Published at 14th of May 2024 04:52:39 AM

Chapter 28: Chapter 28: Chapter 28 The Empty Villa i

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Chapter 28: Chapter 28 The Empty Villa i


Translator: 549690339

Mother Zhang had her own thoughts in her heart but on her face, a proper smile appeared.

Miss Lin, hello. Im here on behalf of our young lady and young master to visit you. How are you feeling?

Lin Xinxin also revealed a smile: Im doing quite well, are the president and his wife fine?

The young lady was a bit shaken. The young master stayed with her all night, and shes now feeling all right.

Oh. Lin Xinxins tone could hardly hide a touch of disappointment.

The young lady says thank you for saving them last night. You can rest and heal here without worrying about anything else.

Lin Xinxin nodded slightly, Thank you for the ladys kindness.

Miss Lin, you should rest up. I wont bother you any longer. Mother Zhang said, smiling, and then left.

From start to finish, she didnt make fun of Lin Xinxin, or neglect her.

But she successfully hit where it hurt Lin Xinxin.

She was the one who was most seriously injured last night, but Dongfang Yu was always by Hai Xiaotangs side.

Even though she was in the next room, so close in distance, Dongfang Yu didnt even come to see her. Even the person sent to express regards to her was on behalf of Hai Xiaotang, not Dongfang Yu.

It clearly showed that Dongfang Yu didnt care about her injuries.

Lin Xinxin didnt know what was wrong with her. She was inexplicably upset and disappointed.

It wasnt like this the last time she was hospitalized. The president had personally visited her.

Why this time, even though she saved him, he didnt ask about her condition? Lin Xinxins intuition told her that something was not as she had anticipated. As to why she felt this way, she didnt know. She just had a feeling that things shouldnt be like this

k ^k ^k >k >k

When Hai Xiaotang returned home, she took a bath, had a wonderful lunch, and started packing.

She was to be divorced tomorrow, so she must finish packing all her things today.

Mother Zhang was also pulled in to help, but she was confused, Young lady, whats with the packing? Are you moving?

Hai Xiaotang nodded, Yep, 1 am moving out tomorrow.

Why?! Mother Zhang was astonished.

Hai Xiaotang couldnt tell her about her divorce from Dongfang Yu. News of their divorce couldnt be made public.

I just plan to move out for some time.

Why do you want to move? Mother Zhang still didnt understand.

Hai Xiaotang laughed: 1 just want to move. This house is so empty, I feel oppressed living here. I want to live outside for a while.

Mother Zhang instantly looked at her with concern, Young lady, did something happen between you and the young master?

No, I just purely want to go out and get some fresh air. But please dont tell grandpa.


Mother Zhang, dont ask any more questions. Just do as I say, can you please go along with this just once?

Mother Zhang laughed, When have 1 not gone along with you?

Hai Xiaotang went over and hugged her, sincerely thanking her: 1 know youve always been good to me. Thank you, Mother Zhang.

Mother Zhang was touched and didnt ask any more, she just got on with the packing.

Knowing more wouldnt be of any use anyway, she just had to take care of her young lady.

Hai Xiaotang didnt intend to take too many items with her, just the essentials. She didnt plan to take the rest.

They didnt pack for too long. Everything was packed soon enough.

Sitting on the bed, Hai Xiaotang suddenly felt that the villa had become empty in an instant.

She had always felt this villa to be hollow, but now, it felt even more frighteningly empty..

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