Published at 21st of May 2024 05:03:37 AM

Chapter 42: Chapter 42: Chapter 42 The Study Room Light is On_i

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Chapter 42: Chapter 42 The Study Room Light is On_i


Translator: 549690339

Hai Xiaotang had no desire for the woman to return, otherwise, she would have to continue sharing a room with Dongfang Yu.

Therefore, she agreed to deliver lunch to Dongfang Yu every day.

It wouldnt take long for them to divorce anyway.

Zhang Ma, please move all my stuff out. 111 sleep in the guest room, Hai Xiaotang ordered.

However, Zhang Ma hesitated, Miss, my mother-in-law already knows that you and the young master are sleeping separately. She ordered us to monitor you, and if you sleep separately, we have to inform her

Hai Xiaotang suddenly felt a headache coming on.

In her past life, she would have been thrilled for her mother-in-laws help.

But she didnt need it at all in this life.

Oh well, she wouldnt need to tolerate it much longer anyway.

As soon as Dongfang Yu is ready, they can get a divorce. So they would have to keep up the act a while longer.

The main thing is, she trusted Dongfang Yu not to do anything to her.

Even if they shared a room, nothing would happen, except them getting on each others nerves.

Even if she stood in front of Dongfang Yu stark naked, he probably wouldnt even react.

Hai Xiaotang had such confidence in herself, confidence she owed to Dongfang Yu!

What Hai Xiaotang wanted more than anything was to work on her design sketches.

She shut herself in her room upstairs and started drawing.

She had taken fine arts classes as a child and still had a basic mastery of the skill.

As for the shape of the building she wanted to design, she had thought it through.

In her previous life, she was very familiar with Dongfang Yus works and spent a significant time appreciating them.

She remembered the design that Dongfang Yu was competing within New York.

So Dongfang Yu, you forced my hand. Watch me plagiarism your work and slap you in the face with it!

As she sketched, Hai Xiaotang chuckled craftily.

Turns out, she had oversimplified things.

Although she remembered all of Dongfang Yus works, her memory was only 70 to 80% accurate. She couldnt remember every single detail.

After several attempts, she never got it quite right, always missing something.

Hai Xiaotang didnt want to go through the motions or else she wouldnt win the 5 million yuan prize. She had planned to use the money for education and acquire a skill.

Otherwise, she would be useless her entire life, forever looked down upon by Dongfang Yu.

But she was determined to seize this opportunity to reach higher ground.

She wanted to go back to school and her grandfather would finance her no matter how much it cost.

But she was married and didnt want to depend on her grandfathers money any more. Having been under her grandfathers support for so long, if she continued to spend his money, her uncles family would despise her even more.

The reborn Hai Xiaotang realizes firstly, she can no longer being infatuated with Dongfang Yu, and secondly, she no longer wants her grandfather to worry about her.

So, from now on, she can only depend on herself

There was still some time before the design contest, and Hai Xiaotang planned to take this time to learn and perfect her designs as much as possible.

Fortunately, Dongfang Yus study was never short of such materials.

Hai Xiaotang immediately went to his study to look for various architecture books to read.

Then, unexpectedly, she found a hard-cover design album.

All the winning designs of Dongfang Yu were there, all the designs created by Dongfang Yu.

Hai Xiaotang chose to only study the album. She couldnt make sense of the dry, technical words she would take whatever she could get

At night, Dongfang Yu found the light in the study room on once he arrived home.

He went upstairs, curious and confused, and pushed the study room door open

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