Published at 6th of January 2019 08:34:44 PM

Chapter 38

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For a Human scientist like myself, every day among the Floran is a fascinating experience.

I have spent several months now observing a typical colony of the plant-like race and have made countless groundbreaking observations.

The common opinion is that Floran are inherently savage or evil, but from my experiences I can concede that they merely lack understanding.

They simply cannot empathise with flesh-based races in the same way you or I may not empathise with a blade of grass.

To the Floran, the game of the hunt doesn't hurt anyone, at least, not on any level that they can comprehend.

There is a powerful kinship among a tribe, Floran are asexual beings and consider a whole settlement to be a single family unit.

Every tribe is lead by a special Floran they call Greenfinger.

Greenfingers, as most already know, they are special because different from most of the other Florans they seek knowledge and have the power to reverse engineering almost any type of technology. They have a very high intelligence and can even be diplomats.

Unfortunately, because they have almost no contact with the outside world they don't understand the culture and education of the various races, different from them.

But, I believe it is not entirely futile to educate them, I even managed to explain to some of them how I am sentient, just as they are.

Small steps, but there's hope for them yet. I just wonder why I am the first to make these discoveries. Maybe others were simply not as cautious about their own survival.

Tomorrow I'll accompany them and see first handedly the event what they call "The Great Hunt".

The event is extremely big and important for the Florans of the Gamma Sector, every great Great Warrior from all the Official Colonies recognized from by the Greenfinger Council is invited to partake in this huge event.

Even though I'm a Human, they allowed me to go. I must take this chance to see for myself and comprehend more deeply about the culture of the Florans.

Wish me luck! @@
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