Star Eater - Chapter 85

Published at 15th of January 2024 07:10:02 AM

Chapter 85: 85

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Chapter 85: Chapter 85

Cassidy's Point of View

The Slums

Our group started to give chase after Ayda had recovered but came to a quick stop as the Hollow Forest came to life. Rudnurth's foul magic went wild as it lashed out from the tree line, which caused Alwin and Ayda to put up and shield together. Above the forest, stones, trees, water, and more all began to morph violently into all manner of shapes.

"What's happening!?" Kine shouted from above us with Greigh and Kheri.

"It would appear Rudnurth's magical capabilities are focused heavily on manipulation. Not just with levitation, but over its form and material as well." Ayda explained in a horrified tone. "Such magic is difficult to control and requires an unbelievable amount of focus... However, given his level of control, he could easily do this to people as well."

Alwin and Kheri frowned at that. "I don't get it." Floyd replied, confused.

Looking back to the forest, I answered. "She means that Rudnurth could've turned us ta paste or something else entirely without a second thought and was merely toying with us." Ayda nodded slowly at that.

We watched as the objects in the sky were destroyed and obliterated as a shockwave nearly pushed us all back. Aydan and Alwin strained with their shield from the sheer magnitude of the battle Arthur had engaged Rudnurth in. Explosions could be heard as well as the snapping of trees. The source of this content is N0veII_bIn

"Was it just me, or did Rudnurth recognize Arthur?" Floyd pointed out.

Alwin looked up at Kheri as they shared a look. "Ah think we all noticed that." I replied. "Seemed ta me that he was scared of him to."

"This clearly isn't a battle we can lend our aid in." Kheri spoke up before looking down at us. "Not with you students, and I am unsure if Alwin and I would be welcome help." The Zugal stated. "We need to find the Priestesses while we have the chance."

"Since you said so..." Ripping his wings off made him scream in horrendous pain.

Skin from his back was attached to the bone and muscles of the black wings. To my surprise, he held on and kept trying to pour his magic into me. In response, I gathered my energy to my right hand before slamming it into his face. He staggered for a moment and tried to focus back on his magic but loosened when I hit him again.

He scratched all along my back from where his nails were dug in to hold on. Yet, it only took a simple push to get him off me entirely. Rudnurth fell on his back which made him scream in pain from the recent removing of his wings. His stomach lurched up as he tried to keep his weight off his back. With his stomach sticking out and only his shoulders and feet on the ground, a smirk came to my face when I slammed my foot down on his stomach and pushed him back into the ground.

"Stop." Rudnurth pleaded. "I surrender."

Emotionlessly, I removed my foot from his stomach that was pressing him into the ground. He rolled on his side for a moment before I punted him into a nearby tree which made him cry out in pain. Walking towards him, tears ran down his cheeks as he looked up at me with a weak glare. Had his magic been fully returned, this would have gone very differently with how injured I was.

"Arceana and Elincia would not want me dead." He said softly as I stood over him.

"Arceana and Elincia aren't here." Was my cold reply.

Picking him up by his ragged clothes, I began pounding his face in over and over. His back slammed into the ground, but this time, he held up his hands as I climbed on top of him and pinned him down. He looked at me fearfully as my fist rained down on his face.

Rudnurth eventually reached my face and tried to push me away, but I grabbed his right arm and dislocated his elbow. Then I moved to his left arm, broke his forearm clean in two, and pushed down on the skin hard enough for the bone to rip through. He screamed in pain as he sobbed between the beating and having his arms broken. They fell to his sides as they bent at horrid angles.

Blood soaked my fist as I continued to slowly beat him to death. My face didn't flinch between his wails or the clumps of blood that came up every time I brought my fist back. A mangled face, with broken teeth, a broken jaw, shattered cheekbones, one eye ruptured and leaking left only one green eye looking at me through tears.

"I'm going to take my time with you, Rudnurth. Don't you worry." Bringing my fist back again, it was stopped as I slowed down my beating.

"Yer gonna kill him." Cassidy informed me.

Not looking back at her as I kept Rudnurth pinned, I replied. "Let go, Cassidy."

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