voice called out.

From amidst the Demons came a foe that dwarfed the Ghouls surrounding me. There was no doubt this was likely an Ancient Demon. However, it still couldn't compare to Tor. Despite its overwhelming presence to his own forces, they still quickly reformed a line after my sudden attack.

"I'm flattered you think so."

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