Published at 4th of September 2023 04:46:07 AM

Chapter 88: eighty-eight: I didn't ask you to stay!

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"But what if I told you that I also spent 20 minutes inside that coffee shop just to check if you were there?"

My mouth opened slightly and I don't know how to answer him anymore. 

"Tell me the truth, Sophia, where have you been?"

"I went to the hospital."

"Hospital? But what did you do in the hospital? What happened, are you sick? How are you feeling right now---"

"No, it's not me, I'm fine. I just visited an old friend." I said holding his hands to stop him from touching my neck and forehead. Concern was evident in his eyes. 

"You visited an old friend." He repeats, nodding. 

"I received a phone call from the hospital earlier and they told me that this person wanted to talk to me, so I immediately ran to the hospital."

"And who is this old friend you visited? 

"Nicholas De Lucca."

His eyes widened but I'm not sure if it's from being shock or for anger. 

"You visited the father of the person who molested you?"

"Yes, but---"

"What if he hired someone to get you or else to kill you?" His voice came a shout that made me step back. 

"He can't do it anymore."

"I know, but telling you he can't do it anymore."

"And how would you know? Even if he is in the hospital, it doesn't mean---"

"He passed away!"

And that made him stop. 

"What do you mean he passed away?" He asked in confusion. 

"He passed away. He's gone. He's dead. He died in front of me! He lost his breath in front of me after telling me his last wish to tell his son how sorry he was and how much he loves him!"

"Okay, I got it. He died this afternoon and he had last wish. So where did you go after visiting him in the hospital? Don't tell me you went to---"

"Yes, I also visited him. I visited the son of the person who died right before my eyes and fulfilled his wish."

"What? What the hell are you thinking, Sophia? Are you out of your mind? He's a criminal! Didn't I tell you not to go back there anymore?"

"Really? And did you just accept his f.u.c.k.i.n.g apology? So does that mean we are no longer pushing the case against him because he already apologized to you?"

Annoyance suddenly rose from my c.h.e.s.t on hearing his words. 

"What are you talking about? Yes, he apologized but I didn't say that I accepted it and that I will pull the case back against him. What can't you understand about it? His father died and asked me to talk to him and that's all!"

"But you should have told me! You should have called me to come with you! You don't know how worried I was! I waited for you for almost five hours!"

I looked at him trying to control my temper, but with his next words, I suddenly felt like a bomb exploding in front of him. 

"Is it difficult to tell me these simple things? Is it hard to listen in a simple instruction that you can't just go and see him alone? Why are you so stubborn? You haven't even answered my calls! Forgodsake, can you just act like a m.a.t.u.r.e woman for once, Sophia?"

That's it. 

"Is that so, act like a m.a.t.u.r.e woman? Why, Daniel Kelley, did I tell you to call me? Did I tell you to wait for me, to feel worried about me? And most of all, did I tell you to follow me here and to help me? Did I tell you those things, huh?"

"Sophia..." His stunned eyes meet mine. 

"I stayed because I love you---"

"Love doesn't judge, Daniel Kelley. If you can't love me the way I am or stand with my stubbornness, then leave! I didn't ask you for your help and I didn't ask you to stay! 


"I love you but I can't go with you, not at this moment. 

"Then I'll wait for you."

"No, Daniel. I don't want you to wait for me, I want you to leave and go back to Los Angeles. My family is not your concern, they are mine, so please leave."

"No, I won't leave you---"

"Daniel please? Let me fight my own battle."

"But I promised your father that I won't leave you."

He didn't say anything, he just stood there, staring at me, but I avoided his eyes because I couldn't bear to see the hurt that manifesting in them. 

"Fine, I'll leave you for now, but that doesn't mean I will forget what I promised. I'll wait for you until you're ready to accept me, and I'm sorry for bothering you. I have to go."


I wanted to call him but I stopped myself and just watched him walk towards the door and leave. I also wanted to cry, but my eyes seemed to be dry. It hurts to see him leave, it hurts to watch his feet walking towards the door and it hurts to hear the sound of his car fade into the air. 


"Aren't you going to chase him?"

I felt a tap on my shoulder followed by my mother's voice. 

I heaved a loud sigh, shaking my head. I didn't notice that she was watching our conversation earlier. It's been thirty minutes since Daniel opened the door and disappeared from my sight, and it's also been thirty minutes after I find myself still standing in where he left me, at the end of the stairs. 

"You're right, love doesn't judge, but it also doesn't keep record of wrongdoings."

"Actually, falling in love is that hard as you think. Do you know why you always end up hurting each other? It's because you are both stubborn. You both have a high and huge ego that sometimes gets taller than your nose."


She smiled at me and pulled me towards the living room. 

"You have to understand him, Belle, the same thing that he needs to understand your issues. Yes, you just married because of an agreement but he holds on to that. He loves you."

"I know." I sighed, lowering my head.

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