Star Eater - Chapter 74

Published at 15th of January 2024 07:10:20 AM

Chapter 74: 74

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Chapter 74: Chapter 74

Arthur's Point of View


"Apologies for the late arrival. I was busy dealing with a few loose ends and sudden changes on my side." Standing, she continued with that same smile. "I must admit, I was not expecting our informant to be so spot on with you." Her attention soon turned to Aydan, who was slightly behind me. "Nor did I think a mere Elf would be able to see me."

"What is happening!?" Elias asked in alarm as Aydan, and I shielded him along with the others present.

"Quiet!" The Sage hushing him alarmed everyone present from how on guard he was.

Moving forward slightly, her gaze moved back to me. "Why can't they see you, and how did you get through the shield?"

She giggled at my questions. "This shield is not what you think it is, but that doesn't matter. What does matter is that you two can see me!" The strange High Elf Demon mix then gestured to Aydan. "Which was quite the surprise. Not a single Elf has been able to see me without revealing myself. It would appear the praise for Aydan Farro was not entirely incorrect after all." The source of this content is N0veII_bIn

Aydan stood firm. "You know me?" He called out.

"And the one known as Mordred. Both of you were the only ones we were advised about keeping an eye on." She replied.

"So, you know who we are from, a spy of sorts, but you still haven't introduced yourself." I stated as my energy stayed at the ready.

Her smile quickly vanished as her eyes seemed to bore into me. "Not so fast. While I do know your name and your status in Lestrania, I must admit that you are an enigma. Something that should not be but is." The High Elf stated. "You're not Human, you're not an Elf, and your certainly not a Dragon or Zugal. So, the question is, what are you?"

"Who can say?" I offered back.

She giggled at that. "And that is what makes you so interesting!" Gesturing around the area, the woman continued. "All of this was put in place to finally get you out of the way, Aydan Farro could've been dealt with by any number of my generals, but for you, I just had to meet you in person. Get a measure on the kind of man you are."

Releasing a wave of killing intent in return surprise the Demon Elf, but she merely smirked after a moment. Her power was insane, and I knew I was outclassed. Especially not being able to access my sword to transform put me at a huge disadvantage. It wasn't something I could control, so I focused on what I could do to protect those present.

"And you just keep getting more and more interesting!" She disappeared after flashing a dark grin towards me.

My eyes widened as I realized it wasn't even teleportation, just pure speed. Following a streak of black, red, and white energy, I looked above to see her floating there. Her smirk was still present, and my eyes narrowed when she rushed us.

"Lestrania has fallen, and so has its princesses. Mara was more tedious to deal with from what I've heard, but the other two fell quickly enough." She tilted her head, and her smile grew. "Although, if you don't believe me, I can always provide proof."

"Liar!" Aydan shouted and moved forward, but I stopped him by putting my arm up.

Giggling, her mist began to intensify, and I readied for an attack, but my eyes widened when Elincia appeared in horrible condition. Torn clothes revealed horrible wounds on top of her bare chest as blood began to leak on the floor. Cut hair, bruises across her face, and her body was forced upright by the mist from Thana.

While Elincia may have been unconscious, this made me snap. "Elincia!!!" Elias roared out in confused horror.

However, he stopped as I launched forward with enough force to break the stone underneath my feet. Bellowing in rage, I tried to grab Elincia, but she just as quickly disappeared as Thana brought her spear forward to challenge me. Slamming into her, a shockwave erupted from our blows that shattered some of the stained-glass windows in the throne room.

"What happened to your smile?" Thana asked me sweetly, and I roared at her before pushing her back into a wall. "Is it possible you believe me now?" She inquired from her prone position with her back against the wall. "However, you'd best calm yourself before you get them killed."

Kicking me in the stomach, I lurched over from the blow and was sent sprawling out across the floor. Thana stepped forward simply and looked down at me with the same dark smile as she summoned her white mist once more. Getting to my feet quickly, I readied myself to attack as my energy began to spread out and increase. However, it came to a sudden stop when Thana reached into the mist and pulled something from it before tossing it in front of my feet.

Another giggle escaped the Demon's lips as my eyes looked down in disbelief. "This one was more trouble than I would've expected from a mere Zugal."

Aerowyn's head laid there with a lifeless expression on her face as blood splattered her features. "Aerowyn???" Elias mumbled out as he stumbled forward, but Aydan stopped him. "Aerowyn!!!" He cried as he fell to his knees.

Blood dripped from her neck that dyed her hair crimson, and tears still wettened her cheeks as a look of failure was frozen on her face. My arms felt heavy, and my shoulders sagged.

"That one was more annoying to deal with due to her versatility, but obviously, she fell in the end. All the old rulers did. Would you like to see?" Thana inquired as she reached into her mist once more with both hands and pulled out another two heads. "At one point, I was going to deal with these two in a different manner, but things change."

Varvara's and Robert's heads were being held up by their hair in her hands. "No..." Aydan whimpered out as he looked at them.

Raging forward blindly, I felt my energy start to go wild. Thana immediately noticed this and dropped the heads. Enhancing my own body and launching Thana into the air, my two swords started to turn into dozens as I moved to impale her continually. However, she turned into a white mist that quickly broke through the castle walls and escaped. A faint giggle could still be heard by the time I landed and examined the area to make sure she was gone.

Many questions raced through my head about what had just transpired. A few steps could be heard from behind me, and I looked to see Elias cradle Aerowyn's head while he sobbed. Aydan moved towards Varvara and Robert before kneeling before them and placed his forehead against the ground. He also cried, and seeing this, I felt tears well up in my eyes. It had been a long time since I had felt such an emotion, and I realized that I had truly failed in every regard.

"What happened?" Elias asked from behind me in a pitiful tone.

It wasn't a question I could actually answer. "I don't know..." Was the response I gave.

No playfulness remained in my body at this moment. Everything I had feared was coming true. I'd let my guard down and cared for people who believe in me. Then, like clockwork, I failed them. One wrong decision has almost destroyed everything I spend building over the last three years.

At my lack of an answer, the room became quiet as they all looked to me in silence.

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