Published at 4th of September 2023 04:46:05 AM

Chapter 89: eighty-nine: I will protect what's mine!

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"So, aren't you going to call him or stop him from going back to LA?"

"No." I shook my head which made her knitted her eyebrows in confusion. 

"But why?"

"I want to fix myself first, Mom, and I think I can't give him my hundred percent me as long as I'm not completely healed."

"Well, if that's your decision, I will have to support you. Just always remember that Mom is here for you. I love you, my baby."

"I love you too, Mom."

I gave her a smile before accepting her embrace. 


One month later... 

"Is that your new hobby, zoning out?"

My head snapped towards my mother when I heard her voice behind me. It's already nine o'clock in the evening, but I chose to stay for a while in the veranda to have some fresh air. 

"Mom, you're not the first person who asked me that question." I sighed and gave her a sad smile. 

"Oh, really?"


I nodded. She sat down across my seat in a round outdoor table. 

"May I know the name of the person who asked you that question?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows. 

I know that even if I don't tell her the answer, I'm sure she already has a clue of who that person was. 

"It's him. I heard it from him."

"Hmm... and who is he that you're referring?"

"But I don't know who he is." She said, controlling her smile and I rolled my eyes. 

"Fine, I heard it from Daniel."

"Ohh... tell me, is Daniel you're talking about is Daniel Kelley, your husband?"

"Mommy!" I couldn't help but pout with her question, but she just gave me a humorous laugh. 

"Why, what's wrong with my question? There are lots of Daniel in this world, so how would I know who's Daniel you are talking about." She shrugged. 

-'Huh! Really, Mom?'-

Tsk.tsk. I don't know where did my mother get this silly question. 

"Do you miss him?"

I looked at her to see if she still had a teasing smile on her lips, but I found none. That means she asked me seriously. 

"Then why don't you go and talk to him?"

"Tss. It's not that easy, Mom."

"So what's your plan, stay here and wait for your Dad to get up and visit you here?"

"Mommy, stop saying those things!"

"But I'm serious, Yzabelle. It's been two months since your father died and it's been a month since you let your man go... no, since you pushed him away from your life."

"I didn't push him."

"Okay, you didn't push him, you just told him to leave and go away."

I bit lower lip, avoiding her stares. 

"Steven and I are planning to sell the house, Belle." She said after a few seconds of being silent. 

"No, I'm planning to go back in the States."

"But why so suddenly?"

"Actually, it was your father's idea before he left us. And I realized that he was right. This house has a lot of memories of him including those darkest memories we have when we left him and I don't want us to hold back those memories forever. Your father is gone, but that doesn't mean we have to stop living and stop dreaming. We have to move forward and start our lives together."

"Are you thinking of going back to Seattle?"

"We have nothing left in Seattle, remember, I already sell our house there."

"So where are you going to stay?"

"Your brother and I are planning to live in California. Bryan bought an old establishment and he's planning to renovate it and turn into a fine dining restaurant."


"And he wants me to manage it with Aira's help."

"Of course not, you already have a home in Los Angeles."

"Mom, what home are you talking about?"

"You already have a home, a home with your husband."


"Belle, maybe it's now time to face him and set aside your ego." She took my hands that rest over the table. "I think it's enough, the waiting, the sacrifice and finding yourself issues because the truth is that you're just hurting yourself. You love him and he loves you. How many months or years will you stay here and keep yourself from being happy?"

"But what if he had already found someone else?"

"Tsk.Tsk.Tsk. Now, you're asking me this question, but you didn't think about it when you pushed him to leave you and go back to LA." She dropped my hands and glared at me playfully. 

But since what she said was true, I just bit my lip and didn't say anything. She was right. I suddenly realized the consequences of my action. What if he had already found someone else? 

"Hey, don't tell me you took my words seriously?"

"My Belle, my baby, my love... how can you doubt that man's love for you? It's just one month, do you think he has already found someone else to love?"

"I don't know." I shrugged. "What if he did?"

"What if he did? Are you just going to sit here, relax and watch him flirt with other girls or let your 'husband' steal from you?"

I blinked repeatedly as my mouth opened slightly when she emphasized the word 'husband'. 


"Then what are you waiting for, go! Start packing your things and we are going to fly to Los Angeles tonight!"

Hearing those words of my mother brought tears to my eyes but I wiped them immediately and stood up to run to my room. 

"You're right, Mom! I won't let them steal my husband! I won't let them steal my man! He's mine and I will protect what's mine!"

"That's my girl, go!"

I was just taking three steps away from her when I remembered something to ask her. 

"But we haven't booked tickets yet."

"And who said we have to book tickets?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, frowning. 

"Well, I have already called your older brother that we're going to back to LA once I have talked to you and he will send his jet and personal pilot to pick us up at the airport."

"Whoa! So does this mean you've already planned everything before talking to me?"


"But how did you know I would agree?"

"Because I know you love him and seeing the sparks in your eyes every time you hear his name, I know you would agree."

"Ahh... thank you, Mom."

I walked back to her and hugged her tightly from behind. 

"You're always welcome."

"You're the best."

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