Published at 13th of May 2024 08:22:32 AM

Chapter 15.1: Artwork + Concept Art [Minor Spoilers]

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Refined concept art by Larcian:

Final cover art by SlothBeing:

This has been my workflow lately. I don't like AI-art, but it's damned useful for getting an early, rough concept of what a character looks like instead of giving an artist 50+ random images with some parts circled in red and a few reference drawings made on MS Paint. It's also a decent amount of fun to see results instantly. I like having art of characters available so that I can reference it in my notes at a glance. Usually that's just characters from other media with a few notes, but... yeah, with this I can be a little more specific.

Saying that... here are the AI-reference art pieces for some of the other characters in the story! Keep in mind, these aren't perfect, might not fit the in-story description 1:1, and certainly won't match your mental image of these characters.

Clair Voyant:



Aurora Sterlingworth:

Savant Sana Pendergast:

Rouge Herring:

Pixie Starling:

Pepper Mint:


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!