Published at 13th of May 2024 09:29:54 AM

Chapter 8: 8 Chapter 8 He Will Not Divorce_1

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8 Chapter 8 He Will Not Divorce_1

Translator: 549690339
After all, now that they are divorced, it would be much easier for her to confront him.


For this reason, no matter how much pressure she puts on him during this period, he wont agree to a divorce

Moreover, the Hai Family wouldnt allow her to get a divorce. How she ended up marrying Dongfang Yu is no longer a secret; everyone has gossiped about it behind her back.

If she gets divorced now, those who are against her will relish every chance to mock her, ridiculing her lack of virtue in marrying Dongfang Yu only to end the marriage in less than a year.

Mocking her is akin to mocking the Hai Family; the familial dignity of the entire Hai Family would be undermined.

Therefore, for whatever reason, the entire world, except her, disapproves of her getting a divorce.

Even the Hai Family and Dongfang Yu, they both do not have high hopes for this marriage.

Hai Xiaotang suddenly felt the irony and laughed at herself.

She put in so much effort to marry him and now shes doing the same to divorce him Isnt that ironic?

No wonder tradition always emphasizes that a girl should be demure.

If she does not maintain her modesty and insists on pursuing happiness that does not belong to her, this might very well be the outcome.

Love has always been about mutual affection. A one-sided effort will lead to pain for both parties.

Regretting these things is of no use to Hai Xiaotang now.

All she can do is wait. Once everything is over, she can divorce Dongfang Yu.


That night, Dongfang Yu left and did not return.

Hai Xiaotang slept alone in the large bed, plagued with nightmares.

She awoke from a nightmare in the morning and was greatly relieved to find she had not returned to her previous life.

Indeed, she doesnt want to relive those days anymore.

Therefore, in this life, regardless of the effort required, she is determined to live well and freely.

Maid Zhangs cooking has always been excellent.

After enjoying a hearty breakfast, Hai Xiaotang changed her clothes.

Today, she was going home for a visit.

In her previous life, she was so consumed by Dongfang Yu that she hardly ever visited and took care of her beloved grandfather.

After her death sentence, her elderly grandfather died of heartbreak.

Her father died when she was very young, so her grandfather was practically her only relative.

After her grandfathers death, no one cared about her life or continued to plead for her, to try and reduce her punishment.

Only then did she realize that her grandfather was the most important person in her life, her biggest pillar of support. Without him, she wouldnt have the audacity to do whatever she pleases.

Thankfully, in this life, she has another chance and she wont do anything to break her grandfathers heart again.

The background of the Hai Family is profound.

Hai Xiaotangs grandfather, Hai Zhiyuan, held a high military rank, and everyone respectfully called him General Hai.

Although Hai Zhiyuan had retired, his prestige remained undiminished. Given the Hai Familys vast connections in both politics and business, Hai Xiaotang can truly be labeled as a highborn lady of fashion.

Dongfang Yus family is also large, but Dongfang Yu primarily focuses on business.

At present, his business empire is the leading power in C City.

Hai Xiaotang knows that Dongfang Yu is extremely talented. It wont take him long to lead his business kingdom to global fame.

At that point, he will not only be the pride of C City but also the most valuable man in Z Country.

Right now, Hai Xiaotang is barely considered suited for him, but by that time, she would not be.

The only person who might be compatible with him then would probably be a princess.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!